The strangest/best/worst thing you have done on birthday.


Well-known Member
Saw Mike post below about birth dates. I did not want to hijack his post so here goes. What is the most different thing you have done or had happen on your birthday???

Mine is first jump out of an airplane on my nineteenth,8-10-69. In Airborne school. I was scared to death but had to act brave in front of everyone. Jumping is about the only thing I miss about the service. Loved doing it. I have thought about doing it again. Wife says that I have to have all of the kids raised and out of the house first. LOL Kind of like motorcycles. I am grounded there too until the rug rats are gone. I guess I don"t get to test out my life insurance until then. LOL
Can't say that I ever did anything crazy myself,but our oldest son wanted a glider ride for his 15th birthday. The wife took him to the airport and got him one. I guess he enjoyed it,but he spent a few minutes on his hands and knees loosing his lunch when he got down.
The worst birthday I had was when I went out plowing and got stuck way up on a hillside. Had to get the neighbor over to pull me out. He was a good neighbor.
Speeding ticket with my 66' ford van. (86mph, fast as she would go) Got it while driving in late for work, was made even later. Officer did not give me a 1mph break on the ticket, but he gave me a "Happy birthday" when he handed it over.
The evening before my 40th I fell off a silo , landed on a big pile of silage . They always told me when I turned 40 it was all down hill from there . I didn't realize they meant the DAY you turned 40 . The next morning I hurt head to toe , I was in bed by 5 in the evening .
Guys, My birthday 3-5-57. 2 yrs ago (3-5-09) went to Dr for final check up after Total Shoulder Replacement surgery and rehab. At 9:00 AM, went home, at 12:30 PM had a massive Stroke (TIA) wife got me to ER,PDQ, was given that clot busting shot that helps reverse the effects of a stroke, 2 days later released with No residual effects I am a truly Blessed Man.
John A.
I think it was my 30th. Went out to supper with my wife & daughter who was about 4. Had one beer with a nice meal, all was well. A couple miles from home my stomach started feeling kind of queasy. I told my wife that I was feeling a little sick & didn't know if it was the meal or the beer. Well, I guess I was speeding a little and a highway patrolman pulled me over. When he walked up to the car my daughter, who I thought was asleep, rolled her window down and happily said Hi! Patrolman smiled & said hello young lady how are you? She said I'm OK but Daddy doesn't feel to good, he don't know if it was the food or the beer.
Worst birthday was my 22nd.

Friend of mine, Murray England, and I have the same birthday.

Been good buddies since the first grade.

In our senior year at college, Murray rented a Cesna 172.

We had planned on taking a 1 hour afternoon flight around the campus in Commerce, TX.

I got busy that day, so Murray and three other fraternity brothers left without me.

Long story short, the plane crashed.

Two dead and one crippled; Murray severely injured.
Kind of happened to me. I had a Piper Tomahawk on lease to a local airport for training and rental. A person had griven a gift certificate for a airplane ride to a friend on his 16 birthday. The instructor gave him the left seat and the instructor in the right seat. They kept it on the ground until the end of the runway then went almost straight up, stalled it and slammed into the ground. The good part no one got hurt and I got the full insurance. I asked the fbo what they said after they got out of the plane, he said the boy said "do you have another plane I want my ride". The parents didn"t say anything they just put him in the car and drove away. A week later the instructor put one off the end of the runway and across the road at the end of the runway. She was looking for another job after that.
My 21st I was in the Navy and because it was my birthday got liberty earlier then any body else. By the time the other guys got to go on liberty I was way past gone from having a few beers or what ever. Never did figure out how I got into my bunk that night. I was on the top one 4 high.
40 was my worse one. That is when O had surgery on my back and no longer have a disk on one area and that causes pain 24/7
21st B-day was August 16, 1969- I was in my 6th week of Army basic training at Ft. Lewis, WA. It was a Sunday, and I had to drive the bus between the company areas and the visitor's center. Folks came up, I got the other driver to spell me for an hour, had a little party at the visitor's center. Whoop-de-do.

Woodstock occurred on the same weekend. I had to send my regrets.
Best: When my girlfriend accepted my marriage proposal. Hardest was the first birthday after my father passed away as I was born on his birthday.

My birthday is Sept.1, Ky. Dove hunting season opens, I have only missed a few in the last 60 years, 3 to be exact donot plan to miss any more!
Got the stomach flu two hours before the midnight that I turned 21. I'd planned to go to a bar and order a drink legally right at midnight but the bug put a crimp in my plans. Didn't have the desire to drink anything but water for a whole week. Now I look back at that time and wonder why I was in in such a big hurry. I'm going to turn 60 on Feb. 24. Jim
Best for me was deer season a few years ago.Wife went along.Nailed 1st deer around 5:30 am in the pick-up and 2nd deer with my rifle around 8:30
In April 1972, on my 17th birthday, I went and picked up my first car, a 1967 Malibu convertible. Red with a white top. Actually I should have said we. Now my girlfriend and I could ride in style!
24th birthday. I got tied to the roof of a 65 Ford and 15 miles across Hwy 401, top of toronto. Snowing like mad, Big mac driving said we got passed by 3 OPP cruisers and they didn"t see us for the snow. I was slightly under the affluence of incohol.
(quoted from post at 17:20:29 01/14/11) 21st B-day was August 16, 1969- I was in my 6th week of Army basic training at Ft. Lewis, WA. It was a Sunday, and I had to drive the bus between the company areas and the visitor's center. Folks came up, I got the other driver to spell me for an hour, had a little party at the visitor's center. Whoop-de-do.

Woodstock occurred on the same weekend. I had to send my regrets.

21 st B-day was August 22, 1969. Was in training at Fort Benning , Georgia. Also had to send my regrets to Woodstock. Did not miss it one bit.
31 years old. Downed a bottle of boone's farm with 2 young ladies. Ended up crawling back home. Wife never knew. We were temporarily thinking divorce. After that a lotta things looked not too bad. Young and stupid. Dave
Buried a company pickup to the diffs on a field approach while on a service call. It turned into a loooong day. Kept me out of worse mischief on my 18th b-day though.
rite after her sisters helped my soon to become ex-wife move into her new place .. and then i get invited over net day ...she had a birthday cake for me and the kids to enjoy as a family ...VERY STRANGE how everything fell apart ... if anyone that knew the situation then , could understand that craziness into sound logic ????

now ,,,this is predictable,and the best 1st son born 9 monthes after my birthday ,,2nd son born 9 monthes after 1st wifes birthday ... worst birthday until my 39th birthday craziness ,, was having the german measles when i turned 7 ..

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