spring planting ?? what do you use to kill weeds


well it is almost time again and I would like to pick your brains this site works well amd O have never been disapointed with the answers to my questions=====what do you put on the ground after it is ready for planting to kill the weeds etc. I know there has to be many different ideas on this so please educate me--I am listening
If you want to go chemical,Generic'Roundup'(glyphosate)is the cheapest and easiest.It only works on weeds that are emerged,becomes inert once it contacts the soil....spray today,plant tommorrow.If you dont like chemicals,and/or have a lot of not yet emerged(you will)weeds,ya gotta burn some diesel.
Not fer me, thanks,

I raise wheat. Simply by planting soon after or no later than "next" day after tillage, the crop will "outrun" those pesky weeds. :>)

Not fer me, thanks,

I raise wheat. Simply by planting soon after or no later than "next" day after tillage, the crop will "outrun" those pesky weeds. :>)

yeah do you put it on the gtound and plow or harrow it under or just spread it on the top then plant in a couple of weeks also is there a powered or pellet type that can be spread by hand on small patches thanks
I have tried a lot of different ways we have a lot of weeds that come up in potatoes corn veggies etc. and I know there are some ways to kill the weeds that are under the ground but have nor been sucessful with this yet-- I need something that will kill the weeds before they come up and before planting anyother ideas
There are some 'preemergent'herbicides out there,go see your local chemical dealer.You may just have to invest in a hoe...Some of the local vinyard guys spray roundup around vines useing a tin shield to protect the vines....SCARY
What are you planting? Makes all the difference in the world. First year corn after alfalfa,I plow,then plant RR Ready corn,go back in and kill everything off with one shot of Roundup about 30 days after planting.
nothing,,I till and plant.think of this,you spray roundup,that kills most everything,and then try to plant in it?unless your planting some kind of RR crop youve already killed it.if you do spray MAKE certain you wait long enough to plant,no need shooting yourself in the foot!
We have been using a 1/2 rate of harness mixed in with the granulated urea on the corn ground.It needs to be worked in,but very shallow.Very clean fields up til the first spraying.
I field cultivate.

I use some pre emerge sprays on soybeans (sprayed before the beans emerge, but after planting the seed), as well as post emerge.

I use all post emerge sprays on corn.

Well in conventional ground we work it and then plant it no more than a day or two after and dont spray anything until we need to which usually is after everything is comin up fairly well. For no till our burndown solution depends on if were plantin corn or beans. corn almost always use atrazine in with what ever else we might use. For soybeans pretty well burndown with 2-4d or round-up or extreme. I do lnow some farmers that after they work down the ground will come back with a light rate of guardsman or prowl before they plant. I dont like that because those chemicals are a blanket type chemistry and I think you loose coverage runnin your planter threw your chemical blanket.
I don't understand you. Do you think Roundup remains as a residual in the soil and then kills everything that tries to grow afterward? Roundup is a killer of non-roundup ready GROWING plants and breaks down to its essential elements in about one week. It's perfectly safe and sensible to plant anything you want in a field that has been sprayed with Roundup. Just don't apply anymore to what you've planted unless it's roundup-ready.

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