You just never know........


Well-known Member
Guy that works with my wife always helped out when I was doing something I couldn't swing on my own. Bought a big house and remodeled it (made 3 seperate living quarters) on his own. Finished up his last big project yesterday evening by making half the garage into a kitchen for his daughter's catering that outgrew her own kitchen. 51 0r 52 years old. Cleaned up and sat down to watch TV til his wife was ready for bed and kicked off. Wife had given him a ride home a few hours before and said he was fine and talking his plans for the coming summer without any big projects. She got a call at 1100 last night that she wouldn't have to pick him up this morning. When it's your time............

Heart attack. Lived lass than a quarter mile from the FD but they couldn't do anything for him.

Makes you think a little.

sorry to hear about that i had a neighbor have the same thing happen back in 06 we were working on a fence went to eat dinner and he dropped in the driveway befoe he got in the house.
(quoted from post at 05:22:53 01/18/11) Well Dave, I am ready........Are you?
Let's not swing this to religion. But since you asked, I'm not. Got plenty of stuff to do so the wife can take care of things easier by herself. She'll be fine. As far as the spiritual side, I prolly stand a better chance getting thru the gates as a big percentage of the weekend warrior bible thumpers.
Now, behave yourself and don't get this thing poofed.

Have a good day,

thats a good answer I like what you said. Now on the lighter side, I was going to say get the new tractor it will make it easier on your wife and whoever takes your place! lol
I could not agree more.
In my travels I have learned that many times the more someone tries to convince you that they are going Heaven, the more reasons you have to be wary of them.
Why try to impress any human being when the Bible cleary states that those decisions are with God?
I know there are some good Christian people out there, and I try to do the right things.
But it is not going to be about how much money I gave to Mr Slick begging for dollars, or how many people I told that I was "sure" I was going to Heaven.
Sales & Marketing reaches further than many people realize.
My dad has his first heart attack in his late 30's. Told us after that if it happened again to take him and the chimney brush up on the roof and throw him off. Triple benefits for accidental!
The first classmate my highschool class lost was a gal that dropped dead of a heart attack--at age 37.

Now, coming onto our 60th reunion next year, we've lost 24 of 73 in the class. Mostly natural causes. One gal shot herself, one guy wrapped himself around a light pole on a motorcycle.
When your time is up, it"s time to go. Just
think of all of the people who"s time is up on
a certain day....and how much work GOD has in
order to get them all on a particular airplane
that"s scheduled to crash !
One of the things Ive learned in life and bein a volunteer firefighter for 17years is when its your time its your time. Ive been to wrecks were you think nk one would survive and everyone is out waitin on us to get there and Ive seen them were we get there thinkin its not bad and they didnt make it. I know I worry a bit about heart attack. My great granpa died at 31 out plowin and my grandpa had his first heart attak at 34. So far dad and none of his brothers or sisters have had any troubles ant there all middle to late fifties so Im hopin for the same myself.
(quoted from post at 06:18:18 01/18/11) thats a good answer I like what you said. Now on the lighter side, I was going to say get the new tractor it will make it easier on your wife and whoever takes your place! lol

She's already got a list of replacements that I gave her and told her that if she didn't start at the top and take the first available, I'd haunt her the rest of her days. It's people I can't stand :shock:

I'll tell her about the tractor.

That's sure the truth. Local police officer, age 37, was playing basketball and died of heart attack. Very vigorous guy, no one suspected a problem.

Sorry for everyone's loss.
Life is like a conveyer belt full of cracks and packed with people.Some fall beside it right out of the hopper, others get pushed off or fall of at random trough the cracks on the way up.Age don't matter,intelligence don't matter.
The luckyer you are the longer you stay on the belt.
Only the very lucky ones do make it all the way to the end.
Always sorry to hear of someone in early life going. The Bible says, and he died. We are not promiced a long life. Just enjoy each day God gives you. Stan
A Younger brother died of heart attack couple years back- drank, smoked, didn"t eat right. Found on front lawn by guy stopping by to see about a small welding job. Sheriff called another younger brother who handled some of funeral arrangements before checking with oldest brother- who had my homemade coffin in his garage- could have saved $500.00-$1000.00 on funeral expenses if they"d used it. Aggravating dead brother caused hassles with unknown debts 6 months after he was burned. Oh well , coffin still available for next one of us that needs it. RN

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