Found That Sucker!!

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Hi Guys, lemme bore ya. :>)

I bought this rascal about 10 years ago. It is 1/2 of a matched pair of PA heads and think I had to give around $700 for the goofy bastage at the time.

Anyway, the darned thing never has been "quite" right. Acted weird once in awhile.

At the oddest times over the years, it just would not fire up; power would come on, but it wouldn't sound until I jiggled wires, thumped the case, hollared at the wife and "cussed" everything in sight. :>)

Needless to say, when you are standing in front of a buch of people and this thing decides to fail, it is more than just a little embarrassing..... :>)

So, I fire 'er up the other morning and it wouldn't lite off. No sound out of my left side speaker! This time it just flat won't come on, no matter what I did.

Gave up, threw my hands in the air and ordered another one from down in AZ. Told him to overnight the head.

Well, guess what? Trouble is, it just isn't gonna make it by dance time tonight........Now, I'm scrambling like you wouldn't believe! Gettin' a little frantic 'round here!

Up at 2am this morning and tore it apart. Gutted the thing. Can't see anything whatsoever wrong with the dude. Everything is just as it should be in that box. Hmmmmmmm.

Started to put it all back together and heard a "clunk" noise coming from that little reverb unit box mounted under the lid.

Then tore the Reverb unit to pieces. Reverb sping has to "suspend" in air and some little Korean somewhere had failed to mount it properly. Was off and on "shorting out" against it's metal wall of the case. Protect circuit was coming on and shuttin' 'er down.

Okay, fixed it properly, put it all back together and guess I'm all ready to go rock n' roll now. :>)

Thanks fer puttin' up with my yakin'


Well I hope all goes well for your dance this evenin and you dont have an embarrasment or hollar at the wife except to bring ya a cool drink
No Sir, that I am NOT!

(That term has such a negative connotation) :>)

Yeah, I do do it all by myself tho. Been in all kinds and sizes of bands over the years, but as it turns out, guess I'm the only one I can get along with. LOL!

Sorry Allan - I didn't mean that to sound negative.

I really enjoy your music.


It seems you can fix darn near everything you have a mind to.

But won't you feel bad when you send the new unit back and force the Koreans to look elsewhere for supper ?
Oh, heck no, I know that.

Was at a dance one night and overheard a fella refer to me as "karaoke".

Now, that one flat azzed pizzed me off. LOL!

Hi Allen,

Do you take along a Farmall with a front end loader to load and unload all your "gear"?.

I'd like to see a few photos directly in front of the equipment and close up. I see a Furman power conditioner, but my "poor" eyes can't make out any other brand or model names.

I do the sound for our little band and have most of the equipment mounted in a 19 inch equipment rack on wheels. I cut the rack just the right height to roll it into my van. Sure makes it easier for us older folks to move it around.

The only heavy piece I have to hand-carry is the amp for my electric-acoustic bass.

Here's a picture of our group at a nursing home. The equipment rack is in the back by the wall. That day we had two fiddles, two guitars, banjo and harmonica.
I should have added that we try to play near an EXIT so we can get out in a hurry if they don't like us !!!!!
Hi ya Ron,

Okay, I'll get a picture of the thing when I get it set up tonight. Usually takes me about a hour to get it put together and sound checked the way I want it. 'Nother hour to tear it all down and loaded out again.

This darned music is making me feel my age any more. Speakers weigh in right at 100 lbs a pop. That bottom rack bumps 200 lbs and is just about all I can handle by myself anymore. :>(

Oh, and the racks include top to bottom:

Left pan PA system
Furman Power Conditioner
Stereo Studio Tube Guitar processor
Vocal delay unit (2 channel)
Dual channel BBE Sonic Maximizer
Roland GR50 synthesizer
Vocal harmony splitter (configured in stereo)
Right pan PA system

Sound module in front of the rack and the sequence timer is positioned in front of it yet. :>)

The Roland GR1 guitar synth lives down on the floor, which is controlled by midi, along with my foot switch to start the whole she-bang rolling. :>)

Took me 10 years and half a trainload of cash to build that silly thing, but when it's set right and pushing a lot of air, talk about one sweet sound. :>)

Sorry allAn, I just noticed that I have been spelling your name wrong.

I have a good Allen friend locally who spells his name with an "e". So it's an old habit for me. Ron
I didn"t know they still put string reverbs in PA heads. Nothing quite like that sound. Have a very sweet one in an old "64 Vox amp. Have yet to find a digital that can replicate it.
As for the one man show thing... you do realize that a band is nothing more than several artists with slightly different visions trying to paint the same picture on the same canvas at the same time.
Have a good show.
I have a quite new (about 5 yrs old) Peavey amplifier for my pedal steel guitar and it has the spring reverb unit.
I have been in electronics for many years and question what is called music these days.Too many knobs to play with.Ill stick with my harmonica I bought 60 years ago for 2.25.Theres a tire commercial on the TV that has such awful music along with a guy hollering, makes me hit the mute button.My dog will leave the room if I leave it on.

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