O/T, scrap prices plenty good here, start haulin'


Well-known Member
After plowing snow every several days the last month or so, there's a break coming up it looks like. Think it's time to haul in some scrap tomorrow. Here it's tin-$225/ton, iron-$250/t and short iron-$285/ton. Hard to pass that up. Forgot to ask about copper. Wonder what it's up to.
Sorry I'll keep all my scrap I do not want to help China like we did right before WW2 and they threw it back at us in the forms of bombs etc. Sorry I do not think we should be selling scrap iron to them so I'll not do it
keeping mine too, scrap is not junk, its simply material i havent used yet, if you sell all your scrap to the china man and then have to fab up something for the farm buying new will cost far more than you got for the scrap, which probably contained most of what you needed for the new thing, old tractors dont need to be thrown the china man's way either most will pay scrap price or a little more for the tractor to use its parts to keep theirs running, the china man dont need any help making more cheap junk, were overwhelmed with it now
(quoted from post at 13:33:24 01/24/11) Sorry I'll keep all my scrap I do not want to help China like we did right before WW2 and they threw it back at us in the forms of bombs etc. Sorry I do not think we should be selling scrap iron to them so I'll not do it

Um, China was kind of our ally in WWII. They were fighting the Japanese long before we got involved.

It was Japan that threw our scrap metal back at us in the form of bombs in WWII.

You guys were all so worried that Japan was going to buy us out in the 1980's. It never happened. Same thing's gonna happen with China. They'll become a victim of their own success just like Japan did.
I been hauling.. getting 280 across the board for tin up to heavy stuff.

I've already scrapped a 750 and 760 Massey combine, A2 and K Gleaners are going in the next week, then likely my 510 Massey goes..

What I can't figure out is like today, I helped a good friend take in a car that needed more repair than it's worth. We took it to a yard that was paying 190 as opposed to the yard I deal with that is paying 280.. 90 bucks a ton difference.. Do people not need (in his case) the extra $180 (car weighed in at 4010 pounds) I know I'm scrapping because I'm trying to pay off all my debts and pay for school, as well as buy another toy.. That 180 would have been half of a remaining truck payment for me..

The paying off debts and school all plays into hopefully being able to get my own business going, and maybe leaving my job in a couple years to do my thing full time.. Easier to do when you only have to make 500/month household bills as opposed to 1500/month to cover the household bills plus debt.

Just a young kid with a plan


PS copper here is from 2.50 to close to 4.00 a pound.
Copper is at least $1 or more per pound, in the form of machined metal shavings. A few years ago copper was $2 per pound.
#1 copper in NW Iowa last week was $3.34/lb. #1 bright was about 10 cents more. I don't know about the other prices
Ya I left out saying Japan bought scrap iron right before they threw it back at us but I figured since I have said it many times that I didn't have to say it again. Yes China was our alley in WW2 but all during the cold war they have been and pretty much still are like Russia is sort of between a rock and a hard place as to what they are to us has been up till just a few years ago and now Russia. Next time I'll try to remember to add Japan threw it back at us and China will if we don't watch out. Shoot for all we know maybe some of the bigger stuff they sell us may have remote control bombs in it. LOL just kidding but it is something to think about
Rich, You need to get out some. Your last ten posts on everything are just doggone owly. Cabin Fever?
Not much left around here. Years of high prices and high unemployment have scavanged southern Michigan pretty clean. I've had guys knock on my door asking for scrap, like something outta the 30's. I noticed down in Florida a lot more scrap cars and stuff laying around. But I didn't see any scrap yards.
My threshold on ferrous scrap is $350 a ton. It was slightly higher than that several years ago in eastern MA. It meant that every truck load was worth $1000.

But I agree one should not sell good inventory. It costs too much to replace and it's inconvenient to make the trip to the steel warehouse.

As for selling to the Chinese, it makes no difference and, unless you live on the west coast, you can't be sure it is going to the orient which includes Korea (big shipbuilder) and Japan. East coast scrap mostly goes to Turkey and India. Alot of midwestern scrap goes to U.S. mini-mills. It's a world market and U.S. scrappers can thank the Chinese for the high prices. Most of the exported scrap goes to building the infrastructure in that country. All rebar metal is sourced from scrap.

I suggest that you stop beating your chests about bombs comings back. We owe the Chinese a trillion dollars and they won't destroy their debtors or risk their own destruction. That's bad business.
I hauled better than $1800 worth two months ago when it was worth $200 a ton. A HECK of a lot better weather for that kind of thing back when I hauled mine,so I guess that makes up for the difference in price.
Neighbor was right though,when I was hauling,he said it would be higher by February.
You're right, I only scrap what I can't use. I keep a lot (maybe too much) tube, angle and everything that will help with fabbing something down the road. I cut up two Hiniker field cultivators one time. I wanted to keep the large cross tube that raises/lowers everything. Both tubes were the same size (4" or bigger), but one was hollow and one was solid! I kept them both, you never know.
Either way I'll keep what I have. I would haul some stuff in but any more you have to have titles on cars to haul them in and most of the ones I would want to haul in do not have titles to them so I am stuck with them. The other stuff is worth to much in welding metal to haul away. Now yes if I could still haul in cars with out titles I might do that
Actually the US govt was watching the Japanese closely. They halted any and all types of exports that could be used for aviation in 1937.
Sep 1939 halted all exports of iron and steel to any far east country. (U.S. Export Act, by Congress).
Also Roosevely had snuk in massive US Navy buildup by '38 including 3 carriers and 6 battleships. I really doubt any US Steel fell on Pearl.
You have to READ history, not just spout off what you parents told you.
thats where all the antique cars & tractors are going...if you need money that bad get a 2nd job like I did & leave the antiques alone....I hate scrappers...Kent
Every unempolyed Tom,Dick,Harry around here buying/stealing anything not tied down. Heard guy down road going to scrap some forklifts cause needed couple hunderd bucks. Didnt get his name but person told me about it. Said Id give him that for them. I could use one once in a while. Bought 9 2cyl JDs other day that where headed to crusher.
World commodity prices are going up and the two major ones are coal and iron ore. Steel is predicted to keep going up into the second half of 2011. Jim
Yep the more scrap is selling the fewer old tractor will be around to fix or get parts off of and that in turn will bring the price of old tractor up. If you look at Craig's list want ads you see 2 or 3 every day wanting scrap iron ya they buy it from a person and give Penney's on the dollar for it and make 2 or 3 times more had more then one person try to buy my iron pile from me and I always say no way if I was going to get rid of it I'll haul it my self
if he were still alive .,my dad would knock haleout of you,... because ya don't know the truth ,DAD used to have a warbled
FORD radiator oval that came from a daisy cutter the nnalert let loose on battle for OKINAWA ... steel was stockpiled by nnalert for years before our goverment wisely read the writing on the wall,,. when will our current leaders gonna wise up.../they probably think the haulocaust never happened ,,
Yep the writing has been on the wall for a long time just no on want to see the writing. Sort of like if on Dec 7th 1941 they had listened to the first call out that something was up and the guys in that radar tower had read it right etc etc. It may have saved a good many life's on our side and taken more on there other side
THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE This TIME ,,, THe banks and l!beral goverment have foolishly Whored out to China . and now Our finances are sick.. Go to YOU Tube ,, type in "Burning down the house" , The collapse of AmericasBanking industry ..very factual timeline that goes back60 yrs or ,so ....starting in 1993 Banking regulations dramatically changed which effectively eroded the security of these banks by cantalevering Savings out to bad risk folx that could not afford to PAY ATTENTION .. In effect WE ATE OUR SEED CORN.. this debt was sold to Chinese and other forieghn investors to shore up savings and recoup losses ,, But Be DAMTif the bankx lended more again and so forth .. The crazy 15 yr bloated housing expansion was a ploy to PACIFY and convert American workers, who were orphaned by factory shutdowns or moved over seas ,into the Home Building industry . The Sheepl seemed to be prospering .. WHILE the banks Funneled MORE $$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$. into the inferno building boom , and sold the debt to china AND OTHERS !, and the sheeple were happy FOR A WHILE ..BUT . NOW the Chinese hungrily await the next crop of interest ..AND WE BETTER PRODUCE IT because they own the debt !!!

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