Question on paying up front or in full for services


Well-known Member
Here is what is going on latly around here, examples: you need heating oil or propane you have to pay before delivery. You need firewood, baled hay, etc pay before delivery. You need a car or small engine fixed you have to leave a credit card number so they can bill it (at there determined costs). INSURANCE: YOU HAVE TO PAY 6-12 months at one time. Some monthly services will not take checks or pay by mail you must pay by credit card (automatic billing) Is this going on in your area? I guess we can't blame the buisness for getting there money.
Yep seen that off and on. The one that really bugs me and as for the law they can not do it but they have any how is the store that will not take cash. You have to pay by credit card of debt card no cash or check but if you read the law there is some place been to many years ago that says if you hand some one cash if they do not take that cash your bill is payed in full but still ATT cell office in my town will not take cash
Where do you live? Here in Ioway, you don't pay until the service is rendered. You may have to pay for materials used on a construction job, but that's it. I'd LOVE to pay my power bill with a credit card, but no-go. Reason being, I would get 'reward' points. As for Insurance, I've had car insurance over 45 years and it's always been every six months. Some companys will set you up monthly but that costs extra-a 'convience' fee. House insurance has always been yearly. Property tax twice yearly.
Not yet. Only thing I've had to pay in advance for was a service call on the furnace a few years ago. He said he had to have $40 before he'd even go down the cellar steps.
Be careful when pre-paying....make sure you a dealing with a REPUTABLE business. This happened to me a few years ago:

I broadsided a drunk driver leaving a college bar. The hit caused $4K damage to my car.

After a couple weeks I received a check from the insurance company to cover repairs. My insurance guy told me to turn the check over to the body shop when I took the car in to be fixed - ie. to pre-pay for the bodywork. The shop had been in business many years and I believed to be trusted.

A week or so later I got a message from the shop my car was ready to be picked up. However when I called back a few hours later to arrange a time for pickup the I was informed phone # was no longer in service(!)

So I drove over to investigate. Discovered the place all locked up with car (and several others) parked inside.

Taped inside the door was a form declaring the property had been seized by the state for non-payment of taxes. It listed a number to call in the state capital for questions.

It took a week of calls to the state tax office, my insurance guy, the state AG's office and finally a "nastygram" from my attorney to get a marshal to unlock the shop so I could retrieve my car.

Bottom line: Beware - even with a "reputable" business!
I have never been in any store yet that didn't take cash.
The mechanics I use always bill me after the job is complete.
All the fuel oil companies around here are very happy to take monthly payments.
Insurane is paid every six months by personal check.
I guess we live in different worlds.
I've never been told my cash was no good but I have heard of it in places. How do they get around that pesky little "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE"? TDF
How I do not know but the local ATT cell office says no cash credit or debt card only. When I said something they said there other office takes cash. I then told them fed law states they have to and he said sorry we can not.
We pay when my wife gets around to paying the bills, which usually is fairly promptly. When I call for heating oil, they always ask "Will I have a check ready for the driver?" I always say no, we'll send a check, and they say OK.
I having propane deliverd today and the bill will come in the mail.
They leave a delivery reciept in the door
I pay AT&T, and Verizon by check when they mail the bill.
I pay the cell phone bill with Verizon by check.

I don't know about what payment methods are accepted for any services at the local Verizon store.
The local store may not take checks.
Old, I too have run into this (no cash). Weather it is legal or not i am not sure. The reasons i got were Motel: elmpoyee puts you in room and keeps cash. Rental places: You use fake name pay cash and steal item!!! Others: Liability of being robbed.
Our local ststefarm office stopped taking cash, there girl that took the patments seemed to like putting your cash in her pocket. To the some of over $25000.00. Now she counts jail bars.
Ya I know what they say but I am thinking about having it check out my my states Attorney General and see what happens then. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a bill or 2 payed back to me because they would not take cash, ya like that will happen
An old co-op fuel driver told me this story:
They had a customer who was a very slow payer,
sometimes they had to threaten "collection ".
one day he ordered fuel oil, and the office told the driver to, "get a check before you fill the
tank"! When he got to the farm, the owner went
inside "To write a Check", so he started filling
a pre-agreed amount of gallons, at a set price.
There was no dog around. When he was done filling
he sat in the truck, wrote out the slip, and when
he tried to get out, a snarling barking German
Shepherd wouldn"t let him out. He, however, had
some "pepper spray", and gave the dog a abundant
shot in the face! He then went to the farmhouse
door, and knocked, the farmer was suprised to see
him, and had no check ready. As the farmer wrote
the check, he asked, "buy the way, have you seen
my dog?" The driver,said he answered, "yes, he"s
out by the pond rolling in the water--must be
awful thirsty!"
I doubt everybody has to pay up front, I don't have to. Reputation is everything. My guess is your payment history has earned you this destinction. The propane guy (or whatever) wants to be in the propane business, not the financing and bill collecting one. My fuel/propane supplier gives a 2% discount if paid in 10 days and it's due in 30. After that interest is 1 1/2% a month, that is fair. The suppliers talk to each other, if you stiff one expect his competitor to tell you his truck is broke down and they can't get out there. They only want each others good customers.
Places that want payment up front usually do so because they have been stiffed in the past. I can understand it for heating oil and propane because they can't just take it back for non payment. Repair shops where you drop stuff off shouldn't be asking for money up front unless they are bonded. The same as contractors who do things like landscaping. They get the money up front and there's no incentive to finish the job. For big repairs or projects, it's common to pay up to half before work is started but even then, I think the company is supposed to be bonded. There is no paper trail a lot times with cash. That's why crooked businesses only deal in cash. They don't have to pay taxes for what's not in the books. Dave
Yep. They have to except cash. Where is that law written? On every bill. "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private"
Gosh I posted a responce earlier that they have to take cash but now it's coming back to me. Back in the 70s I hauled tractor cabs out east for the Hiniker Co. Dispatch always gave us $200.00 cash to carry for emergency. I needed a tire one eve after loading steel from some warehouse in Chicago. Tire shop would not take cash as in that part of city all cash was considered drug money and they did not want to get tangled up in that. Had to wait till morning and call back to Hiniker Co. I don't know what conversation took place between them but I was let go without paying for that tire. No cash, no nothing.
guess it depends on where you are......... Here, heating oil is paid to the driver AFTER pumped. I pay my hay as soon as it is under roof without being rained on (they store it til I need it) but the norm is pay in fall for all feed, seed, ag land rent, etc. Can pay insurance by the month or year, just ordered a bunch of stuff on the internet, got it 2 days later with an invoice. This is all German businesses and farmers. Go on to the kassern and deal with the American garage, and other services, pay up front and thru the nose.

It is just getting to be a sign of the times. I have a very good family friend that opened a car repair shop when he returned from WW II. He is in his nineties now. He is soo hard of hearing that he can"t do much engine work. He still does oil changes and brake work. He is the softest hearted fellow you have ever met. Just a few months ago I notices that he had not been by to get any meat from me for several months. He always has bought some beef and he wanted farm raised/home grown meat. I stopped by to see him. He had not been by because he did not have enough money to buy any. He never charged much for his work. So he never was able to accumulate much money. The inflation of the eighties really diminished his savings buying power, he was already in his sixties. He has over forty thousand dollars of unpaid repair bills. These are just from the last two years. He has kept the parts house paid in full but was eating one meal a day to do it. I went home and got him a quarter of beef, told him he could pay for it when ever things get better(never would not hurt my feelings). I also took all of the bills that where older than sixty days. My wife set down and made bills out and sent them to all of the past due people. About twenty five percent paid right then. She has been sending out monthly bills now for him. Charges 2% a month late fee on any older than sixty days. The ones six months old without any contact have been turned over to my lawyer. With his help we have filed mechanic liens on about twenty dead beats. Will go next week and start REPOing the first ones property.

I hate doing that type of thing. It is one of several reasons that I do very little repair work anymore on new customers equipment. YOU ARE A LOW LIFE TO try and beat a ninety year old man out of money. My wife and I make sure he eats supper with us at least a few times each week. She loves cooking and with just us two she complains about having too many left over anyway. She makes him a few meal plates and sends them home with him too. This old man is not whining about how he is not getting enough SS to live on or has his hand out for welfare. He is doing what he can to support himself and dead beats are cheating him. IT makes me mad every time I think about it.
I don't pay up front on any thing short of like paying by credit card for something ordered. I'm on a "keep full" with a standing 1K gallon contract for propane. The driver stops and fills and we get the bill a few days later. When it comes to repairs, nothing leaves until paid for.
I leared the hard way that when it comes to contractors, if they want paid up front, they're on their way out of business taking your money with them. I lost a $1600 down payment on a window contractor that never came back to do the work and filed bankruptcy. The windows got done, but only after the third contractor didn't require money up front. Same goes for siding we went through several contractors before finding one that didn't require money up front.
I only hire contractors that let me buy my own materials and I pay them for labor as they go.
There are alot of contractors that will work on those terms.

There is a law here that if a contractor buys material for a job and you pay him and he doesn't pay the supplier the courts will make you pay the supplier if the materials are on your property and leave it up to you to get your money back from the contractor.
That's how it is in Iowa. If the supplier didn't get paid, he puts a lein on your property. Buying the materials yourself or demanding to see doucmentation of materials paid in full is your only protection.
I have an Auto and RV repair facility. We take cash and credit cards, no checks. On jobs that are going to be in the thousands the vehicle owner pays 50% up front. We've been stiffed after jobs are completed so we will have a solid committment before beginning.

As to the legal tender thing:

The pertinent portion of law that applies to this question is the Coinage Act of 1965 Section 102. It can also be found in section 392 of Title 31 of the United States Code.

The law says:

"All coins and currencies of the United States, regardless of when coined or issued, shall be legal-tender for all debts, public and private, public charges, taxes, duties and dues."

What this statute means is all United States money is a valid and legal offer of payment for debts when tendered to a creditor. There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for goods and/or services.

Nixon ended the gold standard but it was Johnson who had the law passed removing US currency from being tied to any item of value.
No. Practices with people we do business with are the same as ever.
The anonymous distant ones(like long distance service) require a credit card. I don't like it, and will figure out an alternative someday.
350: There is a law here that if a contractor buys material for a job and you pay him and he doesn't pay the supplier the courts will make you pay the supplier if the materials are on your property and leave it up to you to get your money back from the contractor. I HAVE HEARD OF THAT HAPPENING, I THINK PROVING IT AND ENFORCING IT WOULD BE HARD ON SMALL TICKET ITEMS.
NO my credit is ok, these seem to be blanket policys Some are making big buisness and government pay on credit card!!! (since many do not do cash or checks)
I use my credit card to pay for almost everything and recieve 1%-3% cash back on it. I pay the balance monthly so the 1%-3% goes in to my pocket.

We sell wholesale to retailers, representing several companies. Not so long ago, 30 day accounts were common. Abuse by retailers killed that, now it's credit card before shipment unless it's an old trusted account. Normal now is that stores must prepay to have stock to sell.

This world has changed.
When I built fence,Materials were to be paid for when I delivered them to the property and labor was to be paid upon completion of the project.If they didn't have the money when I showed up with materials I went somewhere else.

Dunno how a mechanics lean works your way, here once you let the car go you can not put a lean on the car. You can not legally put a lean on it if you decide to go recover the car for non payment,,, you can not recover the car even if they drive it back to your shop for warranty work on a non paid bill,,, even if you did hold the car and they stole it back you can not charge them with theft (you can not charge someone for stealing their own car),,, you can not charge them with any damage they did to your building are property while they recovered their car. In a nut shell he gave his mechanics lean up when he let it leave with out payment,,, the lean only applies if he never let the car go in the first place...

The good will of the 25% that paid will never make up for the 75% that did not... I sure hate to see someone that gave goodwill to all those folks get screwed over... It does happen and happens a lot,,, had a bud that ran a garage,,, he got killed in a MC accident,,, I think I quit counting when I hit the 20K mark and had not put a dent in the repair order stack. I did take note of those folks that had not paid and did turn them down when they came my way... I think his wife may have collected 5% of the non paid work orders....

I think the best you are going to do is get a judgment (for what thats worth) and hope they need a loan for something in the next few years.

I would talk with the magistrate about ways to take them to court,,, Its been so long since I have had to collect a bad dept I am not sure of what you would call the way I have done it...

I take papers out to were I do not have to appear,,, They do,,, they have to appear to pay are contest,,, they have to pay the court the court pays me,,, I can not take a payment they must pay the courthouse,,, Its never failed me yet, I think it skeers them into paying the court when i tell them I can not accept payment it has to be paid at the courthouse :wink:... Worst case let them waist their day their... If you want to go farther take a judgment out on their drivers license,,, even their body far as that goes...

Good luck,,, go get'em....
That's is what real humans do and I'm glad you took it on to help the elderly.I wish we could see more of you and less of the bumms on the street.
Great job and keep it up
Am i a dying breed? Maybe the reason some people must pay up front for services is lack of credit. I pay all debts a soon as I can and thus have good credit. Therefore I can pay debts monthly, like gas and fuel. Just my $0.02 worth.


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