Take that algore !


Well-known Member

Odd that they mentioned 1913 as the least sun spot activity. Here in Indiana ,1913 was known as the winter without a summer. Old timer told me his corn was all killed off when it froze on July 4 that year.Don't sell it all in the bin.
I have a Aunt who still cans about 3 years of food - people starved that year in some places due to lack of supplies.

Another thing that happened that year if I remember right was a number of active volcanos increased, putting more pollution in the air.
More smoke, ash, chemicals and CO2 caused the temp in the northern hemisphere to drop several degrees, not go up.
As more volcanos flared up the temps dropped again helping to set the stage for a summer here where the high for the summer was in the 60s. Crops were planted late, some had to be picked green because the early frost.
You can google search year without summer to find stories about this.
November 2, 1922 the Washington Post had a science article
about glaciers melting, sea levels rising, and all that other global warming bs. Mother nature will always win.
Hmm, I dunno... They were predicting 12-24" of snow here, and temps maxxing out at about 20.

We got 4" of heavy gritty snow, the rest of it came down as sleet and freezing rain, and temperatures are pushing 30.

Sure looks like "global warming" here.
5 years ago, algore predicted that we would be living in a desert, or some such similar, in 10 years. 5 years to go, looks like he's gonna lose the bet!
Saw a newcast the other day that actually blamed our cold weather on global warming. It was said that the Artic blasts we are receiving is because of warmer than normal Artic Temps that force these blast farther south. What do you all think?
The new term is "global climate change". That way, regardless of what the weather does, the US is bad and should be punished. Give ol' Algore credit though, he is sticking to it!

In his own words!

So, How did we warm up from the last ice-age? Mammoth farts?

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