show your cattle pix


here's some of mine at the water hole last summer,2 feet of white stuff there now

I don't have any livestock, but I sure enjoyed the pictures. Jerry/Mt looks like a beautiful place to live.

These are some pics nick has taken around the farm recently.

This is the main cow herd being fed on a recent snowy morning.


These are calves in the feedlot here at the house.


This is our newest addition to the herd. Born early wednesday morning. Nick found her out in the cold. We brought her home, warmed her up and she is off to the races now. I think I will call her princess blizzard.
Hopefully the photos are attach of our American British White Park. Similar if not the same as the British Whites, just a different Association. NOT related to the White Park Cattle with Horns!


I have a question for Wyoming Dave. Why do you have the pipe over the bunk on the opposite side the cattle are on? do you run against both sides sometime? Also that calf in the other picture looks like what we would call a DOG here in Illinois..!!! LOL Dale
Hey Dave, I haven't seen a post from you in years, always remember you posting pictures of your cattle. Years ago you posted a response to a question I had about how to keep my twine balls from coming apart during the switch and you posted a animation of the sheets-bend knot, thanks alot, that has help tremendously.
Putting the pipe over the bunk gives a little more room for cows to get their big heads into the bunk, but is still low enough to keep lighter calves in. Or it is supposed to work that way. For the most part it does. That is a dog, but considering how much time she spends with the cows, I'm thinking she might be confused sometimes.
I know someone who has those out in South Dakota. Why is that one wearing a feed bucket on its but, is that a new show style?
Glad it helped. I use it, and still have balls come untied once in awhile. I'm still definately around, but have added more land, and more cattle, and now I have less time. Just like always.
Heres a few of my father in laws beefers. The older bred ones. He has 6 younger ones on the other side of the road.
Buckeye, where are you located in southern, Ohio? Is that some of the reclaimed strip mine country?

Gene, De Graff, Ohio
I think that one with the red ear tag is deep in thought on that old tractor.Hummm It lookes like I can get this running! Might have to do something about that rear tire!lol Is that a Farmall f12? or what one?
Here's a few pictures from last spring.

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I really like the pics of the cows! We have 25 agnus. I will try to take some pics to post.

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