
Well-known Member
They're lining up at the pumps around here. I gave up playing that game. It might save me a dollar or two but then I have to go back and pay the going price anyway.
Some people need to stop watching the news. Especially on days when the commodity markets are closed anyway.
They're going higher and higher, getting harder and harder to pay the bills...

Eventually people get used to the number. I miss the pre 9/11 days of $1.45 - $1.90 gas. I remember people complaining like no tomorrow about how gas climbed over $2 a gallon.

My dad remembers $17 cent gas. Farmers used to buy it by the 55-gallon drum full with little thought to price.

I think it's nearly gold now. Thieves should be stealing gas instead of cars.
Supply and demand, as far as the US consumption of gasoline goes, is out the window. Demand is down at the pump, and the US has so much supply that it's exporting more gasoline than it has since 1945...the end of WWII! You'd think with lower demand and record supplies, the price would drop...but it's not happening. WORLD demand trumps US demand today, it seems.

At my house, what that means is that my commuter ride just goes to work and back...PERIOD. We've cut back trips to the grocery to one a week. If there's someplace we MUST go, such as doctor appointments, we try to combine every other stop we possibly can, rather than making a separate trip. And you know what? Gas prices keep on rising.
prices go up , we stop buying gas and everything else ( because it's killing us financially ) then the markets fall , here we go hold on .
Get ready, folks.

Oil was up about $5.00/bbl today due mostly (this time) to Libya.

Expect $4.00 gasoline by summer, perhaps $5.00 by fall. Diesel will increase proportionally.

Better be watching the news when major oil suppliers like Libya are going up in flames and will be disrupting the flow of oil.Oil isn't pulled out of thin air and over 25% of US supply comes from the mideast where if you been watching cartoons for the last month I can tell you things aren't going very well for us.
If those events were going to have a large impact,oil would already be $150 a barrel. It's not like any of this just sprang up today. When Mubarak resigned,oil prices went down. Nobody wants to own it if they can't move it.

How many "tragedies" were going to drive oil prices through the roof in the past year?

The fund traders who are driving these markets have more in their portfolios than oil. They lost their shirts in the 08 crash and they aren't gonna do anything to wreck the economy again and shoot down the value of all of their other investments.

Sound to you like somebody who's been watching cartoons for the last month?
IMHO natural resources and food sources should not be allowed to be "traded" on the market. They should not be considered "commodities" As such you have money hungry suit and tie ^ss holes playing with our very lifes blood AND deciding the success or fate of our country and way of life. Why can't I buy 30 mi of lake front on lake MI and start selling off the water? Oil doesn't just exist under the property it was drilled for on. The dirt is property , not the oil , and water that flows under all properties. And then we have a "PINHEAD" that won't let drilling take place here anyway. Why don't he just sell us to China (they own most of us anyway) and let them deal with the Mexican drug lords , illegal immigrants and nnalert terrorists?
So let me see if I understand what's going on.
Nine years ago,we "planted the seeds" of freedom and democracy in the middle east. Now the decades old governments of all the other countries over there are falling like dominos and we're crying like a bunch of spoiled school girls. Maybe it's time we either learn to mind our own dambizness or quitourbichin over the unintended consiquences.
Like Yakov Smirnov said,"what a country"!
Bunch of whiners!
(quoted from post at 03:51:27 02/22/11) So let me see if I understand what's going on.
Nine years ago,we "planted the seeds" of freedom and democracy in the middle east. Now the decades old governments of all the other countries over there are falling like dominos and we're crying like a bunch of spoiled school girls. Maybe it's time we either learn to mind our own dambizness or quitourbichin over the unintended consiquences.
Like Yakov Smirnov said,"what a country"!
Bunch of whiners!

Maybe so, but the problem is we depend on those U.S. friendly Middle Eastern nations for our own special interests in the region. I was talking to an Egyptian friend who has family back in Egypt and most likely that nation will eventually fall to the nnalert Brotherhood. If that happens we just lost a major ally in that region.
There is no such thing as a US friendly Middle eastern Nation, however, there are plenty of Middle Eastern Nations that love US dollars shoveled to them courtesy of the US tax payer.
(quoted from post at 06:16:18 02/22/11) There is no such thing as a US friendly Middle eastern Nation, however, there are plenty of Middle Eastern Nations that love US dollars shoveled to them courtesy of the US tax payer.

Yes and that's friendly enough for those in our government. I can care less if they love us personally. Shoot, just do what we want and we'll all be fine.
This is all in keeping with what some of the elites have said in private, and is all about the New World Order. Expect about 5 dollars at least, maybe 6 bucks this summer. It is going to be rough, but not like Mad Maxx. Get prepared, get self-sufficient now. I have been getting ready for over 6 years!
(quoted from post at 06:47:44 02/22/11) This is all in keeping with what some of the elites have said in private, and is all about the New World Order. Expect about 5 dollars at least, maybe 6 bucks this summer. It is going to be rough, but not like Mad Maxx. Get prepared, get self-sufficient now. I have been getting ready for over 6 years!

What do you mean not like Mad Max? I already have my 74 Dodge Dart supercharged with two ten gallon gas tanks mounted in my trunk. It's ready to scavenge the highways for fuel.
(quoted from post at 22:49:23 02/21/11)
(quoted from post at 06:47:44 02/22/11) This is all in keeping with what some of the elites have said in private, and is all about the New World Order. Expect about 5 dollars at least, maybe 6 bucks this summer. It is going to be rough, but not like Mad Maxx. Get prepared, get self-sufficient now. I have been getting ready for over 6 years!

What do you mean not like Mad Max? I already have my 74 Dodge Dart supercharged with two ten gallon gas tanks mounted in my trunk. It's ready to scavenge the highways for fuel.


I know it sounds unreal, but I am pretty serious. Prior to 2012, and during 2012, it will be somewhat of a day of reckoning for many who have not yet felt the pinch of what I am talking about already! Best advice, get out of debt, keep some cash at home, buy silver or gold, and withdraw from all those Roth/IRA accounts. Money on paper will be no money at all here shortly.
Perpetrate the fear and the speculators can make a killing,The fact there is no shortage yet does not seem to enter the picture, Apparently Libya produces 1.6 million barrels a day and can be covered by the other countries but they are slow in acting, I wonder why? of Feb 22nd has an article on Libyan oil.
The Congress has already passed but not yet started to enforce seizure of 401-K accounts. I never believed that they would be able to keep their mitts off those funds. Successful and wealthy people have been demonized for years to condition the Sheeple to support large scale governmental confiscation, it will be done in the name of ''fairness''.
(quoted from post at 23:30:09 02/21/11) The Congress has already passed but not yet started to enforce seizure of 401-K accounts. I never believed that they would be able to keep their mitts off those funds. Successful and wealthy people have been demonized for years to condition the Sheeple to support large scale governmental confiscation, it will be done in the name of ''fairness''.

Amen my brother, don't trust anyone with your money but yourself!
Egypt doesn't have oil wells and most including our Gov't officals mistakenly thought Egypt was an isolated case not realizing that this was going to spread to the whole region like is has and the forces behind it are decidedly Anti American
And then we have a "PINHEAD" that won't let drilling take place here anyway.

Well if the *PINHEADS* that were drilling the holes weren't cutting corners on shoddy safety equipment, and dumping all that valuable oil into the ocean, the *PINHEAD* that banned drilling might not have.

The taxpayer paid to clean that all up, you know... You want the government to cut cut cut, well, by not letting them drill we don't have to pay to clean up the messes they leave behind when things go bad.
(quoted from post at 15:32:21 02/22/11)
And then we have a "PINHEAD" that won't let drilling take place here anyway.

Well if the *PINHEADS* that were drilling the holes weren't cutting corners on shoddy safety equipment, and dumping all that valuable oil into the ocean, the *PINHEAD* that banned drilling might not have.

The taxpayer paid to clean that all up, you know... You want the government to cut cut cut, well, by not letting them drill we don't have to pay to clean up the messes they leave behind when things go bad.

Good post. +2
It was not shoddy safety equipment that caused the spill it was human error, the tax payers did not pay for the clean up or the after math, yes, we should be drilling wide open. 9 million US jobs in the fossil fuel industry, could easily double that if we had any leadership in D.C.

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