Neighbor was Robbed


A neighbor of mine was robbed a few weeks back but didn"t realize it until yesterday. He doesn"t live in the house anymore and is still in the process of moving things out. Its a scary thing. I have two classic cars and a Farmall C stored over in his shed and there were items taken out of that building. The house was broken into and things were taken out of there as well. Another one of his buildings had a lot of old Ford big block engines in it and they were all stolen. Looks like they were after scrap metal. They even tried to take the lightning rod ground cables off of the top of his barn and house.
What is this world coming to?
Cant people find an honest profession to earn a living!?!
I know they were going through my cars as things were not in the same place as I left them and now that they know what is at his place I am concerned that they will be back for more. The appropriate authorities are looking into the matter.
Be on the lookout for thieves stealing scrap iron!
Thanks for reading.
Form Nebraska,
Andrew Kean.

Maybe they just have a Death-Wish...!!!
Those people must be VERY Brave (or really, really Stupid)..!!
My .223 will pick of a groundhog at 300 yards with NO chance of missing...!! ( I load my own )..

They WILL meet their Maker if they keep it up...

What the heck did they have to load all those BB Ford engines..!!!

Any way to place a spike-tooth harrow to block the access..??
Get some of the new cameras for photographing wild-life and set them up..
You could put security cameras in conspicuous places and a sign to that effect in the yard..
Would be best to just BE THERE when they return tho..!!
How many scrap yards are fairly near there..I know they don't ask questions, but they may remember who brought that load in...and, they will have their Names...!!

They will continue because if caught they will get a free attorney and a slap on the wrist. Hope he had insurance on the contents of his buildings.
Well, obviously, you have to get your cars out of there- they probably just weren't equipped to steal them on that trip, but now that they know. . .

And you hit on the reason with your question "Can't people find an honest profession to earn a living?" Fact is, no, they can't. Even well qualified people can't find honest work, much less the underclass. "Poor people have poor ways, and that's why they're poor." Unfortunately, it seems like a problem without a solution, now that we've outsourced and/or mechanized most of the manual labor and manufacturing jobs.
Got a local guy that has several pieces of heavy equipment setting on a property where he is taking down a hill made of 'concord gravel' to make it buildable. In the last year ot so they have robbed the radiator out of his crane, cut the wiring harness out of a Liebherer front shovel for maybe $2 worth of copper, did the same and more to a 988 CAT loader, along with stealing any other metal they found setting around. Fortunately the cops have been taking things like this seriously around here. Between the ones the cops caught and a few more that thr owner and area neighbors that watch the place have caught he has, I think he said, 11 convictions on people for sealing from him.

It's unfortunate that the economy is so bad that people are resorting to doign crap like this to make a dollar. Funny thing is the fact our economy is so bad is one of the reasons scrap prices are so high because all of it is going to China, or where ever, and eliminating the very jobs needed to make things better....Regardless of the situation it's still no excuse for stealing. The worst thing about the whole situation is the guys stealing get nothing but a few dollars for the "scrap" and a jail term while the guy getting stolen from is gonna get a largely dispraportinate bill to get the everything repaired and replaced so he can use his machines again.

One thing about it, things have gotten to the point now that if you show up on his property and anybody sees you it takes less than 10 minutes before the 'calvary' rolls in. I discovered this for myself the other day when I stopped to look at rewiring one of the machines for him and Dad, who works with the guy, forgot to tell him I was stopping. In less than ten minutes there were 8 people showed up so see what was going on...and none left til the owner showed up and told them it was OK for me to be there. It's good to have friends and neighbors watching out for you like that.
The proper authorities arent looking into anything,a few years ago , someone took some sqaure tubing off a steel rack behind my shop,a sheriff deputy was driving by and I flagged him down and told him, he told me to keep everything in a locked building.
We"ve had more than one incident of theft of copper wiring from the overhead pivot traveling irrigation systems right out of the fields.

A year ago December, next door neighbor had his farmstead broken into, garage and polebarn. Stole about $3000 worth of small tools, especially electrical equipment. He lives elswhere, comes here often, on weekends. His profession is in the auto repair business, and he"s a tool junkie. Lost a whole bunch of equipment.

Locking things down just isn"t enough anymore. When I was a kid, we never even thought about locking the house or barns when we were away.

sounds like it was someone that was familiar with the scene,likely someone who pretends to be a friend
One of the guys I work with was robbed 5 times last summer/fall. He didn't live on his farm and whoever was doing it actually must have been watching him. These guys where stealing everything for scrap and selling anything else. He put up cameras and they managed to steal them to. The police do not consider theft a high priority. We live in ontario so if you kill a thief you get charged. They even took a gravity wagon...
That is one reason that the vigilance committee could come back. It worked in the 1800 and what is happening now is just what happened back then. It is sad that we have laws and no one enforces them.
I caught a guy leaving my garage with a box of tools one night. At the end of it all he had 60 stitches in his head + jail time and I got my tools back.
I realize they probably went for scrap, but just in case, can you get a description of the "old big-block Ford engines"? I belong to a large worldwide group of Ford FE engine enthusiasts, have put out the word, and already heard from a buddy in Omaha with his eyes open. If any of it was FE 427-428 type stuff, and it went to the scrapyard, that would be intelligent like scrapping a SMDTAV- and if the stuff came up for sale, we'll probably hear about it. Feel free to send me an email with contact info- can't stand thieves
I have an uncle that was robbed around thanksgiving.
In the middle of the day his back doorwall was destroyed with a cinder block. (And nobody heard that!) He lives a subdivision with homes on 60 foot lots.
One way these losers break in (I am talking about professional crooks) is that they get a work van and sit out in the road and watch and take notes on who leaves at what time.
My neighbor got broken into a couple months ago. Senior citizen, lives alone. She wasn't home, they kicked in the door, stole whatever they could carry out. I got a alarm system installed a week later. Lots of young guys sitting around home these days, nowhere to go and nothing to do. The devil finds work for idle hands.
Your right about young people being around home with nothing to do. I see them all the time in my neighborhood. Need to make military service mandatory.
Yea it looks like we are going to have to police ourselves. If I was on a grand jury i wouldn't vote to indite someone who shot a thief.
A thief is a thief, good economy or bad. Out lax laws just encourage a thief.... if he gets caught then that's a bad day but if he or she don't get caught it's easy money. And the cops don't want to be bothered with a simple thief situation. The courts are way too lax!!!
If I catch someone at my place I am going to do my best to give them all of the LEAD that I can find in every calaber that I have loaded at the time,and as far as kicking in me door for a surprise robbery I think I know who is going to get surprised.
Being a young person, I WISH that I could sit around for a day once and awhile. Between college and 9-5 at the dealrship on breaks I never have time. Im glad to hear you lost nothing, sorry to hear your neighbor was more misfortunate
We got hit right before Christmas. Came home and the maggots were in the house. Escaped out the back.Been told they often come back. Well we are under FEDERAL protection now. 327 Federal Magnum protection to be specific. I catch 'em and it will be time to bring in the black trash bag. No ambulance needed. I carry the revolver and the cell phone 24/7.The phone is for use after the little wheelgun. My buddy suggested killing a burglar in my own home my be traumatic.No , as a matter of fact I'll sleep better afterwards.There is a sign on our door now."Nothing in here worth dying for , cause that's exactly where you're headed." I had enough. No misguided youth crap here. It's like a weed. Just need to kill it now or it'll just become a bigger problem.IF it was someone who is watching us , they won't be back. I make it real evident as I get in and out the house each day with the gun in my hand both ways.The cop even agreed. If I need to handle it before they can get here , I can go ahead and start without them. And that is what I'm going to do. All my friends know to call ahead.We have the castle law here and I will be more than happy to demonstrate it in action.
Sounds like you didn't really finish the job my friend. Your problem is you are too nice.I'd implement immediate solution with the Craftsman guarantee. Guaranteed to last forever!
I got hit in Nov 09. They took 7-long guns, 4-handguns, cash, out of a LOCKED gun safe.

Sheriff didn't even want to get the serial numbers of the guns. I couldn't believe that one.

I caught another neighbor breaking into another neighbor(he's gone) 3wks ago. He's crafty as he called the Sheriff and said he found the door open and was putting on his lock to "protect" the neighbor. He told me it looked like his tools were gone. How did he know as he hasn't been in there before???


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