Gas prices up again


Well-known Member
Well yesterday here in Missouri the gas price for the cheap stuff was $3.149 but today it took a 11 cent jump to $3.259. Oh and by the way why not just have the price like $3.25 r $3.26 and just drop the 0.009 off the price I mean why isn't gas priced out to the even cent???
Don't know why it's not to the cent. Probably something like the first gas tax was 9/10ths of a cent or some bit of trivia like that.
I just know I skrewd up today buying diesel. Luckily I didn't need much to top off,but the BP is ALWAYS higher than the Sunoco way out east of town. Last week Sunoco was 12 cents cheaper,so today when I saw 3.68 at the BP,I figured the Sunoco would be 3.56-3.58. IT WAS 3.75 !!!
That was a mistake! First time I've ever seen that happen.
$3.359 here in n/w WI... Am NOT looking forward to filling the fuel barrels before it's time for field work.
rrlund is right - the $.009 is tax.
I remember reading about that many years ago. So many in fact I can't remember the where or what.
However, if you notice in most cases everything is priced like that one way or the other. How many products are priced $4.95, $425,295 or $49.98? It's all a marketing ploy to make the customer think (Or fail to think.) it's less expensive than if rounded.
On somewhat about the same subject, in this age of computers, do we puff methane around with pennies? Program the computer to adjust the partial cents and let the law of averages take over.
I think it was the Sunoco spy who slipped up. There's another BP south of town that's usually even cheaper that the Sunoco. I think gas and diesel are some kind of loss leader for them and they make all their money in the store or something. They seem to make it up at the other one.
When I got to St Louis though,the Sunoco there was 3.75 too. Must have got a bad deal on a few loads of fuel or something.
If the protest crowds in Saudi Arabia get wound up you'll think $3.25 was "the good ole days" in a couple weeks.
Gas is at $3.50 and diesel $4.00 a gallon this afternoon here in northern central Pa. Not looking good for anybody but the oil companies and the goverment.
It supposedly sounds cheaper at $2.99 rather than at $3.

Wikipedia has an article on psychological pricing that is interesting.

Another information source says Sears did it over a century ago by accident when they printed an advertised price a 99¢ instead of $1 and the item sold like hot cakes.
Next truck here maybe a AWD GMC Terrain or Acadia and a cargo trailer.
Problem is with small vehicle there are three of us over 6ft and two more kids that will be soon 6+ ft tall.
I wonder with the Dutch being the tallest average height in the world how they ride around in those wee fwd econo boxes? They must either walk, take public transportation or ride motor cycles?
Gas here went to $3.39-9. Did any of you people watch the CNBC channel yesterday. Had some oil bigshot on there saying the gas crunch won't be until this fall. Then oil will be over $125 a barrel. CNBC had their reporter at Cushing, Ok. and he had been talking to Enbridge officials there. Enbridge is in the process of building THREE MILLION GALLONS more of storage tanks. Most of the storage there is full no matter what company it is. They can't ship it out fast enough, not enough pipe lines going to refineries in Louisiana. Very interesting interview.
Had to rent a vehicle not to long ago and wound up with a chevy traverse I wasn't too impressed with the fuel mileage just barely over 20MPG on a 850 mile trip running non-stop. Shoulda swallowed my pride, put a bag over my head and took the yuppy prious they offered me
Maybe in the olden days gas tax was $.009, but that was back when the oil was still in the dinosaurs.
I have a 1990 Toyota Corolla and as long as I'm in the front seat I can push the seat back so far that I have to move forward to be able to reach the pedals. Now the back seat that is another story. It will handle 2 people 6 foot plus with no problem and gets 40 plus MPG on the hwy. I to am 6 foot and was taller before I had back surgery. When I was 18 I was 6'2"
Got ya beat, 11 mpg highway and 8 mpg city outa my 1978 f150 on 93 octane. My 1998 wrangler only gets 13 city and 14 highway though. BTW Gas here in central Ohio is now 3.49 at half the places.
Spring break starts two weeks from today. The wife & I (and the dog who thinks she's people) are going to Lake Sam Rayburn for four nights. It's just 175 miles, but I'm probably gonna have to take out a loan to buy diesel. lol.
C. L.
$3.61 - $3.69 here near Gouverneur NY. The local mom and pop is at $3.89. Over in the college towns of Canton and Potsdam, where the elite and intelligent reside, it's $3.69 and up. Super is over $4.00.
Back when gasoline was $.13 a gallon the extra .9 was a fair percentage of the total price. Today it does not make nearly as much difference but are you going to be the first one to sell it with a sign posted showing your fuel is a penny more than your competitor across the road? People do strange things when it come to thinking they can save a dime on a tank of fuel.
Well at times back when gas was $00.159 it could well make a difference if it was say 14-9 across the street but then back then $5 was a lot more $$ then it is now days. Shoot back in the day the savings for the lower price was enough to buy you and your girl both a soda instead of sharing one. LOL
Hey there;
Way back in the early 50s, I worked at a Sohio "service station"(I was 16), when we
HAD to clean the wind-shield, check the oil
and tire pressure. And gas was only $.10 a
gal, for reg. high test was $.11 a gal. Every once in while someone would come in and ask for
.50 cents worth of gas!! Most cars wouldn"t take $2.00 to fill up. Those "really" were the "good old days".
God Bless
You will know when gas is too expensive, Parents will put their kids on a school bus instead of driving them to school. Drive up window will no longer be in existance. People will drive smaller cars that get 50 mpg. This will only happen when gas prices go up. Then the demand will drop along with the price.
This is going to kill the market for diesel pick up trucks in a similar manner as high gas prices and emissions did to the big block cars in the early 70's. I saw diesel fuel .40 cents more than gas yesterday. Add to this the initial cost of a diesel pick up more.
perception, fiddling with your brain.

the bead breaker is $199.99 much better look than $200 but you will pay $200 in countries like Australia where there are no 1 and 2 cent pieces.
I am actually surprised it is not $199.98. better again.
Notice the trend in catalogues where things are now being charged just below the multiple of 5.
e.g. 4.98 or 19.98 very rarely are there pricings at 3.98 or 17.98.
can't have a seven ,that necessitates a reduction and that is not in the game.
I usually never ran for the hype because if it went up 10-15 cents I usually bought ten gallons or less and figured it costs me 50 cents to drive over there. but now some of the price jumps are way higher than the 1-10 cents so I have to play the game.
I also tell people tha the 10-15 cents isn't hurting me, it's the first 3.00 dollars.
Still cheap here heard yesterday it was $9.00/gal in London.$4 to $5 a gallon will proably be the new norm here for awhile.Maybe at that price the people will demand more drilling in the USA,lots of oil here if the Gov't would let the oil companies drill for it.
Never happen, last year they said we used x amount less fuel and the price was still up, what there saying is people cut way back on driving and it had no effect on the price of gas. At least thats what I heard on the radio. true or not I dont know.
(quoted from post at 05:10:47 03/01/11) Still cheap here heard yesterday it was $9.00/gal in London.$4 to $5 a gallon will proably be the new norm here for awhile.Maybe at that price the people will demand more drilling in the USA,lots of oil here if the Gov't would let the oil companies drill for it.

Just paid $8 for gas and $7.50 for diesel for the tractor , tools, and quad. Get about half on the 2 vehicles we can buy at the American price.


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