Update on very young prego heifer....

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
she is nursing a nice healthy red calf. Labor from 7-10 last night, unassisted, probably would have been shorter had I just left her alone last night. She is one awnry cuss. Father in law asked last summer what I was keeping her as a heifer for, said she had "those" eyes and was gonna be a real b!tch. I guess his 50 years of being around cattle taught him a few things. If she doesnt calm down this summer she will be sold as a bred 2 calver. Was one big calf, she wont let me near it to see it's gender.
You'll be five miles ahead to go ahead and sell both her and the calf right now. I get attached to my cows no matter how onery they are, but I've found that they usually don't tame down. Both she and the calf will be knuckleheads as long as you keep them. I've been there and done that too many times. When that heifer gets older she'll end up "getting" you.....and probably "hurt". I"m pretty sure you won't sell her now though. You WILL find out that you're father-in-law WAS right.
After my inquiry last hour on the calf , this heifer will be going this summer. Would kind of like to keep the calf as I have one more calving the next week or so, one in april, and the rest in June. This heifers mother is a purebred Normande (beef line not dairy), and she is a bit cautious when she has a new born for the first two day's, but this little black heifer is just a nutt case. She bawls when she is taking a drink and you come walking by. Wish she was heavier she would be hamburger in a couple weeks. She has great growth genetics in her, father was a purebred fair shown shorthorn bull, quessing the nuttyness must come from her ma.
lol...she'll warm up to you...cows like the SAME thing all the time..I had one that was just always out of control and hated me..one day it was like a light switch, she came over and licked me and would rub and want me to pet her! Now she my best buddy.."Linda" every night moo's till she gets a hug or some special attention, makes chores a little less boring. And sometimes I just sit in the barn and she gets to hear all my problems.....
She may mellow after a few days. We had dairy cows that were protective of their calves. Hal
I know this will start some of the guys off BUT if that heifer has any short horn in her sell her. I have been feeding cattle now for forty five years. I have never had a short horn cross or even a pure blood shot horn that fattened up worth a darn. They will finish out at 900-1000 lb. Yes the beef kind too. Neighbor is a registered Short horn breeder he fast talked me once into buying his feeder calves, ONCE. Lost money on every head

As for temperment I would sell the pair.If the Mother is a knot head the calf stand a good chance at being a knot head too.
Ya suppose she thinks you are the papa and wants to get back at you for causing her all that pain? Have heard all sorts of screaming at the dad in the labor room.Things like I will kill you if you even touch me again.lol.
Glad to hear that all went well. Like other have said, once a block head, always a block head.

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