Update On Spring Coming

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
I posted a pic of a ringneck pheasant this morning which I took Yesterday. I have no idea where where he and the dumb robins are hiding this afternoon. When I posted this morning it was 36F. and sunny. Now at 5:39 it is 18F with a wind chill of 5F and dropping fast. I guess Spring will have to wait a little longer Here in CNY.It will get down to 0 tonight.


I always enjoy your pictures, especialy those of Clinton Camp and the goings on there. Thanks, Chuck
I'm feeling it too. I was out working on a farmall H this morning and doing fine in overalls and a coat and in the afternoon I thought my fingers were going to fall off so I quit. That wind was sharp up here.
It's getting here. It was cold and windy today,but the sun was shining so anyplace where there wasn't any snow,it was pretty muddy.
Feel sorry for you looking at that! In east central Missouri the peep frogs are peeping and there is a pair of eagle sitting on a nest about 400 ft from my front porch.
I much prefer the pheasant to that mess you're showing us now.

Snow finally went away here, very nice evening. More snow tomorrow.
You know the old saying about March. It seems that for the last half to be nice the first half has to be nasty. When it's nice in the first half, look out.
March is coming in like a lion, lets see if it goes out like a lamb! 16 degrees here now. Was 38 this morning when you last posted.
You must have sent the wind our way Zach, man, I dident even go up into the silo to throw down haylidge, it blows all over you up in there. lol J
Doug, you got that wright! The weather watchers are saying we are going to have a cold wet spring here in CNY. I hope not, but there is also an old saying here, "cold wet May, barn full of hay" As you well know, farming is at the mercy of mother nature, and politics can't control yields, but sure can affect your bottom line. I wish you Good luck with your 2011 crop year. The Acg.
I spent the last half of the winter of '53-'54 in New York at a place called Sampson Air Force Base just south of Geneva along beautiful Lake Seneca. It was one mean winter...and I grew up in southern Michigan. Half the guys in our outfit got colds and a few got pneumonia. But it wasn't all bad....fell in love with a very pretty girl I met in Auburn one weekend...never saw her again, but I still remember her after 57 years, 2 wives, 2 daughters and 29 plus years of married life.
I think that that saying must pretain to Wall St.Up here in Central NY, we have to have mechanical skills and do manual labor to survive

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