rrlund - Not same llama as last year...


Well-known Member
Lloyd Llama was a fair exhibit, when they first started showing llamas, and was a contestant for two years, shown by my son Michael... Won showmanship with him a couple times. That was a while ago. Recent llamas we loaned to a couple of our 4-Hers to show were Laura and her daughter Dolly. Laura was the all brown one, Dolly, brown with white neck and undersides. Lloyd was getting pretty decrepet and would not have shown well anymore. Donno how old he was, but he had a few miles on him when we got him over ten years ago.
We also have Laura Llamma, (the mom,), Leonard LLama, and Lloyd Llama just passed.

We also have Casper the Friendly Goat, Bill E, Goat, Vanna White (guess what color).

Latest lambs delivered this spring are Harry, Harvey, and Henry... See a pattern here?

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