Outlet Polarity????


Im selling my home and need to have all my outlets checked for polarity.What exactly does that mean?

Thanks Stan
they will make sure the hot,and neuteral wires are hooked up to the outlets correctly.if you look at an outlet the screws that your wires hook up to are different colord the black(hot)wire goes to the brass screw,the white(nuteral) wire gets hooked to the silver colored screw,and ground to the green!
It is a check to make sure the outlet is wired correctly for hot-neutral-ground. There are very inexpensive plugs that have led lights on one end to indicate correct wiring. Most will also indicate what the problem is if any.

Do a google search for "outlet tester"
checking to see if all outlets have the positive,neutral and ground on the right terminals of outlet.Do you need to have a electrician do this and sign off on it?if not they make a simple tester you plug in and lights tell you if its correct or not.cost 8-9 dollars as I recall and I think they sell them places like lowes now.would be way cheaper than getting a electrician out. but they probably need some paperwork from someone with a license.
Outlets checked for polarity? Geez- what next? Trees in the yard checked for vertical? Cabinet knobs polished? This is gettin' ridikilus. . .
"Polarity" is a misnomer, because AC does not have specific + and - connections.

There is a danger if you wire one outlet in a string incorrectly, though.

It's been a while, but if you plug something into the incorrectly-wired outlet, I think you energize the neutral in the next outlet in the string. Then you've got two "hot" wires on all the rest of the outlets in the string. Not a problem as long as you don't have stuff plugged into all the outlets, but I am pretty sure it does present the opportunity for fire and/or electric shock.

Problem is if the next guy that comes along gets shocked, he, or his surviving family members, can sue you, the realtor, the house builder, the city/town/county... pretty much anyone who has driven by your house in the last twenty years, for damages...
Tell me about it.Not only will I have to go through all the red tape and inspections with whoever the buyer and there bank is.The village just passed a law two yrs. ago they have to also do an inspection(CO) before I can sell.I have to put railings on a huge deck out back thats only 20in. off the ground,the code is 18in.,and this is only the begginning.Lord help me.

Here is some information and a lot of reading to interpret problems.

I would get one of those testers and give everything a check.

I actually think it is a good check to make when a house is being sold.
Three prong outlet testers
Have you noticed that the two straight slots(110V and neutral) in the outlet are not the same size? And even some two wire plugs have one prong wider than the other so you can only plug them in one way? In simple terms, that's what they're talking about.
Stan, even if your house doesn"t have 3-prong outlets, what Bob Bancroft said is true. The narrow slot is the "hot" slot and the wider slot is the neutral.
If it's like here, they measure from the deck to the lowest spot within 6 ft of the edge of the deck.
Any hardware store will sell testers for this purpose for less than ten bucks. They look like grounding plug and have two lights. Most will also test GFCI outlets. Just plug in the tester and see if both lights lite up. If not, you have a mis-wired outlet.

Due to their nature, there are only certain faults the tester will find. They detect reversed polarity and open grounds, but they won't tell you if the neutral is shorted to ground.

The reason all home inspectors check outlets for polarity is it is easy to do, even if you're a complete idiot, which describes many of these so-called "inspectors".
outlet tester

Problem there are some cheap and inept home tinkerers that have ruined property, injured and even killed people. With half baked home brew installation or repairs.
I would like a dollar for every receptacle and plug that was wired *ss backwards. The equipment may have even have operated but getting shocks from the machine ain't right.
Just bought a used home in Michigan. The property was inspected by my inspector. The entrance panel had many problems associated with the prior owner wiring according to his own code. He brought in a liscensed electrician who fixed the problems. If I had not hired my own inspector it would have been my problem.

Municipalities now require a sump basin to handle the weep tile runoff. The problem is this weep tile sump basin is a perfect Radon generator as it takes all the gasses from under the basement floor and dumps them into the sump and the sump vents to the basement. It is an unintended consequence of the municipal decree that the sumps and weep tiles must be used. They need to also decree that the sumps be sealed and or vented outdoors. This is kind of like the CFL's that the government is forcing on homeowners, oops they have mercury in them.

Government people are not very bright and like the power to decree in order to make themselves feel important and needed.
What is next you ask-----The adoption by many communities of the International Property Maintenance Code. Link below.

Thanks to the adoption of it here along with some modifications to it I now have an unsalable house unless I sell "as is". I don't have GFCI circuits in the kitchen and bathroom, nor 3 prong outlets in the majority of the house. I've lived here for 20 years and gotten along without them because I understand it is an old house and has limitations.

The house is just over 600 square feet in an aging neighborhood. Do I really want to spend a couple of grand on it just to sell it? No. It really needs rewired starting with a new service panel. I can do all of the work but am not allowed to do the service panel as it must be done by a licensed electrician.

I have until July 1st when the code goes into affect. Guess I'll try to dump my home before then but will still sell it as is. It will no doubt become a rental and further drive down the value of the neighborhood.
International Property Maintenance Code

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