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Farmall & IHC Tractors Discussion Forum

This style of forum is aggravating

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Mike CA

07-19-2006 17:28:53

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I have to say that after only a couple of threads, I am aggravated at this forum style. Threads are shown in the order in which they were created. Responses to the thread don't bump the thread back up to the top of the list, and subsequently, a person has to dig back 2 or 3 pages to read answers after a work day. Even worse, you can't hold a conversation or ask questions because the thread is too far back for anyone to read, which forces people to create a new thread for every questions, which only perpetuates the problem.

I am not complaining without a solution. There are several free forums that are very easy to set up and use. And a whole lot easier for the user. I'd present this problem and solution that whoever runs these boards, but I have no clue who that is!

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07-20-2006 14:31:19

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
If you find an interesting post that you want to keep track of, expand it then add that page to your "Favorites". Then you can open that post forever and keep that converstion going.

Checking archives should always be the first course of action.

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brainerd dave

07-20-2006 12:23:31

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
I always check the archives as it seems every possible question has aready been answered to death. While I'm interested in the social aspect found around here, I usually just want some info in a bigger hurry and can always find it archived. If a person does both, it's a pretty easy board to navigate.

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Iowa Jim

07-20-2006 10:49:34

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
I agree!!! O

f course this is the YESTERDAY tractor board so it is appropriate to use a YESTERDAY forum software.


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07-20-2006 06:23:51

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
Miss Kim has tried the new style on here and we don't like it. This is the style we like and Miss Kim goes out of her way to provide them.



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Jim Allen

07-20-2006 05:32:02

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
I'll go on record as liking the other type of forum better than this one, for the reasons previously stated. That said, I've learned in my life that you have to master the equipment you've got. Sure, I'd like to drive a new Case-IH 4x4 tractor with GPS, air conditioning and satellite radio. What I have is a '70 826. I make it work for me without (too much) whining. If we ever are allowed to vote for a new board, I'd be in the "yea" category, but I value this board enough to look past its minor inconveniences. Heck, it's kinda like my old tractor!

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Andy Martin

07-20-2006 05:18:51

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
I personally like this style forum far better and don't visit on any of the others any more.

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Bus Driver

07-20-2006 04:45:03

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
One of the things that bumps existing threads down faster is the volume of posts, often new threads, that are just drivel. Often several per day.

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07-20-2006 02:00:21

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
The boards are this way because the majority of folks who hang out here LIKE them this way. Ms. Kim goes to a lot of trouble to support this "old" software because every time she floats a "new and improved" version, us old farts squeal like a pig.

Me, particularly...

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Ron in Nebr.

07-19-2006 21:33:32

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
From my experience there's positives and negatives to both types of forums. On the ones where each new post bumps it back to the top of the page, time and time again I've seen a thread dissolve away from the original topic with two guys "visiting" back and forth about something non-related, and it's mildly aggravating to click on a post about clutches and find a page and a half of two guys talking to each other about whether they're gonna be at next weekend's tractor show. On the other hand, there's always a chance that someone will have responded down below those two guys with some good advice about the original topic.

On this type of forum there seems to be more direct technical discussion, and if the two guys want to BS with each other on a thread, it's two pages back in no time and not as likely to bother anyone else. By the same token though, sometimes there's so many posts in one day that your technical question might be a page or two back before all the "experts" get a chance to log in and help ya, which lessens the chance of getting the advice you're seeking.

I like and use both types of forums. When ya think about it, either version is sure leaps and bounds above the ability most of us had ten years ago to access all the expertise, information, and friendly talk and advice that's now only a few clicks away.

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07-19-2006 20:52:37

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
I get a lot of good information from this forum. "Try it; You'll like it" Pose a question and you will get good advice/instructions.

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07-19-2006 19:38:35

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
One thing that would help, would be if the subject line is specific . . . Subjects like "Farmall Question" don't convey any information. I would prefer seeing subjects like "Farmall 300 valves question"
Just a thought.

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GooseCreek Farms

07-20-2006 03:23:19

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to texp, 07-19-2006 19:38:35  
I agree, often the subject line is not used as intended. We need to be more specific when filling out the "Subject Line".

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Mike CA

07-19-2006 19:44:33

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to texp, 07-19-2006 19:38:35  
And a good thought! Thanks, I'll do my best!

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Hugh MacKay

07-19-2006 19:23:45

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
Mike: I read your next thread first, was going to respond, then decided to find out why we're so agrivaring. I can tell you one thing, with an attitude like yours, you blew it for that next thread.

Now, if you want to know how to keep track of who is responding to your thread, have you ever noticed that little box down the page and beside it in hi-lighted lettering the words EMAIL NOTIFICATION, and a sentence that follows explaining what Email notification does, now I ask you, "What part of that do you not understand?"

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Mike CA

07-19-2006 19:43:41

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Hugh MacKay, 07-19-2006 19:23:45  
Hugh,you wrote: "...then decided to find out why we're so agrivaring. I can tell you one thing, with an attitude like yours, you blew it for that next thread."

I never said YOU all were aggravating. If you read what I wrote again, I am speaking about the board type, and the way the threads are presented to the user. That has nothing to do with the people themselves. But, you folks are hardly blameless. If it wasn't for yuo folks egging me on in earlier threads, I wouldn't be so gung-ho about getting this Farmall to restore in the first place! hehehe

And to answer your point about E-mail notification, I tried that, and it did not work. I don't know why. I'll try it for the forth time and hope for better results.

So please don't think I have a poor attitude. Nothing of the sort. I'm just trying to make the best use of this forum that I can while not trying to annoy too many people with a barrage of questions. Thats all.

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07-20-2006 06:55:35

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 19:43:41  
Mike CA,
Here's a nugget for you Mike CA. The most valuable information you will recieve from this or any board will come from those who do not get terribly emotional about whether one board is better than another. The best tractor restorers have patience and get around challenges without drama.

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Hugh MacKay

07-20-2006 01:28:43

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 19:43:41  
Mike: The style and format of this forum has remained as it is, because of the users. Kim has had a good many testimonials telling her she already has the best forum out there, and the advice she receives, "By all means don't change it."

Keep one thing in mind, these threads are always in the order they came to YT. Most folks here think every thread is important, not just the ones being responded to. This whole issue has been dealt with many times, YT has an alternate forum, doesn't get much use, mainly because you wont get much technical advice over there.

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Brent in IA

07-19-2006 18:27:46

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
So is it only me, or does everyone kind of see a "hybrid" forum as opposed to what it was a year of more ago. It used to be you could see (on the main page) which messages belonged with which "parent" message and you could click them and still see the parent/child messages. Now when I click one I just get all the messages strung one after another and it is hard to tell which goes with which and in what chronological order. Perhaps it's just my browser setup?

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07-19-2006 19:37:45

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Brent in IA, 07-19-2006 18:27:46  
This forum is the same as it always has been. Kim had a temporary test forum for a while, then took it off. When rather severe posting problems occurred early this year, she brought them back as a temporary measure until she could get the new forum up and running. I note those are no longer listed, but I believe they can still be accessed, but few people use them anyway. Nothing really wrong with this forum, particularly if you read it every day, and catch most of the posts from the start, then you can tell who was responding to who. Confusing otherwise.

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sammy the RED

07-19-2006 19:55:15

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to CNKS, 07-19-2006 19:37:45  
If you have been here since 1999 than you know that this forum is NOT the same as it always was.

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Brent in IA

07-20-2006 05:05:06

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to sammy the RED, 07-19-2006 19:55:15  
Yep, include me in that pre-1999 group. The mesages used to be easier to follow I thought. But then where you login makes a difference in the display too. I usually go to www.ytmag.com

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07-19-2006 20:04:11

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to sammy the RED, 07-19-2006 19:55:15  
The forum is improved, but it is the same format. However, if I remember right, the expand feature was added, along with other things. It used to be a + that some people did not notice. I do not remember if the + was always there, but I don't remember any other major differences. It has become "smoother" over the years, but unless you are using a older Windows 95 computer, your computer is faster, you probably have broadband instead of dialup, all these things help.

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07-19-2006 18:19:23

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
Don't feel like a pest! Just be sure that your questions are fairly specific and you tell us as much as you can about the problem and the tractor you are working on.

I don't believe I've ever seen anyone get flamed for asking questions on this board... so fire away!

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Paul Shuler

07-19-2006 18:03:35

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
I like to do a lot of shooting but all the formus I have found on shooting are like What you are talking about and I have just about stopped going on any of them. I don't want to see something from 3 weeks ago popped right back to the head of the line. I for one do not like that style of forum. I find this one much more to my likeing. Don't fix what is not broke.

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07-19-2006 17:55:32

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
Personally, I like it. I do agree that threads get pushed to pages two and three so fast that they might not get read by everyone, but I truely like the simple, no nonsense, no bells and whistles layout of this forum.

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Allan In NE

07-19-2006 17:49:30

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
If ya like that sort of thing you can click here for the alternative site.


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Gary in Mozarks

07-21-2006 05:19:00

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Allan In NE, 07-19-2006 17:49:30  
Allen, I didn;t even know this alternative site was here. How do you access it from the home page? Thanks

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Mike CA

07-19-2006 18:01:01

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Allan In NE, 07-19-2006 17:49:30  
Yup, thats a kind of forum I was refering to. But I can see that that forum is not nearly as utilized as this one.

I guess I'll just ask my questions in seperate threads as they come up. Just be prepared! :-)

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Mike CA

07-19-2006 17:58:54

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Allan In NE, 07-19-2006 17:49:30  
Yup, thats a kind of forum I was refering to. But I can see that that forum is not nearly as utilized as this one.

I guess I'll just ask my questions in seperate threads as they come up. Just be prepared! :-)

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07-19-2006 17:37:31

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:28:53  
Kim, who runs this forum knows all about it, much more so than anyone reading it. She has tried to change it before, and has found that many people, perhaps most people, like it the way it is. My understanding is that she is working on some changes. I have been on this forum since 1999 and am used to it. I do like the format of the now-nonexistant Red Power forum better, but there is far more information on this one than on any of the other tractor forums, unless you just want to BS. Actually there is one of those on this site too.

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Mike CA

07-19-2006 17:55:32

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to CNKS, 07-19-2006 17:37:31  
Actually no. I'm brand new in all of this, so I have about a billion questions. I'd rather keep them contained in just a couple of threads because I feel like I will make myself a pest otherwise.

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Wayne Swenson

07-19-2006 19:26:09

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 Re: This style of forum is aggravating in reply to Mike CA, 07-19-2006 17:55:32  
Mike, as a former Vocational Auto-Small Engines instructor, you will find that myself and many others take any question as being important to the author (other than "inflamatory" ones) and we will do our best to assist with workable answers so "Fire-away"

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