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MY money and HER money ..... got a question !!

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11-14-2003 10:44:37

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I read the post below about payback time and I'm suprised every time I hear the comment "it's her money". I guess my name (Dinosaur) says it all about me but somehow I just could never figure out that type of thinking. Now, if a couple gets married later in life and they've had their own careers, investments, etc. then I can certainly see this way of dealing with things. But these days there are a suprising number of young couples (and maybe older couples as well) who are starting out from scratch with almost nothing (much like many of us did) who lead totally separate and independant financial lives. I worked with a couple of fellas (in their mid 50's) who were married as long as I was at the time and they operated that way. I guess if it works OK, then who am I to raise an eyebrow, but somehow I think the institution of marriage should go a bit beyond that type of thinking. In any event, everything here is in the same pot and we both dip into it pretty much when we want as long as it's sensible (which would include buying an old piece of tractor junk).

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11-16-2003 08:17:36

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Some women want just their money.
Some women want all the money.
Some women keep their maiden name after marriage.
Some women want to keep their virginity after marriage.
Next will be men taking their wifes maiden name after marriage.
I don't know but it keeps life interesting.

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11-15-2003 23:02:32

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
My wife and I have always had separate incomes. When we first got married, we tried having just one checkbook like our parents had. After she messed it up about 5 times, we went to each having our own checking account. It has made for less arguments and lower blood pressure!

Now that we are both retired and on relatively fixed incomes, we have agreed upon who pays what bills each month. Yeah, I still have to help her out sometimes, but I THINK I FINALLY HAVE CONVINCED HER THAT CREDIT CARD BUYING IS STUPID UNLESS YOU PAY THE BALANCE OFF EVERY MONTH!!!

We really get along very well most of the time, but finances almost broke us up early in our marriage. What we do works OK for us.

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11-16-2003 07:32:48

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 Re: Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a questio in reply to Hal/WA, 11-15-2003 23:02:32  
The way we look at it is if I have ten bucks in my pocket its mine but if she needs it then its her's. Its alot easier that way. To many of my friends are split because of the MINE!! way of thinking.

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11-15-2003 18:11:41

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Shouldn't a prenuptual agreament stating "I have the right to go nuts for tractors" keep her reality in check?

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Dave H

11-15-2003 05:16:00

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Dinosaur, I agree with you, my wife and I are in our early 40's with 4 kids and all of the other obligations, and everything here is in one pot also. It works for us...

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Joe Dirt

11-14-2003 19:42:54

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Heck, we're not even married yet and we've had a joint checking for 3 years already. We do have personal accounts too but rarely use them. Thought about closing them but they come in handy every once in a while. Like for Christmas shopping!

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11-14-2003 18:51:49

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
third party image

My wife won't let me buy all the Tractors I want either! Been with her 19 years on Monday the 17th of November. She has made me put most of our money into our place instead. It is paid off and I have only 1 real Tractor and 1 Lawn Tractor for mowing the place. Glad she did not let me buy what ever I wanted or we would not have our home to live in paid for. She sure is a smart Lady! By the way she does not go to the Malls, Beauty Shops or blow any money on make/up and she looks great to me! Mark H.

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Stan TN

11-14-2003 18:39:29

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Togetherness is a fine thing, but you EACH need some escape money.

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JohN 50

11-14-2003 16:57:54

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
HUH! I got money????

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11-14-2003 13:53:40

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
My wife and I both work "day jobs", in addition to farming (together). We have a separate account for the farm, one for household bills, and our savings together. Then we each have our own checking accounts that are for our "hobbies", and for whatever we want. We budget for all the accounts. We both know that we're in this together, and try to use good sence and judgment. All I know for sure, is that since we met, I've got, and kept more than I ever dreamed possible. My "business, and life partner" has pulled her wieght, so she has as much to say about our spending as I do. It's like anything in life. If you make good choises, you get good results. JMHO, John

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11-14-2003 13:51:27

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Ya almost got it right, it goes "OUR money and HER money" ha ha max

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Tractor junk !!!

11-14-2003 13:42:01

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Calling valuable tractor materials junk !! Its sounds as if she has trained you pretty well:) No bashing just an observation that most all of us men that want to stay married must accept a certain amount of training.

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Kelly C

11-14-2003 13:00:57

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Simple solution or explanation I guess.
If you make more than you spend. There is seldom any issues about small amounts of money.
But if you spend more than you make... Watch out!!

For the 1st 8 years of marrage we owed more every month than we made. Lots of little fights about who get what when.
The lord has blessed our last 8 years and we make more than we spend. Not alot more but more.
Alot less fightin going on now.
One thing we did do though was my wife gets $200 a check taken out and that goes into a savings account only she has access to.
She told me the other day she has $15000 in it now. I said 15 what???
Oh well atleast it keeps her off my butt.

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11-14-2003 12:57:58

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
Got married less than 5 years ago, both in our late 30's, I am in farming, she is in her career with a biweekly paycheck.

The ups & downs of a farm expense/paycheck can be kind of shocking. I don't even raise an eyebrow when the fan goes out on the combine & spend an extra $1000 that day. The $250 water heater was quite a surprise for her.....

So, we have kept things seperate and call it his & hers, but really it is all ours & we have no problem sharing. Hard to change over 30 years of thinking tho. ;)

Both of us are pretty conservative in such things.

Works for us.


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11-14-2003 12:49:36

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
I have my account and my wife has hers, we split the bills each month so that we each pay a similar amount, If I need a new pair of overalls, I buy them, if she needs a new dress, she buys it. This way we each know if we can go out and buy more toys, without having to ask the other one, or wondering if one of us has already bought something that the other one didn't know about. One of us is 52, and the other is 56. We have been married 5 years. Best thing I ever did.

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Paul Janke

11-14-2003 12:36:24

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
What's mine is hers, and what's hers is HERS.

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Ben in KY

11-14-2003 13:38:44

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 Re: Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a questio in reply to Paul Janke, 11-14-2003 12:36:24  
What Paul said :)

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11-14-2003 11:28:42

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
My folks had a joint checking and savings acct for 30 years (plus the farm acct). They never really stopped arguing over money until they each set up their own. When I got married my wife and I tried the joint acct thing. We were married 6 weeks and she wrote an $800 check to buy wedding pictures (in addition to the $2000 her folks had already spent). I didnt know it and paid the gas bill/bounced the check (1 and only one I ever did). I hit the ceiling. We now have our own. Each of us kicks into 1 joint acct for the household bills (I pay 1/3 more b/c I make 1/3 more). Other stuff we each have our own. Sometimes a bill may get paid with 3 checks but we havent had another fight (about anything) in 10 years and only a couple of disagreements (about $$).

We do meet your criteria though. Both of us were late 20's/early 30's when we got married. Both of us had professional reputations and careers. As a courtesy we usually tell the other one before we go spend big $$ on something unusual (I dont tell her necessarily when I order fertilizer but I do tell her before I go buy a tractor or a dozen cows).

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11-14-2003 11:18:00

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 Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a question !! in reply to Dinosaur, 11-14-2003 10:44:37  
great answer! our policy as well. we are 35-31 and see everything as togther. Of course I fhave the best woam in the country and would not trade her for all the riches of the earth. No wonder 50% of all 1st time marriages fail

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Matt Clark

11-18-2003 06:41:00

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 Re: Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a questio in reply to jf, 11-14-2003 11:18:00  
Gotta argue with jf...my wife's the best in the world, so you gotta settle for 2nd place! Just kidding...

Have to admit, we've had some arguments about $$ in the past, as I usually took care of all the finances, even though she's almost always worked. Sometimes, money was spent, w/out my knowing (you know, with 2 teenaged girls (the same age), there's always something), and the account would get way lower than I like to see it. Managed to always scrape by.

This year, she started her own business, with it's own accounts and things are much better. I still handle (most of) the household bills, but she kicks in on some, and that really gives me some much needed breathing room. We each can buy what we see as "necessary" and now she is free to save back whatever she believes is going to be needed for extras coming up...senior pictures, prom dresses, year books (ALL TIMES 2!) I've been able to buy a new rifle and some other toys I've done without for several years, and not feel guilty. She's bought a lot of stuff for the house and the business.

She's busy every day, and financially, we're pretty good right now. That business has been a godsend for us...

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11-14-2003 13:46:35

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 Re: Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a questio in reply to jf, 11-14-2003 11:18:00  
We have one account I kind of figure that a marrige is like a ship if the sucker sinks your both goin down with it. We consult each other if we want to spend more than about a hundred bucks. Yes we have had some Hellified fights about money but I'm sure that has kept a lot of money from being thrown away over the years. My brother in law on the other hand worked his but off paid 90% of the bills while his wifes check went into the bank. She paid groceries and bought the gifts. They went through some real hard times and still her money was hers and his was theirs. I could'nt do that. By the way we are 23 yrs married and neither one of us is goin anywhere

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warren newton

11-15-2003 01:43:52

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 Re: Re: Re: MY money and HER money ..... got a que in reply to Pitch, 11-14-2003 13:46:35  
We have been married for 47 yr,70 & 67 and my wife, a few years back had me get a tractor acc. My SS check goes in that acc and that is what it for. Once in a while I over spend and have to say to her,I need a loan. We are not rich, but we each have most anything we want. When we were younger we didn't have anything. I'm glad I wasn't interested in tractor then.

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