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Spelling lesson. RANT

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11-18-2004 07:24:19

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I have seen many an ad listed here on YT as well as those on-line auction sites where people are trying to sell break bans. At first I wondered, what is a break ban? Then I looked at the picture, and realized that what that person is attempting to sell is a BRAKE BAND. I don't mean to offend anyone here, but if you are in the business of selling, you need to learn to spell correctly. O.K. I'm ready for the skillet.

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Dave 2N

11-20-2004 03:13:05

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Nebraska Cowman has it right; sitting artound playing electronic games isn't reading.

However-it has been shown that some people just aren't spellers. Some are born with the ability to spell better than others. But I really don't think thats the cause of the problem under discussion in this thread.

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11-19-2004 12:07:03

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
First, I agree with you.

Me, I can't spell worth a darn. Got good grades in school, but woe to me for spelling!

My internet provider disconnects me after 5 minutes of inactivity. On a forum like this, I read the message, compose an answer, and need to push send - all in 5 minutes. Often times spell checking & so forth suffer.

But as you say, for someone trying to sell something, a little more effort might be a good thing. :)

My pet peeve is a 'bailer' to make hay with.... Now with my poor spell, I sure shouldn't pick on anyone else - but that one always just bugs me. :)


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Randy SE-MN.

11-19-2004 05:55:13

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
You won't believe this, but I always go to another "Red" site, and one guy (shall remain nameless) started a thread with something on the order of: "Good news guys, I start College on Munday". Sigh.... would proofreading really have helped here or not...I will remain faithfull that it was an oversight.

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Nebraska Cowman

11-18-2004 16:44:45

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
reminds me of a story I once read. I belive it was one of the B M Bower books about a young boy growing up on a ranch. He had heard his folks always talking about "the breaks" and figured that was where they went to get "brakes" for the wagons. A lot of our spelling problems comes from a generation that doesn't read.

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Mark - IN.

11-18-2004 16:30:03

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Brake Band? Aint that one of those musical groups that used to play that loud thumping material that people brake dance to? Think they call them Hippy-Hoppers and Rapsters today though. I'd think they'd do better advertising on the Rolling Stone or MTV websites. Hmm? Just a thought.

I didn't see the ad. People spinning on their heads and stuff?

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11-18-2004 16:11:07

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
well if you see a post from me don;t read it because i spell like shi- but i'll out wrench you any day. some are smarter in other fields!!!

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Nathan in MN

11-18-2004 14:20:22

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Being only 16, and part of the generation that this problem is most prevalent in, I guess I have to weigh in on this, too.

I think what causes it is the fact that every word processor on the computers nowadays has a spell checker, and almost every school in America has piles of computers, all with word processors with spell checkers (and yet they say they have no money...). This means, than from Kindergarten on up, the kids don"t have to write much by hand, and if they make a mistake, THE COMPUTER FIXES IT FOR THEM.

Thus, learning to spell becomes irrevalent, almost a lost art. As you can probably tell from my post, I"m always pretty careful about spelling and punctuation, and, I"ll admit, it"s always come pretty easily to me. My hand-printing is mediocre, though, (but still readable!) and my cursive is pathetic. Why? Because I don"t do lots of printing or writing, so I simply don"t get much practice at it. I guess that"s progress, though. Hmph.

Nathan in MN

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11-18-2004 21:34:28

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Nathan in MN, 11-18-2004 14:20:22  
You are certainly correct about handwriting going out the window in favor of typed text and spell check.

I'm sure spell check would miss out on these examples--"Pare a pair of pears for me please."
"Two men thought it too far to walk to town."

I see many newspaper articles that quite obviously have been checked with spell check rather than with a competent editor. I work in a library and really think the key to education is sparking in interest in reading at an early age, i.e. giving children the desire to read which means that they passively learn vocabulary, spelling, grammar, etc.

Show me a child with good grades and you can almost bet that his or her parents gave them plenty of opportunity to read books when small.

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11-18-2004 18:14:26

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Nathan in MN, 11-18-2004 14:20:22  

You dhould have used the spell checkeer.

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11-18-2004 15:57:20

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Nathan in MN, 11-18-2004 14:20:22  
I think you're right. My son (who's 20) has terrible handwriting and his spelling is only so-so, but he's very intelligent and has successfully filmed, written, produced and edited quality TV spots for the High School TV station using high tech equipment.

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Joe (Wa)

11-18-2004 15:20:27

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Nathan in MN, 11-18-2004 14:20:22  
Ah can't fault him for the "key or 'key, that's a site thing. But he spelled "Hmph" wrong. Major, major, major blunder! :-)

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11-18-2004 14:44:07

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Nathan in MN, 11-18-2004 14:20:22  
Nathan... I bet you will want to know..You made at least 6 mistakes in that post. the " key and the ' key. See, I can't spell either. You would have said can"t. Hope you take this like I mean it, in good faith or as a joke.

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Nathan in MN

11-19-2004 14:27:27

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Coloken, 11-18-2004 14:44:07  
Not that it matters a whole lot, but the use of quote marks instead of the apostrophe is a problem with the forum software, so that all apostrophes show up as quotes. Look: This is how the apostrophe shows up: " and this is how the quotation mark shows up: "

I understand the manner in which you meant it, but I just thought I"d let you know that that part is not my fault.

Nathan in MN

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11-18-2004 13:57:38

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Please use the spell checker and then proof read your message. Do you think my spelling, typos and grammar lousy now? Imagine the rough draft before the corrections. My Mother-in-law astounds me with her writing. It's elegant calligraphy script, perfectly readable with the spelling and grammar correct with the 1st and only draft. Again and again I'm amazed to see "hydraulic" spelled as "hydrolic" and goodness only knows what else. Those figures of about 15% to 25% of the US population being illiterate or functionally illiterate may well be true.

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Chuck MI

11-18-2004 17:46:01

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to buickanddeere, 11-18-2004 13:57:38  
I've seen hydraulic misspelled so many times on this board that I had to get out the dictionary the other day. I couldn't for the life of me figure out the correct spelling. Cursed phonics!!!


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11-18-2004 12:48:18

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
It's only going to get worse, the spelling that is. I have two very smart kids who can't spell worth a lick. They (the schools) start them out in kindergarten spelling words like they sound. This is how they first learn to spell, and there seems to be no going back. A dictionary is something to hold your papers down to keep them from blowing away, or a coaster. Like the old TV ads used to say: "Huked on foniks werkd fer me!"

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11-18-2004 13:24:39

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to DRL, 11-18-2004 12:48:18  
I have two grandchildren in upper elementary that make almost straight As. But their spelling is bad and their writing is so bad you can't hardly read their bad spelling.

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Miss Grundy

11-18-2004 14:03:59

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to KenSWLA, 11-18-2004 13:24:39  
If you are a poor speller you should also write poorly so that nobody will know the difference.

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11-18-2004 09:30:54

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
No matter how bad one's spelling or gramer is some how we still understand each other.Now on the other hand my wife the school teacher ( and a anal one at that)is always ragging on me about spelling and even rode someones but here for spelling .Now when I go to this site she's no where around peace at last.

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Chuck MI

11-18-2004 09:14:33

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 Yes! in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
We don't all have to be perfect in the use of the English language, however spelling and punctuation are key in properly getting your point across. Capitalization is not only important for brand names but proper names. Without capitalizing properly you show a lack of respect for yourself and those you are writing about.

Check out iespell.com for a downloadable spell checker for you web browser.


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JImmy King

11-18-2004 10:21:11

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 Re: Yes! in reply to Chuck MI, 11-18-2004 09:14:33  
I can not spell had to take the college entrance spelling test about seven times. I was 18 then I am now 63 still can not spell if you don"t like it too bad. My Grandma was 97 when she died and she spelled like it sounded, and got her point across. That quote was from my sister, a school teacher.

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Chuck MI

11-18-2004 17:43:15

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 Re: Yes! in reply to JImmy King, 11-18-2004 10:21:11  
I'm not a perfect speller either, but trying to spell better and missing a few words is far better that saying "oh well, as long as I get my point across." The more you see words misspelled, the harder it is to break the habit.


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11-18-2004 09:59:29

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 spell checker in reply to Chuck MI, 11-18-2004 09:14:33  
Only works on Internet Explore. Got an sugestions for Mozilla? I'm too lazy to use office and then copy it over.

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Gerald J.

11-18-2004 10:30:29

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 Re: spell checker in reply to Coloken, 11-18-2004 09:59:29  
I use Spelling Sentry. It works for any windoze window.

Gerald J.

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11-18-2004 09:10:40

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Ok, I know your talking about me. I can't spell worth a flip, and me punctuation stinks. But on the other hand I'm glad you brought this up. My left brake is gone on my 42 H, I have used up the adjustment. I need to get new break bans and can't remember ever doing a brake job on an H or M. Anything special about doing this other than pulling the cover and sticking them on? And I do have a little oil around the covers.

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11-18-2004 10:11:19

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Redmud, 11-18-2004 09:10:40  
Removing the covers and installing new BANDS is just about all there is to it.

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11-18-2004 10:17:08

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 10:11:19  
Thanks Rusty.

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11-18-2004 08:48:37

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
I'll add a little heat to the skillet too.

NOT using capital letters on brand names can completely change the meaning of a sentence. I know a lot of folks have missing digits, arthritis, etc, but please try to use the shift key for brand names to have your post make sense.

And yes, we do appreciate all of the posts whether there are errors or not.

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11-18-2004 08:21:12

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
I can't spell worth a lick....Never could.

I'm not at all worried about it!

I have seen post's on here, and other places as well, that are spelled perfectly, punctuated correctly, and well phrased....And they get the FACTS so wrong it scares me!

I look for accurate information FIRST. Spelling is just a minor consideration. This isn't spelling class....John

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Chuck MI

11-18-2004 17:53:25

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 11-18-2004 08:21:12  
I agree on the importance of accuracy of information, but I have seen plenty of posts that could be misinterpreted or I just plain couldn't understand at all because of spelling and grammar issues.


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11-18-2004 16:30:05

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 11-18-2004 08:21:12  
I'm with you, John. While some of the spelling in our local paper sets my teeth on edge (and its the employees making the mistakes as they only accept phone-in ads) it's not my place to judge. Bails of hay is my favorite rant, but I understand some people dont know, and some don't care. One of the first things they taught me when I was studying adult education was that adults come to class seeking specific knowledge and you will alientate them quickly and (usually) perminantly by showing them something they don't know and don't want to know. If everyone was always perfect at spelling we would still be writing Old English.

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TomR Ont.

11-18-2004 14:50:37

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 11-18-2004 08:21:12  
Too many drafts?

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11-18-2004 08:19:59

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
local paper is always running ads for a car with new "breaks" and dogs that have been "spade".

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11-18-2004 08:08:42

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
At lsaet if the fisrt and lsat ltetres are crercot and the ohetr lttrees are mdulded, one can usually work it out fairly easily. But if even the words are nowhere near, it can make it a tad difficult to sort out. I can understand the odd spelling error or even quite a few, but asking a question without giving history, or details of symptoms, or what has been checked, bugs me -especially when they come back and say "I have already tried that" when it is fairly obvious that they were clueless in the first place.
Regards, RAB

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11-18-2004 07:55:17

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Just remembered...I got a complete overhaul gasket set for a 300 Case once from E-bay for 9 dollars..because he miss spelled the discription.

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Davis In SC

11-18-2004 09:16:06

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Coloken, 11-18-2004 07:55:17  
Misspelled names are the best buys on ebay... I do searches for certain items trying several different spellings, & have gotten some bargains..

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Mike (WA)

11-18-2004 08:09:29

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Coloken, 11-18-2004 07:55:17  
While we're ranting- how about at least some sort of punctuation? It's really tough to sort out the thoughts if they're all run together.

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11-18-2004 07:50:55

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Tend to agree with you. I am a very bad speller and most bad spelling here is, I think, one of the things we have agreed to just live with. Mostly we know what they mean. But some things, like your "ban-band" is simplly not using the right word.

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Kerry Florence

11-18-2004 07:49:07

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
U kaint git vry farh n lieph iph u donut spel guhd

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Allan in NE

11-18-2004 07:35:25

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Hi Rusty,

While we're at it, how about the ones who just cannot understand the concept of having the light 'behind' the camera?

My Pet Peeve,


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Mark - IN.

11-18-2004 17:03:15

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Allan in NE, 11-18-2004 07:35:25  
Yep, there's a light behind the camera. Green means can take a picture. Red means can not take a picture (at least). Haven't figured out amber yet. And no light means is off, or battery is dead, and can not take a picture.

It took a while, but I figured most of it out, without the manual.

That cover over the lense though, bad idea. The only way I can get any pictures to turn out through it is if I have a whole lot of bright lights behind whatever I'm takin' a picture of, and then they're still blurry. If they'd only made that cap clear instead of black, it'd be easier and make for better pictures.

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11-18-2004 07:45:49

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to Allan in NE, 11-18-2004 07:35:25  
You make a good point, what about the ones who do not understand the concept of using a flash at all?

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11-18-2004 07:30:12

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
third party image

Naw, no skillet for you Rusty, I sometimes have the same problem as you do, trying to figure out what they are selling.

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big fred

11-18-2004 07:29:14

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to rustyfarmall, 11-18-2004 07:24:19  
Shoot, and here I bought one thinking it was something you bolt to your tractor to keep it from breaking. I think I got ripped off.

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11-18-2004 20:44:52

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 Re: Spelling lesson. RANT in reply to big fred, 11-18-2004 07:29:14  
Speaking of pet peeves- Has anyone deciphered all the picture signs that do not have printing on them posted along roads? By the time I've figured out what some of them mean I am half a mile past them. Dumbing down is proceeding full speed ahead. California schools even considered teaching ebonics as a language. Spelling, sentence construction, and punctuation, known as English, are endangered in American schools (and newspapers) these days. I sure wish I hadn't slept through those English classes in high school how.

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