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state local farm bureaus need help opinion's

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08-28-2005 06:11:16

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Hi all, I have been active in farm bureau for many years. was wondering how popular it is in your county & state? Our's has been rocked badly from an insurance change. Numbers droped and we are fairly week right now. What programs do you have at both levels? Here interest seems to be low similar to the grange and other organizations. Most active members are from there 40's on up. We are also dealing with a lot of contry estate farmers not large commercial farmers like years ago.

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Missouri Boy

08-28-2005 12:40:14

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
There was a time when Farm Bureau was a great organization and was the forerunner of the Coops. Now it is a political pressure group which will endorse a candidate of one political party before it is known who the opponent will be just because of the party affiliation. I feel that the organization has nothing to offer me and there are other organizations I had rather use to be of service to others. This may just be a condition in my own state, Missouri

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08-28-2005 12:22:20

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
A few years ago they talked me into joining to get cheaper health insurance.I farmed and had an individual policy.Within 6 months of joining my insurance was cancelled along with several other
farm bureau members.They told us other insurance company"s would insure us by state law.The catch was it was 400% higher.

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08-28-2005 11:36:27

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
Take the Farm name off. Not for the farmer anymore. Maybe Urban . RD

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Old Pokey

08-28-2005 09:20:29

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
Like one other post mentioned, you cant please everyone. It seems anymore that the decisions made to support a certain side of an issue will cost the other side a lot. Usually the supporters of the other side will then drop out and discourage their youth and anyone else they can contact from getting involved in the bureau. This farm used to be a member years back. When the bureau at all levels took to the "wrong" side of the land use issues, we dropped out and do anything we can to discourage others from joining. I think the bureau needs to start listening to the younger generations wants and needs rather than forcing THEM to listen to the "established" ways of the bureau. I dont think the bureau is changing or modernizing fast enough to keep up with the current needs of the young farmer. Again, the bureau probably has too much red tape to deal with to make any changes.

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08-28-2005 12:16:14

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Old Pokey, 08-28-2005 09:20:29  
seems we hear what you say a lot, not modernizing fast enough, hard to make sweeping changes fast but the young does not seem to be into this stuff or they go to college or take a job off the farm. we have had a hard time keeping an adgenda that does not stray from ag to other areas.

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Dave H (MI)

08-28-2005 10:31:22

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Old Pokey, 08-28-2005 09:20:29  
Not trying to start a debate and only asking because I am curious about this particular subject but....

what were the "sides" in the land use issue and which was the wrong side in your opinion?

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Old Pokey

08-28-2005 11:15:49

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Dave H (MI), 08-28-2005 10:31:22  
Great, I'm not looking to debate it either. But basicly the limitations of use for the zoned EFU land. In oregon, where i am, at the state level at least, many limitations have been imposed upon our usage of the land without compensation or alternatives. The fb was either in support of certain restrictions or could not comment on their complete silence and lack of involvement on the others. Just a quick example, and I'm not going into fine details, you can do that if you wish, as all info is publicly available. Say I own 200 acres of efu land. I have 3 kids. At the time I purchased the land, I could built 3 more houses on it for my kids to live in and raise their family. Now, I cannot built anything on my property unless I can prove over $80.000 gross income for 2 of 3 years per tax lot. I have to prove it, not just speculate it can be done. 200acres divided by 3 lots=66.6 acres. Non irrigated. Show me how to do this. This is a "hypothetical"?? situation mind you. Its close to one we have, but not excactly. I was not compensted for these restrictions nor was I allowed a "grandfother in" clause. No alternatives have been issued. Where was the fb when all this took place?? In support of the new restrictions! Why?? Because other landuse committees have made trades will the fb for their support in other issues. Again, not going to get into a P*****G match over it, just one the many issues the fb has sold us down the drain on and today those sell outs cost us too much money and freedoms. I will admitt that in the past there has been some incredible advancments that would not otherwise be possible without the fb. But that was when they could stand on thier own feet in the lobby. Those days are unfortuanatly gone.

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08-28-2005 12:21:22

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Old Pokey, 08-28-2005 11:15:49  
What is EFU land?

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Dave H (MI)

08-28-2005 12:39:22

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Leroy, 08-28-2005 12:21:22  
I was going to ask that also because it makes it hard to understand the issue....BUT, it does sound like they are trying to stop the destruction of farmland by development. That is to say the perpetual splitting of larger parcels into smaller and smaller parcels. Around here, farms no longer sell intact it seems. Scary issue because of this China business. Farms and factories are the things that kept us strong and we are losing both at an alarming rate. Again, not trying to stir your pot, just trying to understand what you are telling us. Do I have it close?

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Old Pokey

08-28-2005 13:46:41

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Dave H (MI), 08-28-2005 12:39:22  
Yep. Close. E.F.U. Exclusive Farm Use. I tryed to put a link in this post, we'll see if it shows up. I have no problem with zoning and stuff like that, as long as the people that own the land when the restrictions are imposed are duely compensated for thier loss, or have a "grandfather in" clause installed in the zoning restriction. I'm sure by now most of the country has heard at some time or nother about oregons measure 37. It is an awesome and long overdue measure that passed by a huge margin. Basicly it says the people are tired of having all these restrictions imposed without being compensated for them and that its time the state either compensate them for restrictions imposed or lift the restrictions. Sounds fair to me. I mean if you work your life away saving and making payments on a piece of land to build your retirement house on and then all of a sudden the state comes in and says "no, you no longer have that capacity, we have taken that right away and will not give you anything in return". Well, guess what, the fb is trying their darndest to get measure 37 overturned. They're using every resorce they have and some they dont have to defeat the measure.

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Dave H (MI)

08-28-2005 19:07:45

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Old Pokey, 08-28-2005 13:46:41  
Interesting reading, and thank you for your patience. Wouldn't in be nice if we could find a way to preserve out farmlands without having to be legislated into doing it? I'm gonna let it drop right there because it is a topic with too many facets to type this late in the evening.

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Old Pokey

08-29-2005 06:17:12

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Dave H (MI), 08-28-2005 19:07:45  
And all it would take is a simple change in the way the governing agencies deal with the land owners. Instead of taking the defensive all the time and using the "us against them" way of thinking, the land use agencies sim-ply need to work with the land owners to get some sort of incentive program to keep the land in ag. Instead they seem to prefer to go against the owners and use threats of restriction and regulation by force. Its amazing what can be accomplished with incentives rather than threats. My 2 cents.

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08-29-2005 05:49:08

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Dave H (MI), 08-28-2005 19:07:45  
"Wouldn't in be nice if we could find a way to preserve out farmlands without having to be legislated into doing it?"

All it needs is the ability to turn a REAL profit. Right no the return on land through almost any farming practice (pasture, hay rowcrop) is about 3%. Get that up to 5% to 14% and it would stay in farming instead of being parcelled off.

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Old Pokey

08-28-2005 13:48:27

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Old Pokey, 08-28-2005 13:46:41  
The link did'nt show up. Here is one place with some info. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~pppm/landuse/Farmland-Facts.html

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08-28-2005 08:31:08

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
If I remember corectly this last year we had both county and state farmer and non farmer gain and we have been members for about 12 years now. Dad had paid his dues but never done anything, after he passed a neighbor came over and asked if we were interested, I said before I would join I would want to know more, we talked quite a while and when he left we had joined a council. Already new 2 of the other couples (Also reletavies) in the council there were 6 people in concil when we joined making 8, now we are down to 5 having had 3 members die, can't seem to get anybody interested in joining council, at one time coulcil had 40 some people in it, now range one lady in late 80's, here husband passed away couple year ago at 89, the other couple around 70 and my wife and me, 62 in 2 weeks and wife youngest at 55, city girl that came to farm 28 year ago. This is Northwest Ohio and there a few things I don't agree with but thru concil I can voice my opinion on

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08-28-2005 08:28:58

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
The rumer that they invested in large hog operatons, with compitition for little farmers, didn't help them any.

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08-28-2005 07:10:22

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
I think there is a lot of varibility and perspective depending on who you talk to for which county and which state. I've been a county director for 8 years, 2 terms of elected county office, and serve on some of the state committees.

One of the greatest problems with Farm Bureau, and its greatest strength is it depends on the individual members. People have to be willing to step up and stand up. Our county board is older, and not as active as I would like. We would love to appoint some more younger directors, they say 'yes I would like to join' but when you talk about commitment to service they fade away. If it werent for our retired people on the Board we would have a hard time filling some of the more improtant events.

I have always been impressed with the ease of communicating one's views on state policy, and influencing state policy. Simply get appointed as a delegate to the state convention, then you have a vote and a voice. As far as any one person 'running things', I've never seen it. Yes, they have to sit the fence on some issues. One of my District Directors was caught in the County FSA Office closings. A third of the offices in his Distrct were closing, no way he can please all his constituents, and ultimately thats what he is supposed to do.

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08-28-2005 08:45:27

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to kyhayman, 08-28-2005 07:10:22  
same story here an event is usually shouldered by a small handfull.

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jughead 2

08-28-2005 06:56:38

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
Hot button for me. Here in the state of Ky farm bureau destroyed the tobacco buyout-kept talking about a buyout and keeping the program(a fantasy approach)of course they were riding the fence to appease the small farmers and protect the big farmers, which is their main concern anyway.(one large tobacco producer out of shelby county ky runs the groups agriculture legislative arm in Ky) Now that its done they are offering a lump sum payment to help out the farmer uh I mean farm bureau.

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08-28-2005 08:42:49

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to jughead 2, 08-28-2005 06:56:38  
jug i don't know much about tobbacco (but beach nut is my favorite) so this is greek to me?

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08-28-2005 06:38:49

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
I had FB insurance for 20 some years.Never had a claim.I got 3 speeding tickets in one year.(don"t ask) My insurance went from 90.00 a year to 1200.00 per auto.I dropped them like a hot spud.Went to GICO and it"s 240.00 per auto.Will never go back.They lost my car,truck,house,and farm insurance..Plus their stupid membership fees....FB sucks..... ..... .idontno

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08-28-2005 08:47:14

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to idontno, 08-28-2005 06:38:49  
we have had farm family and country way they have been very good to me but all insurance is cutting there risk.

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08-28-2005 07:15:16

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to idontno, 08-28-2005 06:38:49  
idontno, I know that in some states, they do their best to run off those who they think are high-risk(not saying you are or aren't). I know that the Alabama Farm Burea was notorious for dropping those who were high-risk ie: They had a ticket or two. Their idea on this is that they will pay for less wrecks(high profits) and keep the premiums down for the smo's like me. Each state Farm Bureau has their own insurance company. In TN, it is called, "Tennessee Farmers Mutual", I think. I have been very satisfied with their payouts for me. I think they are satisfied with me as well, but come Monday morning, I plan to turn in a claim for a leaking water heater. We shall see!!

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08-28-2005 06:35:31

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to havvey, 08-28-2005 06:11:16  
Harvey, the Farm Bureau is very strong in this state. I would guesstimate that more than 90% of the members in my county are members because of the insurance. Very few of the members are actually farmers. This is a rural county, but I'd bet that the full-time farmers in this county could be numbered on my fingers and toes with some toes left over. I can't name that many, but my memory has gotten slim to none.

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08-28-2005 08:52:22

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 Re: state local farm bureaus need help opinion's in reply to Steve/TN, 08-28-2005 06:35:31  
steve thats what i can't figure out tenn and indiana & georgia have 300,000 members each we had captive insurance (membership required) and only got 5500 at peak we switched to country way and droped to 3800 (non captive) We are still a heavy ag state.

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