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What is the most DANGROUS

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01-08-2007 06:43:32

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When running a tractor like a JD 4020 size tractor, what is the most DANGROUS implement you could use, for a tractor the IH 856 size or the JD 4020 size? Some say a rotory cutter. What do you think?

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John A.

01-08-2007 20:49:40

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
raleigh, Putting out NH3 (Anhydrous Ammonia) Accidents can happen even under best circumstances! NH3 Vapor will cause you to stop breathing in large enough quanities. Liquid will freeze burn you. There is No such thing as being "Too Careful"
John A.

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john cub owner

01-08-2007 19:28:12

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
If you discount the operator, the next most dangerous thing is loading it on a trailer to haul it.

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01-08-2007 16:55:27

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
To sum up all accidents, near misses and whatever else that can happen are just from lack of common sense is just not correct. Any person who has spent a good amount of time on a tractor or other kind of equipment has most certainly had an OH SHOT moment. It sometimes doesent take much besides luck to make the difference between a close call and a serious incident. The most dangerous chore you can do with a tractor is to be thinking about something other than that which you are doing.

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01-08-2007 16:18:41

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
this kind of goes with dave snipes comment.at age 16or 17 worked at local feed mill. mid summer and kind of slow mgr.decides to paint allthe tin roofs as me and another older guy had worked our way to the eave another man told us to get in the bucket of 801-41-61 cant remember but a little newer than 8n to finish out paint.we were standing in raised bucket painting away when man on tractor hit trip lever with hand(think he was balancing a smoke and cup of coffee)it happened so fast no warning at all shed was all metal we both scratched like squirrels as we fell trying to grab something luckily we were not hurt i wound up with 5gal of silver fiber paint dumped over my head could have been worse

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sammy the RED

01-08-2007 15:44:46

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
A mounted corn picker.

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01-08-2007 15:39:43

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
once when using rotary mower on back of ford 3000
i was in field of long grass and weeds buried in the mess was a steel car wheel which went at least 100 feet behind me . was glad no one was around .

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01-08-2007 15:20:06

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
THE DRIVER OF THE TRACTOR. if he or she did not make a mastake no on would get hurt. just like guns they don't kill stupid people do !!!!!

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Kelly Campbell

01-08-2007 13:13:56

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Anything with any to do with any tractor is dangerous...of course that"s the way life is...

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01-08-2007 12:01:33

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
We used to have a McNee 3pt.snow thrower,had abought a 7 ft cut,dual augers.When that thing was going full tilt you didn't want to get close to it.

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David Snipes

01-08-2007 11:57:47

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
When I was 6 years old, my pin-head neighbor allowed my friend and me to ride in the mechanical drop bucket of his 8N while he was plowing with a moldboard plow. The loader was up high and he was watching the plow. I have heard stories of those mechanical release buckets releasing on their own. We were lucky.

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01-08-2007 11:08:36

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
"Jerry rigged" tractor or implement worked on by tight-wad, penny pinching, guy who can squeeze a turd out of buffalo nickel. Examples: Welded rotary cutter blades. Disabled, wired-around starter safety switches. PTO shield removed from rear of tractor. PTO implement without the safety shields around the shaft. PTO shaft with extra long shear bolt sticking out. Post hole digger with dull/wore-out blades and helper "riding" it to make it dig.

A young veternarian near me got caught in a post hole digger PTO shaft. Grabbed his jeans along the fly, ripped out his manhood and family jewels, ripped his abdoman open, etc. Luckey he lived over it.

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two mile

01-08-2007 10:29:50

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Implements are a factor, but the most dangerous situation is anytime I'm on the road. We live on a state highway. The average driver thinks it's an interstate. There is no way to predict each drivers response, so you have to assume that none of them have any sense, otherwise your not safe. I remember going to an auction several years ago and learning that the sale was being held because the farmer was killed while driving his tractor down the highway, rear ended in broad daylight. What a shame.

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01-08-2007 10:19:08

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
A log chain or cable. For some reason tractor drivers think it doesn't matter where you hitch them up.

As I was reading some of the other post the thought and memory of the most dangerous thing I remember was running a skunk through the snapper rolls on a Hesston swather (without a cab)!!!

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Hard Knocks

01-08-2007 10:03:28

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
A person who thinks driving a tractor is 'playing'

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01-08-2007 10:00:37

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Most dangerous thing i can think of is me at one time. I'm older and hopefully wiser now but I had some very close calls. Scariest one involved both my kids. Son was about 6 or 7 and rode with me to the field. Sit on my lap and steer. He was finally tall enough to reach the pedals if he stood at the very front of the seat. We came back from the field and pulled into the drive, not fast. I told him to push in the clutch and break and he did. Just then my daughter (2 years younger) came running up to the tractor right infront of the rear wheel. Well the son must of figured the tractor was stopped or probably just didn't know any better and took his foot off the clutch. The tractor jumped forward and the rear wheel knocked my daughter backwards right in front of the wheel. I don't know how i did it so fast but I slammed the break and stalled the tractor before the wheel ran over her. Probably the worst and the luckiet moment of my life. Kids didn't ride on the tractors much after that and I think I got a little smarter and grayer. Anyway both kids are successful adults now (29 / 27) and I didn't try to kill them too many more times. They were luckier than I was smart. Still gives me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Can't tell me there are not guardian angels out there.
ps maybe someday I'll tell about the kids and the runaway truck another dumb dad move.

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Jim K

01-08-2007 15:54:44

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to PhilcaseinWPa, 01-08-2007 10:00:37  
A tractor with insuficient brakes! or no brakes at all. Was touring the woods around my uncles house. with my cousins JD log skidder, had his wife, my wife, his daughter, and him. He was sitting on the back half with the winch, (it was an articulated machine) and the girls were sitting or holding on up front with me. Heading down a hill I figured I needed a little higher gear so that I could just let her idle down the hill at a liesurely pace rather than have the motor screeming.
As soon as I put in the clutch to change gears she started picking up speed and I couldn't get it into 2nd gear because it wasn't a sincro mesh tranny. so here I am standing on the brakes which are not doing anything and now I am starting to feel lumps building up in my shorts.
Cause this thing is really bouncing and still picking up speed. Just then my cousin yells at me from the rear to drop the blade that it had on the front, so I did and it came to a tooth rattling stop. I still cringe when I think what would have happened had that skidder not had a blade on the front.
Never change gears when going down a hill especially if towing a load.

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Walt Davies

01-08-2007 09:47:16

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Farming is the 5th most dangerous job in America. Logging is number 1.

Police and firmen who alway say they have such a dangerous job are not even in the top 10.

Think about that for awhile before you get on your next tractor to do some chore.


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MF Poor

01-08-2007 09:43:26

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
In almost 60 years, I've known several people who either got killed or seriously injured with a tractor.

1 was a corn picker accident. Lost an arm
1 baler accident. PTO shaft cost a leg
3 roll-overs due to loaders raising loads too high on unlevel ground. 1 death, 1 paralized, one VERY lucky.
1 round bale rolled back down a raised loader, killing the operator (on the day he was to be married)
3 traffic related "on road" accidents. 1 rear-ended while hauling round bales. Neither driver could see the other guy. Auto driver lost life. 2 others were ran off the road by a passing autos that cut back in too quick. One killed, one seriously injured.
1 ran over while trying to jump start standing on the ground in front of back wheel.

That's 10 AVOIDABLE accidents, with 5 deaths. Please AVOID being #11 on my list. BE CAREFULL

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Glenn FitzGerald

01-08-2007 09:37:44

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Corn picker snapping rolls are pretty unforgiving. I have a cousin with one hand who will testify to the fact.


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01-08-2007 09:27:11

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Depends on a lot of things. You talking for the guy on the tractor or the person that shouldn't be watching. A brush hog is real bad for a person watching because it will sned rocks out like missiles but the guy on the tractor is pretty safe form them unless he falls off the back. Most implanments are pretty safe if your on the tractor its when you get off and you don't shut the tractor down thats when it gets very unsafe. So again 99% of the time it come back to the guy driveing and how safe he is, most accidents can be stopped if a person thinks and does things the way they should be done

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01-08-2007 09:19:23

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
I would say a person without common sense !!!

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molly hatchet

01-08-2007 09:45:55

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to PJBROWN, 01-08-2007 09:19:23  
and in a hurry. pj got it right.

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Jon Hagen

01-08-2007 09:10:13

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Top of my list would be an open station tractor with short or no fenders pulling a harrow. Turn too short and the tractor wheel snages the harrow and drags it over the operators station.

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01-08-2007 09:07:12

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
While I agree with the posts below that the any operator can make the simplest chore dangerous, a shredder is the most dangerous to operate in my opinion.

Even if you do everything by the book they can make things pretty hairy. Metal fatigue, improperly designed or manufactured parts can make it dangerous for the operator and bystanders - even those that think they are a "safe" distance away. Then you have the siuation in which they operate, clearing ground that trashy and may not have been gone over for some time. I "found" a brand new ditch in my CRP last summer that had never been there before. The combination of open station tractor, unfamilar ground and running in near dark conditions just about made my wife a widow.

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01-08-2007 10:39:09

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to dhermesc, 01-08-2007 09:07:12  
Whats a shredder? I sure hope i don't have to EVER use one of these!!

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01-08-2007 20:50:24

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 10:39:09  
Seeing a person that has been thru one is not a pretty sight plenty of fist sized chunks as we saw when we found a person that was late coming home .

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01-08-2007 11:13:19

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 10:39:09  
Shredder, Brush hog, Bush hog, Rotary Mower etc...

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01-08-2007 11:38:33

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to dhermesc, 01-08-2007 11:13:19  
Oh boy.....

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Howard H.

01-08-2007 08:50:24

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  

One other odd story that might surprise a person:

One of my friends was planting wheat with a drag type Great Plains fold up wheat drill.

He hit a soft spot and almost got stuck - as he was rocking forward and backing up to get out - the hitch pin came out of the hitch...

Since he had raised the implement up on it's wheels and it was full of wheat - it made it rear heavy and tilted backwards, raising the hitch up about the same time he started backing up...

It stabbed the hitch (roughly a six by six inch square beam) through the Sound Gard cab on his tractor, under his arm, and out the front of the cab next to the exhaust pipe before he got it shut down...

Didn't even hurt him - but he was just six inches from being shish-kebabed on that hitch...


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Howard H.

01-08-2007 08:44:54

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  

I bought an older Case tractor at an estate sale a year or so ago, not knowing what the fellow had died from.

When I went back to pick it up, got to talking with another guy there and the owner had a habit of starting the tractors from the ground. He was always careful to leave the tractors out of gear when he got off of one - he was in his 80's - but didn't realize one of the neighbors had borrowed one and left it in gear.

When he tried to start it - it ran over him. He managed to crawl to the house and get help and lived for several weeks after that, but didn't make it...

Also, when I was a kid - I got squished between a rear tire and a three point mount implement. Not enough to hurt me, but plenty enough to leave an impression!

My main point is - there are a lot of ways to get hurt around a tractor!


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01-08-2007 07:30:12

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  

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Allan In NE

01-08-2007 07:21:46

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Be careful handling big round bales.

The tail can wag the dog so quick it's not even funny.


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Hugh MacKay

01-08-2007 07:06:20

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
raleigh: One of the most dangerous I've seen is the nut on the seat. all equipment has the potential to be lethal if not used right.

I remember once my dad stopped at a neighbor farm on the way home from town. As he drove in yard, here was a Farmall H on it's side with a trailer load of fire wood scattered across the yard. the old farmer owner was sitting on the doorstep with his head in his hands. My dad rushed over to see if he was alright. He said," Oh I'm fine, I hired that idiot down the road to put my wood in. Couldn't imagine how he could possibly get in trouble with an H and a half cord trailer on level ground. Now, look what I have on my hands and the ambulance just lugged him off to the hospital."

Moral of it, all equipment has the potential to be injure and kill, in the hands of dangerous operators.

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Dave from MN

01-08-2007 07:05:04

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Anything is dangerous if not used as intended. Heck i've been pegged in the head by rocks before just bailing hay. Sucker nailed me. I wold agree that operator not experienced or operator thinking he knows more that he does driving careless is the biggy. Also operating anything with a pto and allowing people around it it foolish. Dangerous toys, I knew a freind back in '89 that had to go get stitches in ER on his 1st date, at the girls parents house. He had never operated a crab leg cracker before, but felt he didnt need to watch or ask. There ya operator experience is the biggest.

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01-08-2007 06:56:48

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
That is an easy one.

Most dangerous implement is an operator who lacks common sense. Doesn't matter what he is doing--he will find a way to hurt himself.

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01-08-2007 06:53:10

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to raleigh, 01-08-2007 06:43:32  
Anything with a pto, or actually any implement if you are inexperienced. You can get hurt before quick if you are not careful.

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01-08-2007 06:57:38

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to preacherman, 01-08-2007 06:53:10  
If used properly every machine is safe or it wouldn't be sold.

If used improperly all machines are dangerous.

The tractors with no impliments are dangerous if used improperly.

Just my thoughts Gary

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01-08-2007 13:52:23

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 Re: What is the most DANGROUS in reply to IaGary, 01-08-2007 06:57:38  
Old fellow near my place had a large farm type tractor. He lived on a fairly level farm. Then he sold the farm, made lots of money from the sale, and then bought a much smaller place, rather hilly. For years, he always had several log chains hanging from the rear axle housings, and never had a problem with them.

Then, whilst mowing a side hill, the dangling chains caught in the wheel spokes, and in 10 seconds, it was all over for him! His daughter found him with the tractor steering wheel crushing his chest. Smartened him up, and made his daughters rich--all in one fell swoop!

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