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OT Stealing Land / advice

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02-11-2007 12:21:43

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I found out this morning that the "Trans-Texas Corridor" is going to take about 50 - 60 acres of my farm. The state of Texas is going to imminent domain the land and then the corridor will be built with private money and be a toll road. It is going to be 1200 feet wide. It will have a passenger frwy.,truck frwy.,High speed rail, freight rail and utility corridor from mexico to Oklahoma. I will be sitting right on the edge of this noisy piece of crap and the roads will be blocked on 2 sides of me with no access (toll road). I need some advice on how to keep from being taken to the cleaners worse than I already am. Has anyone had any experience with immenent domain? How do I get a fair deal on my property? I will be boxed in and there can be no future development on the back of my place because there will be rail lines and no access from that side. I am sick about this. My farm is in the middle of nowhere & thats where I planned to build and stay. As far as I am concerned the govt. taking your property and turning it over to a private investor is STEALING. There is no integrity within the Govt. anymore Property rights used to be sacred in the USA ...not anymore. Gorilla

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02-12-2007 12:48:19

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
you think you have it bad check out noolf.com the govt is trying to take 33,000 acres in eastern north carolina. I wish you all the best.

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02-12-2007 22:09:12

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to ncdiesel48, 02-12-2007 12:48:19  
This one corridor is going to take 195,000 acres!!!!! !!!! Thats right no typo one hundred ninety five thousand acres of farmland! And this is only one of several corridors our governor has planned.

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02-12-2007 07:50:45

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Maybe your lawyer can get you a percentage of their profits from the tollway???

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Midwest redneck

02-12-2007 02:25:57

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 one other thing to do. in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Do you remember the Klamath falls fiasco in Oregon several years ago. From what I remember a damn was built to "protect the fish BS" and it also took water away from farmers needing it for their land to water their crops. Well from what I remember the farmers went to the damn and broke it open (illegally too) and they got water for the farms. (I dont know how much farther this went after this) But....If you could get a bunch of farmers in Texas to go to the state capital and stand behind you, you may have a voice. There is more power in many rather then one.

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02-11-2007 20:43:11

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Sounds a lot like the arguments the people in Colorado have been trying to use to get approval for the super slab. Supposed to be a privately funded toll road, but eminent domain will be used to take the land for it.

There's a number of people fighting to stop the project. For a while it looked like they had succeeded, but apparently its back under a different guise. Check this webpage.


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02-11-2007 20:34:30

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Time to get on the horn and write every newspaper, try to call in to any talk show locally! YELL about this! The more publicity you draw on this the better. Try to get some numbers behind you. That's really the best way to draw attention to this.

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02-11-2007 19:19:30

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Hire a good lawyer and do "not" fight the imminent domain, instead fight for a piece of the action$$$.

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02-11-2007 19:10:22

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
I had to deal with a road widening project some years ago. The only thing I didnt get was drainage for the s.e.corner of a field. I got enuf money to buy a good 3pt.post hole digger and fence material. Didnt have any left over for labor. Did get the road contractor to do some dirt work for me though. Never gave me a bill so he never got paid.


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02-11-2007 19:09:51

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
dividing it into lots is the best way,I think. I'm on a rural school board in central Tx. We went through this awhile back over 3 acres next to school that is and has been in cultivation for 50 years. Our lawyer advised dropping it. We did. my .02

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02-11-2007 18:50:21

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
hi be like kansas and vote the ones that support this kinds thing out of office .as it a time for change.

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02-11-2007 17:17:11

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
I grew up thinking eminent domain was the governments way to take property for a public works project that was for the common good. I despise taking property and allowing private business to operate a toll road. It is the same as the New London,Conn. case where the local government took property to allow developers to build condos. This is more of the privatizing that has been happening in America. It should be unconstitutional period.

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02-11-2007 16:37:50

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
I would look into subdividing that 50 to 60 into one acre lots. Then you can deal on each lot on a individual basics. Divided it will bring more than one lump sum. Or a nutter way to look at it, out of the lump sum lets say that some of it is only fit to hold the earth together so I bet they will come up with land around you that is compatible with it and base their price on that and lead on that that’s all the 50 to 60 is worth take it or fight your call good luck so how do you fight it they can prove that it’s a fair price based on compatible land in your area. You will not have a leg to stand on sept maybe the jury will think well we will give’em a little more we feel better he should to. Once its subdivided then you will be able to haggle using the price of the choice lots and not based on the undesirable lots so if it has to be fought over it should be looked at as, he’s give’in up choice desirable land so we feel he should git just as fair a price for the undesirable lots.

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02-11-2007 16:24:41

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
YUP they're gona get the land the trick is in the fair price which the state has to pay. Remember when you get your assessment every year and it seems low well that's their offer. 1) Hire a lawyer--or at least get one signed up even if you don't need him. Some times they will agree to represent you WHEN you need it, give quick advise and not charge till they need to.
2) Have a real estate agent/broker or two give you a market value. Also get a bank to give a market value if you can. That what you want.
3) Negoiate for the best deal you can get--maybe that underpass. Maybe screening trees if your house is real close. All this is in addition to the land value because remember they are reducing the asset on which you make a "living".

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02-11-2007 15:47:05

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Hey Gorilla,

Which side of I-35 are they planning on running this thing? My family has property on the east side of I-35 not far from Waco. I know that there has been some talk that there are three or four different routes that they are looking at running the corridor IF it gets passed.


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02-11-2007 20:38:33

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to CRUSADER, 02-11-2007 15:47:05  
IM on the east side of 35. They are running it parallel to the interstate most all the way. Vote on it? I dont think so... this is pretty much a done deal. They slipped it in during the last election and nobody knew it had anything to do with the trans texas corridor. They already have RECENT aerial photographs with the right of way on it. >Link

Link href="http://www.stall.net/ttc_2007/CW00350010.htm">Link

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02-11-2007 20:25:23

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to CRUSADER, 02-11-2007 15:47:05  
They are planning on running it to the east side of Waco. Here's a link to a map that show's where it might go in McLennan county. Link

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Walt Davies

02-11-2007 15:08:16

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
If they split your farm they have to either buy all of one side or give you access to the other gor tractors and equipment. A friend of mine from school days got caught up in that and the put in an underpass just for him to use.

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Ryan - WI

02-11-2007 15:04:24

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
If I were you I would stay calm and rationale and negotiate a fair price for your farm. Usually if you play nice the government in turn will play nice and give you a fair value for your land. Often times they even give you a pretty darn good deal as they know it is very inconvienient for you.

Hiring a lawyer, holding out and taking them to court will almost guarantee you to get only whatever the assessed value of the property is and not a penny more.

Emminent Domain does suck, but the roads gotta go somewhere.

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02-11-2007 20:43:53

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Ryan - WI, 02-11-2007 15:04:24  
No, this road doesnt have to go "somewhere". This is a boondoggle deluxe by our governor. It is going to make a lot of people in politics wealthy I am sure. They havent even widened the interstates that they have or fully used the railroad right of ways that they have. This is a 1200 foot wide corridor from mexico to oklahoma.....several hundred miles. I plan to "play nice" but I also know state politics around here and they are trying to keep this a secret until the last minute. I want to be prepared so I dont get screwed to the wall.

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02-11-2007 14:44:52

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Sorry Gorilla. All you can do is get a fair price.

They are doing the same thing here In Colordo. Passed a law to stop it, but I bet it will happen any way.

Modern world--Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.

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02-11-2007 14:44:46

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
At least you are being forced out for something that "might" be worthwhile for the public "someday". How about all the people in Arlington Texas that got booted out of thier homes under the same law, to build a FOOTBALL stadium for JERRY JONES, who screwed the taxpayers into a bery bad deal. Tom

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02-11-2007 14:16:43

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 Re: You cannot do anything in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Legally, there is absolutely nothing you can do - to keep the land. Even if they took it, and later changed their minds, you couldn't get it back unless you bought it. That is the danger of emminent domain. If it was on a small local scale - you might be able to embarrass someone enough to stop them at the beginning - by making all public. But, on a large scale ?? They don't care. A provision was added to Emminent Domain - called "Quick Take" a few years back - that allows just about any government entity to take your land without proving the necessity in court. This was done to help governments gets things done in emergency situations. Now, it is widely abused. If they take your land, and you go to court - and even if the judge finds in YOUR favor - you do NOT get your land back. But, the judge can award you more money. It's rediculous and it should be abolished. I've tried to fight it several times. If the proceed with the action - you WILL lose your land. The only way to stop it - is to stop the proceeding from happening.

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Ken Thies

02-11-2007 13:17:59

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
They seem to forget how much easyer it will be for the illeagels to move north ward hundreds of miles.
The evacuation route thing sure makes me wonder what plans they have for evacuation???
This has been in the works for years. Supposed to go all the way to Canada.

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Midwest redneck

02-11-2007 12:54:20

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Try to get on TV or the media somehow and explain your situation. If it were me I dont know how off the edge I would go....extreme violence maybe. Maybe reck the highway at night as it were being put it, steal equipment, dozers, graders, excavators. How much land do you have? Is there anyway to get a fair market value sale for the land? Good luck.

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02-11-2007 12:53:21

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Yep just another plan to haul more illegals and poor quality parts over faster to the money mongrel chain stores and wanna be assembly plants we have today and raise "legal citizens" taxes. You do need to compensated fairly by them for your land though and yes I understand it could be a huge inconvience if you planned to stay there forever. Can"t say I see it doing most citizens any good but industry big bucks somewhere got it all figured out like always. Google searches will bring up much on that highway and also on imminent domain.

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Formerly PaMike

02-11-2007 12:51:29

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
My great grandfather and great uncle lost their farm to an airport. They were bitter till they died. I would get a good lawyer for one. The second is to accept the fact that they will take the land, and try to negotiate the best deal. Sometimes they will do land swaps where they buy you a new farm in return for yours. It seems from all the cases that I have seen, if you just try to stone wall them the attorneys get rich, you get sick to your stomach, and the gov gets your land...

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Davis In SC

02-11-2007 19:21:31

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Formerly PaMike, 02-11-2007 12:51:29  
I knew a family that lost their farm to an Airport, they stated farming a few miles away, 30 years later, they lost that farm to an Auto Plant. Sure, they were well-compensated, but money ain't everything...

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02-11-2007 14:18:21

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Formerly PaMike, 02-11-2007 12:51:29  
Well, I'm mad enough to chew nails but I know that I might as well bend over and get ready to take it. I would love to do some of the stuff like redneck said but it aint worth going to Jail and losing my job over. Im already bitter but I know that this is a "done" deal. I just have to figure out how to get the best deal of it. I have 235 acres andit is going to bend around my property and take 50 or 60 acres. 5 lanes of rail being closest to my remaining property. There isnt enough money to hack my farm up. A land swap sounds pretty good. It would really take a considerably amount of money to truly compensate for this b.s. I havent been contacted about it yet...just found the plans and aerial views of my place on the website. They are trying to keep this real quiet. I plan to talk to a lawyer but also know that you can only fight it so far without losing your butt. Thanks for the advice. I tell you, We have to start standing up to our politicians and our govt. on this imminent domain crap. I love this state and this country but Im begining to wonder what sets us aside from anybody else.
Thanks for the Advice. I will probably post more about it as time goes. Gorilla.

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02-11-2007 20:20:10

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 14:18:21  
The TTC is all a bunch of BS. As of now, it"s supposed to be about 15-20 miles west of us. I just don"t see how it"s going to be feasible(sp) to keep it up. They can"t even get I-35 to hold up, how are they going to get the TTC to hold up?
I"m sure Rick Perry is going to make money off of it. He probably already has his pocket"s lined with cash and is laughing all the way to the bank.

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Princeton Bill

02-11-2007 14:30:24

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 14:18:21  
Check around and get yourself a lawyer that deals in such cases. If it is going to happen you want to make sure you get the most you can. A good lawyer with the right kind of experience can make a world of difference. The honest ones (oxymoron) will tell you up front if they believe the state's offer is a good one or if they think you can get more by going to court.

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02-11-2007 12:47:22

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  
Put together the documentation to clearly show the cost (in perpetuity) of the loss of access to the property, and the isolation of the property to be cut off from your control and governance. Show how the property will be effectively a nucance to neighbors (due to the inability to "police" it, or monitor its use by vagrants/squatters, on that side of the corridor. Possibly force the no cost re-selling of cutoff lands on both sides so that you could get land from others as they get land from you (receprocity). Good luck JimN

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wayne from wi

02-11-2007 12:47:08

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to Gorilla, 02-11-2007 12:21:43  

That highway is a regular topic on the G.Gordon Liddy radio show. You may want to contact his show at THE LIDDY SHOW.com. At least go to his website. I believe he was going to have links available regarding the highway. Wayne

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02-11-2007 14:49:39

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 Re: OT Stealing Land / advice in reply to wayne from wi, 02-11-2007 12:47:08  
Have you heard of the notion of connecting Can, US, Mexico into one Nation, literally? This only brings it closer. Plans are to connect the TTC system with the I-69 project connecting the 2 sections existing that are in Mississippi and up here in Michigan. Will connect at Port Huron MI and go all the way to Mexico. You know, they talk about congestion, yet keep building more roads for more development which in turn creates more congestion. Heres Wikipedia link to this BS. Link

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