Whats your opinion on this??


This happened at my local high school and I personally had Mr.Cooper for a wood shop teacher for two years before graduating. I personally think that in todays society these kids get away with too much and I'm sure this punk kid had it coming and I know for sure it didn't happen the way the kid says it did because my brother was there and told me all about it. Burns gets all the "cheyenne rejects" all the problem kids they don't want to deal with and such and they have absolutely no respect for the staff or teachers. Anyone else think these punk druggie kids get away with too much and the teachers don't have the authority they should to properly punish kids?


There is another link that is more in depth but I sure can't find it right now I will try again in the morning
Sad thing is once they leave school (by whatever means), they seem to end up on my shift as temp employees. Some work out, most don't. Most don't get scheduled back, some are asked to leave and a few have been escorted out by the police. Funny where the line is drawn in the sand between the legally protected 'entitlement mentallity' and real life.
When I was in school the science teacher had an old razor strap for a disciplinary tool, blue leather about 2 1/2 feet long, got it once for a snowball fight in the playground. Principal had a wooden paddle with holes in it that was called "option 2" that you could take one swat from to avoid detention, I always took option two so I wouldn't have to face my father about detention. That guy would swing that sucker so hard I think his feet left the ground. Anyway they are both still friends of mine 30 years later and I have more admiration and respect for them than any of my other teachers, they were fair and not cruel but they were in charge, as a teacher should be, My opinion goes back to the opinion that if you coddle and spoil these brats all you have when you are done is a coddled spoiled brat. It's time to give some power back to the "Authority figures" . And to all the liberals worried about the poor childs psychy, you should have met "Old Blue"
Untitled URL Link
Neither of the links worked for me. Without getting into the philosophical discussion of whether the kids need to be beaten more or less or not at all and whether or not it will lead to behavior modification or whether or not it's the same children that keep getting whipped time-after-time..........one thing I've never been able to reconcil: if a teacher takes his "option 2" as cj described it and gives a 16 year old child 3 mighty licks, much of society will applaud; however if he takes "option 2" and gives the child's mother 3 mighty licks, it's 'battery' and is at least a misdemeanor and may be a felony.......and if he give's the child's father 3 mighty licks, he probably needs to be willing to defend himself against a physical retaliation. Does the child have fewer rights or is he/she less a person........under the law? Is it his/her age that's the difference or the fact that he's a student? Lots of adults are students. If they sass the teacher, is it acceptable to whip them?
When I went to school in the 50's there was talk of the paddle with the holes. I never saw it, but probably should have, just never got caught. I have said our country starting going down hill, when teachers lost control of kids. Stan
I started in 1950; first and second grade were in the Primary School, about a half mile from the Grammar School, 'though they had the same principal. All the 'big' kids talked about the principal's electric paddle, which he kept in his office; needless to say, we were terrified.
At my school it was "Parker's Persuader", a canoe paddle named for the high school principal. You could take a swat in lieu of detention, and he'd lift you off the ground with it. Then you got to sign your name on it. Alas, it burned along with the high school in 1962, and was never replaced.

I doubt if this kid is "misunderstood" at all- people think he is a punk, and I'll bet he's just that. A combination of not much snatchin' up, and too much exposure to like-minded punks on TV, internet, etc. Moms not at home anymore to raise the kids, so they raise themselves, and generally not very well.
I agree they should be able to discilpine...There have been a few teachers that have taken it to far so now teachers hands are tied ..example in first grade we got back from church the teacher said no talking the 7 year old girl asked "sister what time is it?" she called her in the coat room and all we could hear was slapping and crying when she came out her face was full of blood.... Question where can we draw the line ?
Get outta town, Bill. When did the military change their philosophy? (Has it been changed?) When I went thru 'basic' in '67, the DIs had to ask permission to touch you, i.e., to adjust an item of clothing.......tho' there was lots of verbal abuse. Friends who went thru Marine Corps 'boot' at the same time said there was some 'hands on' punishment.
I remember back in elementary school (late 60's) the principal Mr. Green had a pair of boxing gloves for those of us whom like to swing at each other. He had them hanging on his doorknob. The "ring" was out back with the trees as boundary's. We'd lace them on then beat our brains out till he thot we'd learned our lesson. Then he'd take them off and tell us to go wash our face and get back to class. I still remember him laughing his butt of as we punched each other to death. I must admit that was better discipline then having to sand his paddle down before a swat or two. I lost count of all the button marks he had on that chunk of wood. I'm laughing my butt off just remembering those times. Gosh, those were the day's. Always had respect for Mr. Green.
I went through basic in 1953 right after the Korean War ended. The drill sergeants were told (I later found out) that they could use sledgehammers on us if they wanted but in most cases they would only need a feather. I had the good fortune in basic training of serving under WWII and/or Korean War vets who were all business. We all seemed to understand the seriousness of the moment. I didn't really hear any high octane profanity until I reached my first company. The 1st Sergeant was an old WWII "mule skinner". Those people were just as ornery as the mules. I never had to serve in a mule outfit but they still had one at Fort Carson (actually up at Camp Hale) in 1957.
Many, many years ago, early 1970's, I was a substitute teacher at the High School where I graduated.

I was substituting for a History teacher and two students were disrupting the class.

I asked both to quiet down several times and they just laughed and ignored me.

Before loosing complete control in the classroom,
I asked both boys to step outside in the hall.

I found a paddle in the intructor's desk and took it with me.

Both boys assured me that I could not paddle them.

I asked which one wanted to "get it" first and the larger boy laughed.

I asked him to bend over and grab his ankles.

About halfway over, I "swatted" him one good one.

He gritted his teeth, tears ran down his cheek, and he asked to go to the restroom.

The other kid "p*ss*d" in his pants and started crying before I ever touched him.

I told him to go call his father at work to come get him so he could go home and change clothes.

I worked with his father at the steel mill and knew that punishment at home would be much worse.

While walking back into the classroom, I noticed that the wooden paddle had a "split" in the middle.

I walked over in front of the instructor's desk, firmly grabbed both sides of the paddle, and broke it in half with my hands.

With shock and horror on the faces of all in the room, I asked "is there anyone else that does not understand PLEASE BE QUIET?".

For the remainder of the class it was so quiet you could hear a mouse p*ss*ng on cotton!
Sure was a different time when most of us went to school Got my hands slapped with a ruler many a times by Sister Ferdinand, probably no more than 5 ft tall and about 70 yrs old back then. Mostly just for talking or fooling around in class. When you got told to go into the cloakroom, you knew you were going to get whacked on the rear with a brush. They didn't worry about your self-esteem OR a lawsuit OR being arrested. I'm no serial killer and I know right from wrong thanks to those nuns and the concept of "actions and consequences". LOL. And then if my sister told my parents that I got whacked at school, I got it worse from my Dad when I got home.

I really do feel sorry for the teachers today having their hands tied when dealing with the "discipline" problems.
Both my wife and I work. And I can state for a fact that my Son would not even try to pull any of that kind of stuff at school.
You dont have to be with them 24 hrs a day to set expectations and hold them too them.
All of the kids teachers have our email addresses and use them frequently.
On more than one occasion my son has come home to me holding a email and his note was no were to be found.
I know what home work he is NOT doing, when he is missbehaving in class.
It is simply a parenting issue. Period. yes times are different and time is at a premium but you can work around these issues. Any thing less is just an excuse.
Here is a example:
From: Jay Sparling [mailto:(private)@(private).k12.mn.us]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 9:20 AM
To: Laura Constenius ECEBR: Oper/Eng
Subject: Re: Michael

Still not turning much in and seems to be forgetting materials a lot again.

On 2/3/09 10:25 AM, "Laura Constenius ECEBR: Oper/Eng" <Laura.(private).com> wrote:

How has he been doing lately? Are things getting turned in?
Just checking in.

Its pretty simple really. Check on your kids. teachers are more than willing to help. because it also helps them.
Same here E-mail is the ticket for us too we know what is going on and so do our kids so they tow the line..
A lot of young boys were molested by priests. Parents would not want to listen to their children and take the priests word over their own sons and the priests would keep on doing it....Some parents would even invite these pedaphiles in their homes.... The don't tell policy in these cases did not turn out so well....
Teachers should be able to do their job without having to put up with those kind of kids. If they get out of line have police remove them from school and jail them like any other criminal regardless of age, race, and that BS or deport them right then and there.
Opinions?? I got 'em. Nerves in the hind end have a direct link to the brain, and has the uncanny ability to make the brain pause and consider what it has allowed the body to do.

"Grounding", "Timeout", etc. dont work, only makes the child resent whoever is dishing out the punishment (if you can call it that).

Change the child's attitude with a belt or paddle he/she may hate you for the time being but will come to realize later that it was in the best interest.

Take (dont send) the kids to Church, correct them by spanking, later on you will have a well-mannered, respectful young man or woman you can be proud of.
We had teachers that by todays rules were abusive without doubt. That picture could have two sides, and only a few will actualy know the truth.

Seems funny we pay our teachers big wages, but can't afford to place a $30.00 camera from Walley world in the class room for a fact finding proof to the parents or school board.

My dad tells of the country school that was over run by the kids. Teachers refused to work there after a day or two. They hired a male who read a book in the back of the class the first day without looking up.

The second day he started by asking the biggest guy to go up to the front of the slate board and draw a circle. He then told the boy to make it a small circle. As the boy finished drawing the small circle the teacher pulled out a 22 pistol and shot a hole dead center of the circle. He then anounced "yesterday was your day, the rest are mine"!!!

Dad said the kids respected him real well after that.

Anyone got a idea what would happen today if that was to take place?

I recall kids leaning back on two legs of their chair instead of all four. The teacher would come from behind and tip the chair over backwards. The kids head would hit the tile floor and smack down pretty hard, but no one ever got hurt that I can remember.

The girls all wore short skirts and dresses, and perhaps weren't real good at sitting like a lady. The male teachers always had those girls in the front of the class room for some odd reason. Kinda unfair to the rest of the male boys in the room as I recall it.

Two teachers married girls in our school after leaving their wives and kids. So just because their degree is in teaching, I'm never convinced that it is always the kids fault. And needless to say we know all kids aren't angles either.
Well since you asked it is MY OPINION that this does not belong on Tractor Talk.
I"m not sure teachers and parents LOST control as much as they gave it up. I can"t tell the number of times I"ve heard some variation of "I didn"t like being paddled so I will not do it to my kids/students" The parent/teacher either didn"t learn or didn"t like the lesson they were taught when they were young. They worry about self esteem not understanding that like other forms of respect self esteem must be earned it cannot be given. When these kids get out in the real world they are lost because they have no foundation to fall back on.
A snoz box is a really good deterent for kids acting up and embarrassing too. With all the rules now, I bet you couldn't use it now a days. What's a snoz box? The teacher has you go to the front of the class and puts a chalk circle on the blackboard, just the right height for you to put your nose up against for 5 or 10 minutes. If you act up more, the longer you have stand there. Dave

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