06-20-2000 04:53:45
Found a Cat loader in the weeds near home, as far as I can tell it is a diesel, loader, missing the bucket, left track is broke and laying beside it, the sprockets still have sharp points on them, and the head is off the engine along with many other items. I need something at the hunting camp to push dirt and move trees, does anyone know of an engine that will bolt in place in this thing?, Also, where do I look to identify what model it is? I have no problem dragging home a ball of rust, and trying to make something usable out of it, been doing that all my life, the owner of the land that this "thing" is on, says if I move it, I can have it, another question, how do you move something like this? As you may have gathered I don't know a lot about dozers and such, but they ain't nothing I can't fix. Thanks for any help you throw this way. BTW, nice web site, read it everyday at work, as long as big brother isn't watching.