What serial number and or series is it ? Look above the left final drive filler cap, closer to the top of the track or the left side of the engine block, rear, you should find a tag, numbers are also stamped behind the tag. If it's an older 2H series with a 3 cylinder the starting engine is the 2 cylinder vertical piston type, mounted on the left side of the diesel, the later D6's had the horizontal 2 cylinder starting engine mounted on the back of the 6 cylinder diesel engine. You should get a serviceman's reference book, operators instructions, and parts catalog for it, 3 manuals you'll need the starting sequence would be in the operators instructions. Use care with the starting engine, make sure it has clean oil, and that it does not become thinned by gasoline. There are a lot of little things to be aware of with them, that is one important thing to watch for. You can find operators instructions for these on e-bay and at the cat dealer, legendary literature program, really a good idea to read that section on start up, you may also see if someone can post or e-mail that section to you, here, ACMOC and or ACME board. Not sure if that model has to have the diesel spinning to circulate coolant, if it does, you can't run that starting engine long before it overheats, another one the be aware of. Once you have the starting enging running, you typically engage a clutch using a lever, and you will notice the diesel start to spin, you also start off with the compression lever for the diesel on off, let it spin, then turn the compression lever to half (half compression) and or run ( full compression) this will create some heat and circulate oil until you see pressure register on the gauge. Once you have it spinning on compression for awhile, longer in a cold environment, you then raise the throttle lever to give the diesel fuel, it should start to fire at that point, when it it does it will disenegage the starting engine via centrifugal force. If the tractor has sat awhile, take the time to check things over, change fluids, make sure the starting engine has clean fuel, clean oil - no gasoline in it, (it can leak down through the carburetor, thin the crankcase oil and cause the engine to fail) If the diesel does not want to fire, you'll need to check the fuel system there, drain off water from the tank, bleed the lines ( pressurize the tank with a cut off from an inner tube secured to the filler neck 1-2 psi, change filters, and or check to see if the injector pump rack is sticking. Just some thoughts, and do remember once you fire one of these up, not easy to shut off, everything is mechanical, so make sure she's in neutral and you don't put yourself in any danger, be safe and see if you can find the reference books, they are a lot of fun, and can also be a lot of work to repair, still fun though, and still quite useful.