Here's what my owner's manual says (it assumes you are starting with the magneto removed from the engine). 1) Disconnect wire from coil (domed box on top of magneto). 2) Crank engine so No 1 piston is at the upper center of the compression stroke (you feel pressure from spark plug hole). Continue cranking slowly until first of the double notches on the fan drive pulley (on the crankshaft) is in line with pointer (both intake and exhaust valves should be closed). 3) Remove distributor cap and turn magneto coupling in a counter-clockwise direction (as viewed from the coupling end) until the metal strip on the rotor points to the No 1 terminal on the dristributor cap. Replace distributor cap. 4) Assemble magneto on the engine, making sure the lugs on the impulse coupling engage in the slots on magneto drive coupling (assemble magneto so that top is as close to crankcase as possible). 5) Insert magneto coupling bolts loosely in the magneto flange, just enough to hold the magneto in place. Then crank the engine one complete revolution to next top dead center. Now, pull the upper part of the magneto away from the crankcase until impluse coupling just trips. 6) Tighten mounting bolts securely. Attach spark plug cables to engine and magneto (connect wires in order of No 1, 3, 4, 2). 7) Connect switch cable to magneto terminal. 8) Recheck the timing by cranking the engine slowly; the impulse should just trip each time the first notch of the lower fan pulley lines up with the pointer. 9) The magneto is now correctly wired and timed. 10) Reconnect cable from coil. Hope this helps. - Tom