The registry you speak of, while it is good idea, needs some teeth by law. One of the big problems is most stolen vehicles become parts vehicles within hours. And further while most of the scrap yards car, truck or tractor are honourable and law abiding, some are not. We first need laws requiring every vehicle to have a serial number. It should be an offence to pocess one without, and further scrap yards should be required by law to have a serial plate for every vehicle scraped. Some jurisdictions have this but until it is continant wide it is toothless. You can ask government, YT, or anyone else to set up a registry, however it will cost. In the meantime everyone should maintain a journal of everything they own. Buying some stamping equipment and putting serial number in a number of locations on tractor will also be good. Just look through scrapyard price lists and stamp the valuable components, and in that journal list every where on tractor you have stamped serial. You can protect yourself, BE PREPARED. It may not still be perfect, but better than nothing.