Paul in Mich
06-04-2004 20:37:03
Re: Paint my 1944 M RED??? in reply to Brad, 06-04-2004 15:39:15
Brad, as mentioned , rims are silver of aluminum, the entire mag is masked off, but if you have a distributor, only the cap is masked. wires are masked. steering wheel is masked, but metal spokes are painted red. rear axles were left unpainted, but many restorers either paint them red or flat black. lugs and lug bolts are red, front wheel bearing cups are red. shifter knob is red. light housings are red , but early model add ons were black. radiator reservoirs are black, but core is unpainted.radiator hoses and clamps are red, carburetor is red, manifold is black for exhaust, red for intake. best to paint exhaust portion black first then mask before painting the rest red. fan is red. everything else is red. Since you have a 1944 model, you would go with early model decals. The early models had mccormick deering printed above the Farmall lettering on the hood. It was also sans IH logo. I suggest investing in Guy Fay and Andy Kraushaar's book titled "Farmall, letter series tractors". This book details proper decal location. When you purchase the decal kit, there are some that may not apply to your particular tractor. Good luck with your painting and finishing. If you have any questions on painting tips and technioques, I'm sure you can get lots of feedback right here. CNKS seems to be very knowlegable when it comes to painting tractors even tho he uses automotive quality paint rather than factoryIH paint.