I have one and like it....even though it pales in comparison to a Saginaw. Mine DOES NOT allow the use of the original drawbar, and I miss it! The lift-all (belly pump) hydraulic system on your M will handle a tremendous load on a 3pt hitch if the pump is in good shape. You may need to add more weight to the front end! The single-acting nature of that system allows for pressure in only one direction, and can cause some frustration in determining implement depth, as noted in a post below. That problem can be solved with a 2-way valve, as the other poster mentioned, or by using "stop collars" snapped around the cylinder rods to control how far the cylinder retracts. My 3pt is an inexpensive unit which would NOT be what I'd get if buying today! I've done some serious modifications on it, including relocating the cylinder, adding a larger cylinder, and making an adjustable stop for the rockshaft which controls depth to a very good degree. You'll like the results with a quality hitch. Your tractor will be much more versatile!