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Your first tractor

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JD H 46

01-14-2006 13:25:53

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We have had some interesting posts lately such as the different jobs people have had and all the places where people have lived. I am interested in the first tractor you owned. I am speaking of the first tractor you paid money for, not one that was passed down to you. In my case it was a 1945 John Deere H.

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Barry Gray

01-16-2006 14:19:03

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1938 A John Deere, bought about 22 yrs ago for 400.00. Drove it 22 miles to my mom's to store, just sold that tractor 2 yrs ago for 2000.00, only money i put into it was a new muffler and seat.

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Mike (WA)

01-16-2006 08:57:24

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
8N Ford in 1972- paid $900 for tractor and an MF "Dynabalance" mower. I had hired our hay done on the part-time farm we just bought- a month after end of haying season, tractor and mower were still at my place- finally got ahold of the guy, and turns out he had pretty much gone broke haying, and didn't want to take it home because bank was trying to repo it. The $900 was to pay off his note. Had it a couple years, then sold it to get something with live PTO (JD 420).

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01-15-2006 14:02:46

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
in 1985 a super m farmall and paid $1100 what a tractor just wish i still had it. however could have bought a 706d a month later for $1200,w rebuilt engine slick(problem was it was an fha auction, didnt have the heart.)

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01-15-2006 09:08:53

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1952 John Deere A. Bought it in '04 for $1000. A new battery and some fresh oil, and away she went. Bought it with my own money, earned from working as a farmhand in the summers. It's not easy for a 15 year old (now almost 17) to put together the money to work on this old iron, but it's well worth the enjoyment I get out of it.

Alberta, Canada

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JohnH MD

01-15-2006 06:08:38

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
It was 1930s something JD B I payed $250 for in 63


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John M

01-15-2006 05:22:32

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
The first one I ever bought that I paid for myself with my own money that I earned helping my Dad and Uncle farming was a Case 1030 Comfort King. I was 14 at the time, and the guy wanted 900 bucks for it.SO I used all my money to buy it.Of course Daddy had to help me rebuild the injector pump,and replace the clutch,and buy the big a$$ tires for it,and fix the electrical system,and pay for it all,but I bought it.Wish I still had it!

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01-15-2006 03:02:05

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Oliver 90.
Bought new by my Dad in 1948, but I still had to pay my brother for it, to prevent it being sold, basically for scrap or parts. Valve had dropped in.
Regards, RAB

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Glenn FitzGerald

01-14-2006 21:57:05

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
'53 DC CASE. We have a '51 dad bought new. I love these old tractors! Glenn F.

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Bill in Colo

01-14-2006 21:52:35

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
2470 Case, April 1981 1800 hours @$24,000,has about 6000 hours today, have used it less than 100hrs per year the last 15 years. Still a horse and cheaper to operate than two other tractors I have with less than 2/3 the horse power.

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01-14-2006 21:47:45

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
IH 574. with a 2250 loader
I"ve had it for 15 yrs. Been a good tractor.
I don"t think it"s been rained on more than twice. Never stays outside over night either.
My wife thinks that I spoil it..... ..... ..naaa
lol. You guys, would I"m sure understand,
they are like our wives... If you don"t look after them then they won"t look after you. regards....Eldon in Ont. Canada

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Roy Suomi

01-14-2006 21:47:05

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My first tractor was a John Deere LA. Got it for nothing, After having to beat the pistons loose, It actually ran!!!!

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01-14-2006 21:06:31

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1956 j.d. 420 pretty good little tractor paid too much for it live & learn

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01-14-2006 21:02:31

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Ffirst Tractor was a '48 Farmall "B" with a Two Row Culltivator and a 6' IHC Sickle Mower with the deal for $200.00 in 1960

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730 virgil

01-14-2006 20:40:51

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1949 john deere a paid $1200 for it tractor was built 3 days after my first brithday i think i bought in spring of 1992

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01-14-2006 20:36:49

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Mine was a 1938 JD A I paid $250. for it in the late 70s it needed the tubes in the head

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01-14-2006 20:33:38

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1936 JD A SN 440153 Haven't seen it in over35 years and the number isn't wrote down anywhere. I didn't have enough cash to pay for it. I worked 30 long 12 hour days to pay off the 50.00 I owed on it. Sold it for 240.00 a few years later & bought a 51 A I spent years trying to trade that A for a SMTA never got it done. I still have the A but have owned 3 SMTA's. Still have 2

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Pajamafied John

01-14-2006 20:28:35

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1950 Ferguson TO20, bought back in '93. I gave $2900 for it and a bush hog and blade. The motor had a fresh rebuild on it but I had to do some other things like rear axle seals, brake work, but this tractor has been a good reliable little workhorse. I believe I will always have this little puppy.

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So.IL. Farmer

01-14-2006 20:10:00

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My very first tractor was a JD 60 with a 227 two row mounted corn picker for 1600.00. I remember the sales mans face when my told him that 14 year old boy had the money the used out fit.I had been saving money from the selling of pigs and calves for almost a year.That was so many years ago.

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37 chief

01-14-2006 19:41:41

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My first tractor I actually purchased was a TO 20 for 600.00 I have all my Dad's tractors, and have added several since. Stan

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01-14-2006 19:36:56

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1949 JD B... bought it this past summer for $255 at an auction. Everyone at that sale KNEW I wanted that tractor. When the auction truck worked it's way up to it, all the auctioneers were lookin' at me thinkin' "You in?" So, I threw my hand up and a few seconds later it was mine. Finally have an old JD to bring back to life. Sure, it might've been a parts tractor and is pretty far gone...but it's mine : )

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01-14-2006 18:36:49

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Ford 8N bought for $300 and with 2 quarts of paint and no cleaning sold for $600.

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01-14-2006 18:21:51

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My first tractor was a 1959 John Deere 435D, the 6th one off the line, that I bought used in about 1985.

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01-14-2006 18:11:24

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
New 1070 Case in the fall of '74'. Was a good tractor, only this one turned out to be a lemon. Jim

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01-14-2006 18:04:18

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
this's a really tough question for me..

Dad and I work together... and write out of the same check book, make tractor deals together, and when I wasnt hauling so much went everywhere to gether... I guess the first one he said was mine was the 135massey in 68, the one I wrote a payment for was the 77 4630jd, but the one I did the bidding on I think was the 350IH... gee wish I had that to do over again.

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Doug in IL

01-14-2006 17:42:40

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
The first one I bought was a 1941 Case SC for $100 in 1971. It had a bad rear tire. Paid $15 to get a used tire and have it mounted. Ground a lot of feed with it.

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01-14-2006 17:35:22

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1943 Farmall H and still have it

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Gettin' Old

01-14-2006 17:29:44

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Ford 7000 what a piece of junk.

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01-14-2006 17:26:57

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
I bought an old Regular with Behlen roadgear back in the early 50's.

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01-14-2006 16:41:37

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1948 Farmall H.

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Ken Loewenhagen

01-14-2006 16:32:52

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Bought a 27 J.D. model D forty two years ago when I was in fifth grade. Still have it and it looks and runs perfect.

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01-14-2006 15:59:58

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Bought my first tractor in 1969. A 1958 IH 330. Currently in the process of restoring it.

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Rich Iowa

01-14-2006 15:38:51

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Right after HS (2003), I bought a 1942 Farmall H and drove it home 30 some miles. This past summer I bought a 1969 Oliver 1650 diesel. There are two tractors in the family I"m looking to get; an Oliver 770 (late uncle"s), and a Farmall B (my grandpa"s).

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01-14-2006 15:33:22

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1947 farmall M purchased it from my father at the age of 14 for $300.00 My father owned a tractor salvage yard. after buying several parts at a real good price ''FREE''A coat of paint and new tires it still looks like new today. by the way did i mention i am now 42 and still am proud to drive it the most out all my tractors because it was my very first tractor i owned.

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01-14-2006 15:27:24

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My first tractor that I paid for was a 1962 John Deere 4010. I bought it at an auction for $5000 and spent another $900 on hydrolic repairs. It is my heavy work tractor that I use to move hay bales, run a 10ft cutter, pull a disk plow, use a chisel plow with the 3pt, and do some earth moving with a 3pt mounted blade.

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01-14-2006 15:17:23

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1966 senior in high school 1206 IH. still have it.10,000+ hours has'nt did much in the last few years just a puts around tractor now.

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01-14-2006 15:10:47

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Bought a International 454 when I was 16 and headed to town to plow gardens . Dad got the loan but I made the payments .

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Nebraska Kirk

01-14-2006 15:08:18

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My first tractors, were a 1947 Farmall M and a 1942 Farmall H. Bought them both at the same time from the same person in October of last year. I just finished rebuilding the M and worked it today for the first time.

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M Nut

01-14-2006 14:42:05

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Allis Chalmers B. Got it in JR. high in 1990. Paid $950 for it, a nice little buzz saw, tire chains, and a two wheel trailer. Traded it my Sr. year in h.s. for a model WD with widefront and loader. It went to a dad who wanted a B for his son who was in jr high, but didn't have the money to buy one for him. That boy is now done with college, and is in the process of restoring the tractor from the ground up. I am excited to see it when he gets it done.

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Island A

01-14-2006 14:25:08

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
Bought my first (and still my only) tractor last year, a 1949 JD A row crop.


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01-14-2006 14:24:55

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1942 Farmall H, serial number 101816. Rebuilt it myself, paid for all of it with my own money.

Interestingly enough, my Dad's first tractor was an H, which I have found and intend to buy back for him.

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Jim in N M

01-14-2006 14:21:58

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1970 I bought a 1959 Ford 841 with a wagner loader,3 way sherman,gannon earthcavator box blade paid 1300.00 sold it to buy a 3400 Ford,big mastake!!!

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01-14-2006 14:04:26

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
My first tractor that I bought was my 7000 Allis chalmers black belly. Great machine and get more attatched every minute I work on it. Sure my parents tell me to not be so obbsessive at such a young age, but I just talk about the next tractor for my small collection lol. That gets the point across that I am not going to stop being obsessive any time soon.


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01-14-2006 13:58:31

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
First I bought on my own: Allis B, serial # 806 for 75 dollars. About 1950. Sold it for parts for 250 this last summer. Some one had put a bullet through the block for me.

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01-14-2006 13:57:59

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
When I was a senior in high school my brother and I purchased a 1946 Minneapolis-Moline RTU. Still have it and am in the process of restoring it as time allows.

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01-14-2006 13:56:50

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
In 1976 I bought a 1964 Ford 641. Paid $1250 for it at the neighbors auction. I was so excited dad had to write out the check. I still have it.

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01-14-2006 13:56:07

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
1978 bought a new 1086 to work with only new tractor I've been able to afford.

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Joe C

01-14-2006 13:47:24

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
August 2005...aquired 1942 Case DC 400 bucks. Runs well, hope to work it in the spring.

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Glen in TX

01-14-2006 13:41:17

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
In 1977, junior HS, bought a 1935 John Deere D for $100. Restored it and later sold it but still know who has it.

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John No Mi

01-14-2006 13:39:19

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
AC B Aquired in 1976. It broke my arm trying to crank it. Michigan Bell sent me out of town for two weeks and when I got back home the tractor was gone. Given away by my wife.

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Glenn F.

01-14-2006 15:46:33

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to John No Mi, 01-14-2006 13:39:19  
Is she still your wife? Glenn F.

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01-15-2006 06:15:16

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to Glenn F., 01-14-2006 15:46:33  
No kidding! Sure wouldn't be still MY wife if she GAVE anything of mine away, or even sold it without my permission.

My first tractor was a 1030 case with duals and a loader. Still have it, but seldom use it. A 2N ford does most of the yard work now and an IH 666 does the chores.

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01-14-2006 13:28:48

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JD H 46, 01-14-2006 13:25:53  
HS sophomore-1958, Allis Chalmers Model C with two row cultivator. Serial # C23349. (where are you now?)

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01-14-2006 16:32:40

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to JMS/MN, 01-14-2006 13:28:48  

John Deere A, 1946 model. Bought in early 1970s. Had to have motor rebuilt. Found out that 2 cyl JDs had no sleeves, but fairly cheap(at that time) cylinder block. Dealer did math and it was cheaper to bore old block and get oversize pistons. Also had to replace flywheel shortly after as it developed cracks around crankshaft splines. Got spoiled with the good JD hydraulics. No, I don't want it back but it served me well.


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01-14-2006 20:31:06

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to KEH, 01-14-2006 16:32:40  
Farmall 706 German deisel,bought used from a dealer.


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Eric Rylander

01-14-2006 18:02:08

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 Re: Your first tractor in reply to KEH, 01-14-2006 16:32:40  
I owned a 1941 handstart John Deere B, serial # 117506. Worked on it, made it run good. Sold it in 1983. Still have a snapshot of it taken in '83 with the purchaser's name and phone number.

A couple years ago I was talking to a buddy of mine from high school who helped me work on it.He still lives in the state (MN) called him up, he gave him the number of the guy he sold it to, the guy had sold it to his son, and gave my bud his number. My friend talked to the guy, explained who he was and why he was calling and got his number for me.

He has never been home, answered the phone when I have called. I have left many polite messages on his answering machine in the last three years. I have sent him an envelope with pictures of me at 15 years old on this tractor.

I have when on vacation driven by the adress, nobody was home, I did not get out of the car and trespass. But I can not understand why this guy won't give me the courtesey of returning my calls, even to say "Don't ever call me again!!!"

Anyway his name is Jeff Barber and he lives in Little Falls, MN.

All I wanted to let him know is that I would like to look at the tractor again, and if he is interested in selling it I would pay him more than it was worth for sentimental reasons.

So folks on this board- if you know this guy, or if you ARE this guy, please just give me a few minutes of your time OK?

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