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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

OT; What are the elderly going to do?

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Old Ford Mechan

02-03-2008 08:38:47

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Just got back from a visit with an elderly couple that live in my community.They are both in their 70's.I heard talk around the local store yesterday that they had been having a few problems so,i went to talk to them to see if my wife and i could help.The mans wife has had a few health problems in the past and has not been feeling well because of a virus in the past couple of weeks.The man usually visits the store often,but due to his wife's sickness had not been around much lately.This morning i found them in sitting in their living room coverd with blankets.The heat in the house was off.Nows its around 40 degrees here this morning but,its been getting down into the 20's here at night sometimes ever colder.After talking with them i found that that had very little propane left to provide heat for the home and they were trying the save what they could for colder weather.They said that they were both having to take prescription medication and that they just did not have the money to use their heat.The co-pay for the medicine along with the other monthly bills they had is not leaving enough to buy the propane they need.The propane prices here have almost doubled here form about $2.25 to around $4.00 per gallon and they can't afford to pay it.They have no other income other than the monthly Social Security they each receive.Now i've known these folks all my life and i know that are in need of help.My wife and daughter have just left after preparing breakfast to take over to this couple.Now i like to think that i'm a tough individual when it comes to dealing with things you encounter in life but,i was in tears for these wonderful old folks on my way home.And somehow and someway,if i'm alive tomorrow these people will have a full tank of propane by nightfall.I'm gonna talk to others in our community and see if we can help these folks.I guess what i'm trying to say,or wondering is what are the older and less fortunate people gonna do in this country? With the cost of heathcare and heating the homes along with their other bills,many of them can't afford it any longer.These folks have nowhere to turn for help.Our country is in a mess and the older retired fixed income Americans are paying a steep price.People in my community i feel will help the folks i know out.But so many are out there who have no help.I feel that we are living in a country that has lost its way.Big business has taken our moral responsibilites away form us.Money in the eyes of the the oil barons and the politicans have left the people that i have learned from and respected and owe so much in a world of hurt.I see their hurt and i wonder where the rest of us will be in a few years.I'm sorry for this rant,but i'm so hurt and dissapointed after what i've seen this morning.Somehow things have got to get better.

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02-04-2008 21:46:17

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to The Dukester, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  

Rob in Indiana said: (quoted from post at 11:29:22 02/03/08) not to sound cold but who should step up and bail them out because they did not save,invest, and otherwise provide for their sunset years.....
Whos job is it, goverments? Big business?
anyone who is depending on a fixed goverment pension alone for retirement has missed the boat.

People need to learn to take care of themselves with looking to the goverment or charity.

Absolutely pathetic! :evil: You have no idea of their past or what circumstances they've been thru. And yeah, you DID sound cold .... where would we all be if everyone turned their backs to a neighbor in need? Oh well, just remember 'What GOES around, COMES around.' 8)

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Walt Davies

02-04-2008 11:00:02

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
If you really want to help them check into a reverse mortgage for them they should have plenty of money in there home just waiting to be tapped. Its just as simple as filling out a paper and and they can get up to $800 a month every month as long as they live in their home. Once they have to move out then they can settle with the mortgage co. and what ever is left over should provide a nice rest home for them.

I sorry but I don't feel sorry for people who can't help themselves. I never made more than $30 K a year in my life but I am pretty much set for the rest of my life because I managed my money so that I can live quite comfortably until I'm called up there.

I may sound mean but I'm sorry I just can't feel sorry for people who while away their time and never think about their retirement days.


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36 coupe

02-04-2008 15:03:51

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Walt Davies, 02-04-2008 11:00:02  
Walt,30 years ago I didnt know that 15 cent fuel oil would cost 3.40 a gallon,that 25 cent gasoline would cost 3.20 .That my re taxes would go from 230.00 a year to 2000.00.That a new pickup would go from 2500.00 to 30000.00.That 40.00 fire wood would cost 225.00.That a 10.00 pair of work shoes would cost 125.00.That a new hay baler would go from 2000.oo to 20000.00.that my farm insurance would go from 60.00 to 800.00.That dimension lumber would go from 11 cent a foot to 75 cents.That my ss check would be based on my workng years when 3.50 was a good wage.That hay would go from 75 cents a bale to 6.00.That my doctors office charge would go from 3.50 to 125.00.These rapid changes destroy savings.According to tax assesors in two states I have real estate worth 400,000 dollars.I never paid a mortgage or rent in my life but am still having a hard time buying heating oil.I have planned carefully but inflation is stealing my savings.Dont be too quick to say people have not planned for their old age.

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Old Ford Mechanic

02-04-2008 13:38:18

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Walt Davies, 02-04-2008 11:00:02  
Walt,i respect your comments,but what makes you think this couple did'nt think about their retirement days?Things happen to people that are beyond their control sometimes.And no matter how well prepared people think they are,as i said before there is more than one reason for this couples problem.But sometimes people just need a helping hand.Whats done is done and it was not their fault.I just thank God that the people in my community were caring and generous enough to help.I have tryed to prepare for my family's retirement years also, but i can also help my neighbors if the need arises.If i see someone in need like this old couple i'm going to help if i can.Its not up to me to judge why it happend or if they were prepared for retirement or not.I've seen the time in my life when things were not as good for me as they are now.And i'll never forget the uncertainty that i felt during that time.I'll also never forget the advice given to me by the older people around me.Advice that helped get me where i am today.I am not rich by any means,i have to watch my spending like lots of folks do,but i am rich in the knowledge and the direction i've received from people who are and were very similar to this couple.They did'nt have to help me or others,"BUT THEY DID" The world is in the shape its in today because of selfishness and greed instead of generosity.I did'nt ask anyone to feel sorry for these people and i thanked everyone for their comments.They have heat in their home tonight and thats all that matters anyway.

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02-04-2008 03:21:42

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to 1936, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Yeah, If those people were healthy enough to buck out firewood, cultivate a large garden, put up all the preserves, they would not need assistance. BTW, most of my homegrown produce costs me more than if I bought it in a store. If you don't believe me, check out seed, plant and fertilizer prices. I just filled up my propanr tank - $708 - the biggest bill ever. It was $2+ per gallon, a few years ago, it was 65 cents per gallon. Lets see your "budget" accomodate that kind of price increase. My wife was in a accident a few years back - the ambulance ride was $1400. Nearly half of all bankrupties are due to medical bills. My brother and his wife had a kid 2 years after he left the navy. His employer went bankrupt, leaving him with a sick kid and $36,000 in hospital bills. You can plan and save, but when your health goes, money goes fast. Nearly half of all Americans don't have any health insurance. Hopefully something will change soon.

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Old Ford Mechanic

02-03-2008 20:06:05

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
First of all i say thanks to everyone who has replied to this topic.I respect each and every reply and opinion.Life certainly has a way of moving so fast that sometimes the forrest can't be seen for the trees.I got an awakening today that i won't soon forget.There are several reasons for the situation that i became aware of this morning.But just so everyone knows these are not people who are begging for help.Yes they are proud people who have always been able to provide for themselves.They have been a part of this community all their lives and everyone here has a deep respect for them. But things like the 100% propane cost increase has left them short of money. We know we can't help everyone who is down on their luck.But several of us met this afternoon and came up with nessesary means to get this couple enough propane to keep their home comfortable for the rest of this winter.We will do this without being identified so they will not feel any obligation to us.And some one is going to keep a check on them until the lady is back on her feet and feeling better.Again thanks to all.

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Tradititonal Farmer

02-03-2008 22:58:34

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 20:06:05  
I'd have to say you live in a community with some fine folks in it.

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02-03-2008 18:34:03

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
You say these folks have nowhere to turn for help???
Do they have no saleable assets??
Do they have no family to help?
Besides yourself do they have no neighbors to help?
Do they have no church community help?
No one goes through life without a helping hand once in awhile so whats going on here?
Are they to proud to ask for help?

I for one commend this elderly couple for sitting in the cold instead of running to the government. If they get cold enough and learn a little humility, they'll eventually ask for help or they will be cold by their own choice.

I for one would burn every piece of furniture in my house before I asked anyone for help. Whatever happened to being embarrassed to be on welfare or government assisstance? I also commend Old Ford Mechanic for looking out for them and getting neighbors to help. Thats the way it should be. The government should be a last resort, not the first option as many of you think. I'll bet Old Ford and a few neighbors will not only get the heat on, but will also contact a few family members, they'll have the local church members check in on them with a hot meal and conversation, someone will eventually help sort out a few finances to keep the heat on all winter. All without any government program that will cost all of us ten times the money to implement with one tenth the results Old Ford & Co can provide.

Part of the problem of todays society is that all responsibilities have been shed by everyone because now the government will do it all for free. Kids don't take care of parents in their old age. Neighbors don't help each other. Churches get a black eye if they offer to help. Some of you people and your responses just show how far this nation has come from being self-reliant individuals who give to those in need to a bunch of dependents who take what they can get away with because they don't have to answer to anyone.
Free prescriptions, heating assistance, tax reductions for the elderly. Where do you people think the money comes from?
The government is nothing more than you and me!!
The government is nothing more than your own neighbors. Only people today don't have to look you in the eye and ask for your help with their hat in hand and be thankfull to you or responsible for how they spend what they receive. Whats more, people today don't even ask for help from the government, they demand help from the government (you and me)and they are so bold as to say they "deserve" or are "entitled" to your money via programs and assistance.
How would you feel if you came home from a hard days work and your sitting at your supper table with your hungry kids with a meal purchased by your hard labor and someone knocked on your door and DEMANDED you fill his fist with cash because he's wandered around all day doing nothing and now he's cold and hungry?
We are a generous people here in the US and will help when asked, but I have a big problem with people who think I owe them everything via the government just because they don't live within their means or waste their paycheck on non-essentials and always make poor life choices.
Lets help these people help themselves instead of making them one more pair of dependents sucking on the hind teat of our government.

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Dennis (VA)

02-04-2008 08:32:55

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to GO OLD FORD!!!, 02-03-2008 18:34:03  
An excerpt from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

Old Ford, can you identify with any character in the following?


At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and Destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.


Are there no prisons?


Plenty of prisons,' said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.


And the Union workhouses? Are they still in operation?


They are. Still, I wish I could say they were not.


The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?


Both very busy, sir.


Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course. I'm very glad to hear it.


Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude, a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?'




You wish to be anonymous?


I wish to be left alone. Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don't make merry myself at Christmas and I can't afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned -- they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there.


Many can't go there; and many would rather die.


If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides -- excuse me -- I don't know that.


But you might know it,' observed the gentleman.


It's not my business. It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people's. Mine occupies me constantly. Good afternoon, gentlemen!

(Seeing clearly that it would be useless to pursue their point, the gentlemen withdrew. Scrooge returned his labours with an improved opinion of himself, and in a more facetious temper than was usual with him.)

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Chris in MO

02-03-2008 19:32:09

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to GO OLD FORD!!!, 02-03-2008 18:34:03  
I've got to agree.

This last year I had some medical bills for things that I have been putting off and they blew up this year. These, compared to most, are fairly small ticket items. I am self-employed and self-insured, so they drained our savings anyway.

Winter has always been a very tight time for us financially. We just hunker down and make it through. This winter has been tighter than usual. So I made a big effort to see if anyone I knew needed anyone to do ANYTHING for them. Some did, most didn't but promised to ask around. What troubled me most was that quite a few wanted to tell me where I could go for a government handout.

My parents were divorced when I was a kid. My father got tired of child support payments and left the state. My mother needed back surgery. Well, we were on "welfare" for exactly three months before she could get back to work. Even while she was home convalescing, she took a telemarketing job with a local company selling double pain replacement windows (this was in the late 70s). I know that taking these handouts for even that long grated on her. Well, years later she told me something I always have remembered. Whenever someone gives you something for nothing, there are ALWAYS strings attached, even if they are invisible.

This subject just touched a nerve and had to add my 2 cents.


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old timer in ohio

02-03-2008 18:34:36

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Hey there;
Can I get up on the old "soap-box" now? I just sent an e-mail to Zack Space,my repsentative,I told him I didn't like what was happening to MY country!!I also stated,that I believe we(the USA)
should NOT,GIVE citizenship to children born of
ILLEGAL ALIENS just because, the are born on AMERICAN soil.I believe,children born of ILLEGAL
ALIENS should be citizens of their parents LEGAL
native country!!!Does anyone stop to think just
how much money it costs to support all of these ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!All of that money could be used by the LEGAL citizens of THIS country!!!I just turned 75 on 1/29.I some time get pi**ed off when I think about some of this crap that goes on!!Bob
God Bless

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old timer in ohio

02-03-2008 18:27:36

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Hey there;
Can I get up on the old "soap-box" now? I just sent an e-mail to Zack Space,my repsentative,I told him I didn't like what was happening to MY country!!I also stated,that I believe we(the USA)
should NOT,GIVE citizenship to children born of
ILLEGAL ALIENS just because, the are born on AMERICAN soil.I believe,children born of ILLEGAL
ALIENS should be citizens of their parents LEGAL
native country!!!Does anyone stop to think just
how much money it costs to support all of these ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!All of that money could be used by the LEGAL citizens of THIS country!!!Bob
God Bless

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old timer in ohio

02-03-2008 18:27:02

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Hey there;
Can I get up on the old "soap-box" now? I just sent an e-mail to Zack Space,my repsentative,I told him I didn't like what was happening to MY country!!I also stated,that I believe we(the USA)
should NOT,GIVE citizenship to children born of
ILLEGAL ALIENS just because, the are born on AMERICAN soil.I believe,children born of ILLEGAL
ALIENS should be citizens of their parents LEGAL
native country!!!Does anyone stop to think just
how much money it costs to support all of these ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!All of that money could be used by the LEGAL citizens of THIS country!!!Bob
God Bless

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02-03-2008 18:04:08

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
The problem is when you start out working the company promises to give this benefit and retirement then it gets whittled away over the years while you are still working. I'm 53 and have been paying in SS since I was 18. Even if people did invest in other retirements, most people didnt think gas would increase $1.50 a gallon in a couple of years or milk would cost $5.00 a gallon or propane $ 3.50 a gallon. The average person cannot keep up long with those kind of increases. Just got one of my retirement statements that had a minus sign because of the stock market.

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Big Mike

02-03-2008 17:17:00

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
OFM, your a good man! I'm glad I read this post.
Some of the Blogs and sites I've visited lately seem to have the hardest hearted people on them. The word "Hateful" comes to mind. But after reading this it makes me feel better about folks.
It assures me this is still America, and there's still good folks around.

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02-03-2008 17:04:23

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
OLD Ford MECHANIC: Just some things to help. Have they tried to get on Wal-marts $4 prescription plan. It has helped some here to be able to afford medications and food & heat. In the seven communities artound us, each community has started an Angel Food Program where for $25 each family gets enough to feed 2 people a month. we now have waiting lists from other churches willing to start one as need arises. The Senior cizens centers are serving breakfast 2 days a week, lunch 4 days a week and evening meals for 4 days a week. They try to be not frugal, but try not to duplicate services. I realize a lot of this is coming through our churches and I am proud to be a Baptist, but we are working with the Catholic Charities, Feed the Children Ministries, I had the Presbyterian minister , the Church of Christ Pastor, 2 methodist ministers, and 4 pentecostal in my ofice trying to map out how we were going to take care of people during this last bad weather. It shall take people like you getting involved and not waiting for a hand out from Uncle Sam. I apologize for this long post, I don't usually have a whole lot to say James In Ok

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02-03-2008 16:41:50

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Have they applied for SSI? It is run through but not funded by Social Security. It may help them.

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TomH in PA

02-03-2008 16:02:36

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
The first question that came to me is what kind of house are they living in? I can understand that a couple would want to stay in "their" home, where they're comfortable and have lived for years. But if they just can't afford it anymore, maybe it's time to sell and downsize into an apartment. Everyone I've known who actually made that move said they couldn't believe they waited so long, best decision they ever made.

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36 coupe

02-03-2008 15:51:59

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
This is happening everywhere.Propane is 3.40 here and fuel oil is 3.20 3.40.Minimun delivery is 100.00 gallons.Many people are having to haul off road diesel home 5 gal at a time.If I buy fuel oil,pay the electric and phone bill Ill have 33.00 left from my SS check.Wood provides 1/3 of my heat.My wife is still working but will retire next year.She has to look at a computer screen all day and her eye sight is failing.New glasses didnt help.I cant wait until some of the scoffers on here get past 65.I still cut my own wood ,put up 400 bales of hay.at 70 I wonder how much longer I can do it.Money saved over the years is near worthless now.Ive watched my older friends suffer strokes, one lost the sight in one eye during a stroke,another had 2 surgeries that left him unable to do much.Ive been in good health until heart trouble last summer.Winter is hard here, everything stops.My yard is ice covered,Too much snow in the woods for my tractor.Its hard to know who is having a hard time,most people are ashamed to admit it.We are in a depression now but the majority are too stupid to see it.Two large sawmills closed last week ,they cant sell their lumber.I usually start building picnic tables in late April but wonder if there will be any buyers.

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M Nut

02-03-2008 15:39:16

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Old Ford Mechanic,
Thank you for what you are doing. I have seen first hand exactly what you are describing. Older people who have worked hard all their life and now just can't get by. I was lucky enough to hear of a couple who were cutting trees in their yard trying to get wood for their stove because they couldn't afford propane or firewood. When I backed up to their door with a heaping gravel truck load of dry, cut and split firewood, there were three bawling people standing in the yard. The old couple and myself. Talk about a moving experience. I did it for several years until they had to move into assisted living, and I'd do it again for anybody who truly needed it.
It sounds like you have really done a lot to help these fine folks, but if you find yourself short, please post back here and I also will send a check to put forth a small contribution to help with your cause.

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moonlite 37

02-03-2008 16:11:55

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to M Nut, 02-03-2008 15:39:16  
You indeed are a wonderful and compassionate man. There are not enough people who have shed tears like this. I belong to a great international service club with an emphasis on sight. I delivered a letter to a visually impaired man who worked in a grocery store. He was unable to buy his own eyeglasses due to caring for a severely diabetic daughter. When i handed him the letter stating that his glasses would be paid for I looked into his eyes and saw tears. Then I felt my own tears running down my cheek. Wonderful feeling!

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M Nut

02-04-2008 07:35:24

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to moonlite 37, 02-03-2008 16:11:55  
Same to you my friend. Thank you for what you do to help those around you in need. I'm sure that man never forgot your kindness.

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02-03-2008 15:26:26

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Reminds me of a couple years ago Howard Stern had on his show three or four young blind ladies. As I walked into the room my fifteen year old son explained --It's OK dad they are fuzzing out the good stuff. Now old scum bag Howard was asking each (one at a time) to shed their clothing--All their clothing. At this point I went postal on my son for knowing better. Now the words do as I say and not as I do enter the story. All you gus understand even if you don't forgive me. I did mention naked ladies didn't I ??? One girl did not so much as hessitate, Howard asked if she was bold because she was blind or she just did not care. All I could think of was SHAME ON HOWARD STERN. Anyway the young naked girl stated he was giving out $10,000.00 for first prize. This realy ticked me off. As I reached the remote she stated she could not afford health insurance once she was disabled and blind, BUT FOR $6,000.oo she could have a operation and see perfect again. I pretty much had to wipe the tears away as I stated out loud NOT SHAME ON HOWARD, RATHER SHAME ON US.

The economics of it all if nothing else. A blind person not paying any taxes now works and probably would pay that much in income tax the first year.

I certianly expect alot of --there are services for this and that etc. Anyone making such a statment has lived in a glass bubble. It simply does not work very often like that. And for anyone making the statment -I did it on my own, no luckey breaks, just hard work ---etc. I certianly hope you can brag to the day you die. The last pages in many books are torn and worn. May the good Lord never teach you a real lesson.
And may your name never appear in this web site. Link

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02-03-2008 15:25:59

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Ah yes, a reality check, it would be nice if our "leaders" could see what this country has become instead of helping the rich that can afford to have lobbyists give them money.

My father who is 89 tells of the depression in NH when able body men went into the town forest and cut firewood for the townspeople who couldn"t afford heat. Other people raised food to help feed the town. People did what they could to help keep everyone going, since there wasn"t much money they didn"t get any, just pooled what was available and shared. They took care of each other and made it through, no recriminations about if the people had planned ahead, saved, or had been smart enough to have a high paying job.

Well we live in a different time now, I think the rich would say a better time. People don"t seem to be interrested in their neighbors lives anymore, I think they call it the "me generation".

OFM keep up the good work, maybe someday people will realize that this is suppose to be a nation of people, not just screwing other people for your own benefit.


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02-03-2008 14:30:57

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Ford Mechanic, What you are doing for these old people is wonderful.Many other people all across the U.S. are having similar problems.I would be glad to send some money to help fill their LP tank.

Due to some bad circumstances my 74 yr old MIL with cancer was getting by on $350 a month.Her abusive ex husband died and now she gets $700 a month and feels like shes rich.We moved her 250 miles up here so we can help take care of her.

Some on here are critical of people for having no savings.They forget that a great many people live in rural areas where $20 an hour jobs with health benefits and a 401K is just a dream.Around here $10-12 an hour is common.You just get by on that.

I work at a plant with a 401K and lots of us have taken a terrible beating lately due to the stock market plunge.Some are now thinking of postponing their retirements.We have no safe place to put our money.We are still in lots better shape than others.

There really is no incentive to save anymore.The Fed interest rate cuts keep savings interest rates low.Putting all your money in the stock market is risky.

We have 482 billionaires in the U.S. and some of them arent very generous with their money.Their only worry is how they are going to make their next billion.They dont have to worry about how to pay for their next tank of LP.$4.00 a gallon LP for people on fixed incomes is a hardship.

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02-03-2008 14:09:14

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
OFM,Like someone else mentioned you have to get a hold of someone at the county level to see what kind of assistance they maybe able to help with. They will also inform you of any federal assistance that may be available also. It sounds like these people have way to much pride to ask for help. As for the propane supplier in your area- they are stealing. I just had my tank filled for 2.09 a gallon and thats up here in the northland(WI). Call around to see who has a better deal.

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02-03-2008 13:53:21

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
So how do you help people keep from getting into this problem in the first place? This is not ment to be a smarta$$ reply but a reality check.

A couple in there late 30's now. They have 3 kids ranging from 2yrs to 18yo. They will be in 40yrs just like your neighbors your now trying to help. Why?

They didn't finish high school. They have always had low paying jobs when they can find them and don't keep jobs but a short time when they do. A suggestion to get "free" additional education to obtain higher paying jobs falls on closed ears as watching movies and TV is more important.

They can't keep up with any of there bills and always in arrears. It was suggested they seek "free" money management guidence but they don't have time as there's TV and movies to watch and Circle K sells beer, ciggerates and pop cheaper than the discount stores.

They had a chance to have 3.3a and a home free and clear of a mortage due to there grandparents grace. Instead they bought a new mobil home with payments that in 8yrs now has holes in the walls and doors and is now getting repo'd. They can move in town tho and rent a appartment for $700. There existing MH payment, property tax, and utility's are under $500/mth. They all had cell phones and a landline with caller ID for screening out creditor calls. Phone and electric is now disconnected for past due bills.

They can't feed there family so a $100 donation for food bought beer and pizza hut that night. I guess 3.3a is not big enough to raise a garden to feed the family.

It was suggested they might take a second job to get caught up on there past bills. Wow, you'd think someone would have suggested they rob a bank from the look on there face.

So save your money so you can besure to buy them some heat when they get in the 70's as they surely won't have a pot to pi$$ in when they get that old.

I would also think I'd rethink my money spending habbits being 70yo of just how much relief I'm getting from all those pills VS freezing from the cold???

What were they doing this past summer when it was warm where gathering "free" firewood was easy? Fire places were and are made from the clay soil and rocks really easy and has been for several thousand years, Or having the sun heat hot water for house heating and domestic HW use?

Last summer a 10ftx20ft garden would have fed two people all year plus gave the people some exercise thus freed up some money to pay the heating bill and maybe cut down there pill usage?

Poor planning just can't be helped for someone that don't want to help themselfs.


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36 coupe

02-04-2008 03:02:47

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to T_Bone, 02-03-2008 13:53:21  
Ive been cutting firewood for 60 years now,never found any free firewood.Some people do cause their own troubles but the great majority have been robbed of their savings by oil co,insurance, and rip off real estate taxes.Older people who looked after each other have all passed on.The new generation dosent have any concern about their neighbors wellbeing.Dry sawed firewood will cost you 200.00 a cord here.Working a garden is hard work at any age.When your knees and back give out you will know better.my dad was very independent and strong until he was 83 then health problems left him helpless when he turned 84.

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02-04-2008 16:09:17

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to 36 coupe, 02-04-2008 03:02:47  
Hi 36Coupe,

Well even in the AZ desert I can find plenty of free firewood. Is the wood No1 firewood quality that needs cut and split? Absolutely not! But it'll still provide heat if needed.

Don't get me wrong, I also realize our Federal gov't should have regulated utility's many many years ago for just this very reason.

At the same time they should have also made it illegal for utilitys to buy prime farm land and turn it into homes for profit while asking to rasise the cost of utility's to cover the loans and construction like they do here in AZ.

I've posted many times on the Tool forum of how to build a top quality solar hot water heating system that can be easyly built for under a $1000 at today's costs. It may very well not provide for 100% heat in extreme cold climates but it'll supply 90% of a family's heating requirement.

I too am concerned for my neighbors well being but how do you help people that are just like the ones in my example that just happens to be true?


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02-03-2008 14:46:58

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to T_Bone, 02-03-2008 13:53:21  
I dont feel a bit sorry for the couple in their 30's that you mentioned.We have plenty of them around here too.The people described above are from a different generation and probably worked hard all their life.

So when you are in your 70's and in poor health you are going to gather wood and garden all summer.These people were sitting in the cold and were asking no one for help.They were probably used to paying their own way and were too proud to or didnt even know where to ask for help.They never dreamed that in a few short years LP would go from $1.00 a gallon up to $4.00 a gallon.

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02-03-2008 20:11:06

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to 1206SWMO, 02-03-2008 14:46:58  
Hi 1206,

Sure why not raise a garden. Your gonna hurt requardless if you sit in a chair to watch TV or raise a garden. Aches and pains are just part of life of old age and there's not a pill around that will make it feel any better.

Firewood comes in all sizes. Just pick-up the ones that your body can handle. There's tons available for "free".

I also feel bad for the couple that they made such a poor choice this winter but if the truth was known this also probably happened last winter too and that was my point.

You can't make someone use good common sence to plan ahead.

Those 30yo's is my family that I was talking about. My daughter was never raised that way but she has that attitude that I just described. Why I have no idea. I been asking myself that question for over 20yrs and it's never been answered yet.


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02-03-2008 12:39:22

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
It is difficult to project what I can endure when I'm in my 70's and 80's, but the local utility has doubled the electric rates so I've decided to cut way back. The heat is turned on for one cycle to 60 degrees F when the better half gets up for a shower and work. Since I'm retired, the heat remains off all day until she returns in late afternoon and it again runs for a cycle. House temperature drops to roughly between 34 and 40 degrees depending on the outside ambient temperature. Just need to wear a few more garments. The A/C only ran two half days (nighttime hours during sleeping) last summer when the overnight temperature would not drop below 88 degrees. We used fans instead. Haven't used the clothes dryer in 10 years, hang everything outside even in the winter. Although can afford any utility bill they could throw at us, we don't like the rates so we endure the alternative. Wood heat is an option (have considerable wood and a big stove), but did that for a couple of years and don't want the hassle again. Really have become accustomed to the lower temperatures so the sacrifice seems minimal anyway. Significantly less sinus problems and neither of us have had a cold since initiating this reqimen. I also don't like the giant corporate profits either, but Americans are not willing to suffer any discomfort although they can't afford the alternative. With today's society norms we would never have progress beyond the original 13 colonies nor perhaps even founded America at all.

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moonlite 37

02-03-2008 11:56:57

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
We must all be thankful that there are people like you in their community. your charity wil surely be rewarded. There is one good thing to come of this and that is The best of such people ,like yourself wil come forward. If there would have been enough people like you, the so called "social programs" would not have been needed. God Bless You!!!

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02-03-2008 11:47:43

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Hi here some information to help the couple with it something that montel williams started it is called partnership for prescription assistance, it help with getting the medicine they can't afford the toll free number is. 1-888-4ppa-now(477-2669). i sure hope with will help them.you can also tell them or gto heat company. it is called heap.

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02-03-2008 11:25:40

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
People have to prepare for their retirement. So many people live paycheck to paycheck then retire at age 65. And wonder why they can not live on government pension. I"ve seen it so many times. People working at the same company & performing the same task at the identical pay. Some people are always broke and others have money in the bank? Then at retirement those people who planned ahead lived in their paid for house. The unprepared had to sell their home which still has a mortgage and move into an apartment or a little shack of a home. Where are the children of this family in this situation? It should be a wakeup call to the rest of use to plan ahead. Anybody here think the government is going to help you?

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02-03-2008 10:52:12

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
"I owe a lot to my elders for what i've learned and where it has gotten me in life." - right on target!

We as a Nation should take that stance as well.

My congrats to you and your family Old Ford M., on stepping up and trying to help. I know well the feeling of frustration as I have watched my parents income cover less and less of thier expenses and now rely on me to assist. I still feel that I am in thier debt for my upbringing.

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jim in NY

02-03-2008 10:38:55

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? need your address in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
OLD: Aside from all the talk, the pure fact of the matter is that these folks need help, plain and simple ! If you can't get them some send me your email and i will donate to their cause; it won't be much but it will help to keep them warm for another day or two.

The way I figure it is that we are all human beings and if this a genuine need then we need to be our Brothers keepers'. The memories of lost or spent monies don't last for long but the memories of "those old folks" last a lifetime and then some .... send me an address to send them some money ASAP. Thanks OLD, thanks !

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Old Ford Mechanic

02-03-2008 11:01:47

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? need your address in reply to jim in NY, 02-03-2008 10:38:55  
Jim,Thank you very much for you interest and your offer to help.We are a having a meeting this afternoon at our local Senior Citizens Center to address this situation.I have taked to several neighbors already and in fact already have several donations in hand to purchase the propane with.I'm going to propose a bank account overseen by a small comittee to help the folks in our community.We have some good folks here and i'm sure when we put the word out we will get the support to help the people in need.Jim,the world needs more people like you in it and i thank you for your offer of help.I will keep your offer in mind but,as of now i think we are going to be able to take care of these folks.Thanks again and MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS.

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02-03-2008 10:37:07

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Also, many seniors have savings accounts at banks, and for many they rely on interest from the little money they have saved from working or accumulating social security. The government cuts rates week after week ad it hurts seniors and people who need interest from investing. Cutting interest rates is only making problems worse in the long run as people who should not be able to get loans are and then they can"t afford to pay it back.

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36 coupe

02-03-2008 17:19:08

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Tractormiallis, 02-03-2008 10:37:07  
In general the banks steal money from savings interest and use it to give borrowers low interest on mortgages.Some savings accounts pay a whopping 1/2% interest.I expect short term CDs will pay 2% by summer.The banks will operate on the same margins.I notice grocery prices are up about 18% here.

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El Toro

02-03-2008 16:38:58

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Tractormiallis, 02-03-2008 10:37:07  
I think they're making the ecomony worse by lowering interest rates. We wouldn't be in this big housing mess by letting homeowners purchase homes they couldn't afford. Some owners even bought new cars to go with the new house. Its hard to believe that the banks lent out money with no downpayment and without any collateral.

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Old Ford Mechanic

02-03-2008 10:18:35

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Rob,I agree with you ,people should try to prepare for retirement.But some people have not been as fortunate as others.Some worked years trying to pay for their homes and farms just as the couple i spoke of.They worked years just trying to make payments and ends meet.Some saved and pinched penny's all their lives and managed to make it somehow.Some of these folks such as the ones i'm speaking of have spent their entire lives working to pay for their home and raising children.They did not have big factory jobs or skilled trades with big retirement plans.They worked ,paid their bills,went to church every Sunday and treated others as they wished to be treated.But no,they have no income other than their goverment check.But i'm not going to sit around and talk about how they could have done this or could have done that to prevent this situation.I don't have a lot but,whatever i can do to help this couple i will do it.And whatever i can spare to assist in their comfort i will give also.I owe a lot to my elders for what i've learned and where it has gotten me in life.The time is here in this country to start helping these older folks in this country.If the gov. will not do more then,some of us younger people have to figure a way to do it.I'm not talking about someone who is able but won't work.I mean people who are old and unabled to work anymore.If drug addicts and drunkards are getting assistence,and beleive me i know of plenty who are,then our older folks should get more help also.Those of us that sit back and act like there is not a problem will see soon enough if things don't change in this country.Everyone can't have jobs making 20 to 30 bucks an hour with 401k plans.What about people driving 50 to 75 miles one way to jobs where they are making 8 bucks an hour? And paying over $3.00 a gallon for gas.The ones making the big $$$ tend to sit back and look down their nose at these people.Well i'm sorry but they are a part of this country also.Things are getting in a mess and if attitudes don't change then nothing else is going to.

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02-03-2008 15:00:50

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 10:18:35  
OLD FORD MECHANIC, What you said here is nothing but truth. This country is in real trouble big time. Our politicians could not care less! They say in their campaigns " CHANGE" sure my AS? ! If any of them cared, we would not be in this mess!

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Roy in georgia

02-03-2008 10:29:06

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 10:18:35  
yep the drug addicts get looked at as oh poor thing you have a disease we need to help you thats crap. I myself have never tried ANY illegal drugs. Sure I smoked cigarettes and drank a little when I was younger but never wanted to try the other stuff. So when I see someone begging for $ to feed their addiction I turn away. And before some say it would be different if it was your family "not" my brother is an addict my sister-in-law is also and I won't help them so why should I help a stranger thats an addict I watched both ruin their lives and I have no regrets.If they were to turn it around I would be the first to help in any I can

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02-03-2008 10:03:41

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Things are bad and are going to get worse, before it gets better. The post war (WW2) boom is over...way over, in fact it was over 15-20 years ago. But, we the people, got used to enjoying the sheer luxury that working class people had never known before (the war) and never will again. Our spending habits didn"t change as the boom faded.in fact, they got worse. Yank out the plastic and charge it....have it NOW, worry about paying later.

So what has that got to do with old folks and no heat/medicine/so forth? I"ll tell you.

The old folks of today....are a product of the post war era, like I/we are. They became adults after the Depression and believed FDR"s New Deal would save them from what their parents suffered through, before there was a Social Security Administration and 99 other alphabet agencies, supposedly designed to save us from ourselves. But....the Boom ended about time the old folks were retiring. Their children (that"d be me..I"m 50) were used to having the benefits of the Boom years..I entered the work force before the boom was over in the late 70"s. Things were great! I made great wages, the best benefits, and working conditions were superb. I also seen all that end by the late 80"s.

Greed at the top began to take a sickening turn. The robber barons running the show weren"t happy to make $5 million a year...no....they wanted $20 million. The way to get it was....screw the workforce. Take the benefits away and end pay raises....so they could stick that in their pockets. The manufacturers decided to go to China and Mexico and India where they have no EPA, little to no taxes and pay .30 cents an hour to produce their goods...which they bring back here and dump on the market. We blame the Chinese....it"s not their fault. No...they welcome the greedy American moguls who come to invest their billions, so they can maximize profits. The manufacturers don"t want to pay us to make the goods...but they expect us to buy them.

Okay...so what does this economic lecture have to do with poor old folks? All those FDR social plans still in place that the old folks depend on, are funded by an ever decreasing tax base...while the mouths feeding from the pot are growing. In order to keep SS alive....the Government keeps increasing the taxes...this reduces take home pay..which reduces the standard of living for the working class. Pay more, get less.

Either the politicos running the show are going to have to grow some balls and do something, or a collapse will come. Then perhaps a Revolution. Change must happen.

Old folks can take a Homestead exemption on their house taxes..that should lower their taxes quite a bit. There are prescription programs available for those who cannot afford them....I know, I am on one. These folks need to talk to their doctor about it. I did and was introduced to a patient advocate from a local hospital and she set me up in a program that provides me with over $500 of medicine a month....free. How this works is: the Feds have never placed a cap on what the Pharmaceutical companies can charge for their goods in this country.....so they require that they give so much of it away for free. Of course they don"t tell it....but, there are people who know about it and can help you get the free medicines you need.

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02-03-2008 14:01:20

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to mark, 02-03-2008 10:03:41  
My exact thoughts of how things were,and how they unfolded. So many scratch there heads,and wonder what happened.

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Roy in georgia

02-03-2008 10:17:40

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to mark, 02-03-2008 10:03:41  
I agree on that manufacturing bring it back to the states and we will all see a change make it uninviting to have stuff manufactured in other countries like tax it till no end tie it up in paper work get a hold on the $ being sent out of country by illegal immigrants (that will make it uninviting for most to come here illegally) that just my thoughts can I get a (heck yeah!!)

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MN Scott

02-03-2008 09:53:18

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
There should be public heating assinstance avaiable to low income houseolds in your area. The federal goverment sure budgets a pile of money for it! Contact your local social services department. I have knowen of millionares of that generation locally living without heat when they get to that age. They get to thinking they can't spend money, flashback to their childhoods in the depression. Might be time to get them help thru the social services department of your county.

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36 coupe

02-03-2008 17:42:49

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to MN Scott, 02-03-2008 09:53:18  
Social Services???Heat assistance wil get you about 500.00, will buy 147 gallons of fuel oil here.A single old person can get 10.00 worth of food stamps per month here.Our town voted 2000.00 for welfare last year, in 1889 they voted 1000.00.I have had several people tell me they tried to get help from the town with a promise to repay.No dice.Ive brought people firewood and food over the years and its getting worse now.I would like to donate money to a church run fuel fund but I cant do it.73 % of the welfare dollar goes to administration.Profession moochers get the leavings.

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02-03-2008 09:48:55

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Aren't you in a state where you have emergency fuel assistance? Have you contactet any church or charitable organizations? Is he a veteran?

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02-03-2008 09:39:35

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
ROB you all heart

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Rob in Indiana

02-03-2008 09:43:13

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to jakee, 02-03-2008 09:39:35  
just asking a question. sometimes the truth hurts.

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john in la

02-03-2008 14:03:37

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Rob in Indiana, 02-03-2008 09:43:13  
Rob you have a point but if you really dig for the truth in your question I think you will find that some need help when they get older or can not work. I do not think anyone is talking hand outs here.

Figure this families S.S. payments over the 45+ years they have worked. Now tell me the government is giving them a fair amount each month based on payments in and interest money made.
I think not..... .....

Now on the other hand if you want to talk about welfare or food stamps to someone to LAZY or high to work then you do have a point.

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Roy in georgia

02-03-2008 17:02:26

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to john in la, 02-03-2008 14:03:37  
rite on John my thoughts exactly

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Joe in MN.

02-03-2008 10:15:29

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Rob in Indiana, 02-03-2008 09:43:13  
AMEN to that !!!!

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Rob in Indiana

02-03-2008 09:29:22

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
not to sound cold but who should step up and bail them out because they did not save,invest, and otherwise provide for their sunset years.....

Whos job is it, goverments? Big business?

anyone who is depending on a fixed goverment pension alone for retirement has missed the boat.

People need to learn to take care of themselves with looking to the goverment or charity.

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02-03-2008 14:59:19

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Rob in Indiana, 02-03-2008 09:29:22  
Not everyone has been fortunate enough to save up a ton for retirement.With 10% inflation predicted and stagnant wages none of us may have a retirement.My 401K has taken a pounding lately..I sincerely hope that you never fall on hard times.

These old people arent asking anyone to help them.It looks like their neighbors and friends are going to help them which is great.If they dont come up with enough money I'm in.

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Rob in Indiana

02-04-2008 01:47:12

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to 1206SWMO, 02-03-2008 14:59:19  
Ive experienced my share of hard times, illness and death of a daughter leaving me a mountain of medical bills, divorce, and job loss, But I never lived outside of my means.

I also manage to put a few dollars away each week for my future

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02-03-2008 15:24:56

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to 1206SWMO, 02-03-2008 14:59:19  
Yeah, my 401k isn"t doing all that well this year either. I saw several of my coworkers delay retirement after the 2001 - 2003 crunch. I talked to one of our new "2nd tier" workers last week. At 14.50 per hour, I doubht that he will put the 15K max in his 401k, and they don"t get a pension. How are these guys going to help their parents when they can"t help themselves?

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flying belgian

02-03-2008 12:20:06

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Rob in Indiana, 02-03-2008 09:29:22  
I am living comfortably now and expect to in my golden years. However I got real lucky with some of the decisions and investments I made in the past. I am well aware that some of the risks I took could easily have turned out differently and I would be looking for government handout. I am thankful everyday for what I have.

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Roy in georgia

02-03-2008 10:09:16

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Rob in Indiana, 02-03-2008 09:29:22  
I myself see what you are saying but how are you to know that these people didn't have to work to support their parents in their (sunset) years I work as much as I can and still can't seem to save a penny this computer is for learning and making $ or I wouldn't have it either but you could have wished them well or at least said something about the importance of saving for the future your comment seems a little cold thats my opinion you have yours and I respect it just disagree on how you stated it. I hope in a few years I will have the things off my back so I can save for my elder years so this don't happen to me and my wife we should all want to help if we can for those who struggled to make it and didn't. If they have always depended on others or the gov't to get by because they were lazy that is a whole different situation but because they are both receiving a pension I am sure they both worked to make both ends meet so to speak. My mother lives alone and still works her husband died this past year and his ex-wife is drawing his social security his ex was only with him 2-3 years but didn't get divorced till he met my mother and needed to over ten years later he was married to my mom for almost 20 years and now his ex is drawing $ for nothing and my mom has to wait 3 more years to get his S S and the other woman tried to take his death benefit check thats the kind of people I don't feel sorry for when they get what they deserve.

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02-03-2008 09:23:05

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Visit down here in MS.Delta a moment...where 60% of the pop. lives on the Gov. dole system...they make there living the 1st. & 15th. of each Mo....they drive new cars because they don't have to pay for housing or food it's Gov. furnished...they receive a check for each child they have out of wedlock $286. per child...I know some households that do not have anyone working but receive over $5000. in Gov. .!!..I'm 59 with no retirement & have a disabled wife & work [2] jobs to make ends meet...I feel for this couple because I'm headed in the same direction hope to work long enough to get my house paid for [5] more years...would love to move out of this cesspool...it's good to see someone cares ...Kent

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02-03-2008 09:10:01

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  

To Old Ford Mechanic; You are a GOOD MAN,there are a lot of old folks in the same ship, kids don't help,goverment no help,have no idea what is going on Ken

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DW in indy

02-03-2008 09:07:21

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
This should not be happening in America. And your right, the rich get richer and the poor get the shaft. Like I was told, one day there will be no middle class. You will be rich or you will be poor and every day it is getting closer and closer to that. People in this country do not realize how bad off it really is and it's getting worse. If I knew where to send a check to get them some heat, it wouldn't be alot but I would sure contribute.I say help our own before we start helping everyone else in the world and it sounds like this couple sure needs it.

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02-03-2008 09:02:41

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Old Ford Mechanic, 02-03-2008 08:38:47  
Good that you are trying to help those folks! I'm an old folks, too, along with my dear wife. We live in the home we bought when we got married in 1950. I'm 83. My wife is 79. I receive a Govment disability check every month, for losing my left foot, in WW II! Every year, the cost of living goes up, but our income stays the same! So, i'm hoping we can keep our heads above water, until we both pass on. Getting tougher to do every year. Our esteemed (?) Governor has promised to lower our property taxes, by giving the OK to casinos, but the money always seems to go to some sport venue, the Steelers, Penguins, Pirates, and stadiums, ice hockey arenas and hockey teams, fixing roads, bridges, and into their pockets! And we get the crumbs that are left. Yes, it seems like the old folks get the short end of the stick. But!! The Govment says:"Come live in our funded homes for the elderly--no worries--no cost to you!" But, thats like living in the funny farm and where i'd be after a month of bad living, bad cooking, bad health, and indifference to our needs! the idea of stabling old folks in dormitories doesn't appeal to me. I have the idea those old folks didn't want to be herded into one of those (Dieing centers)! But would rateher stay in their own home. I know i would. So, we plug along, keeping out of the funny farm, and hope the weather warms up! I do a few lawn mower repairs, etc., to buy gasoline and a few groceries. My wife knows how to cook well, and how to keep us in our home, so i'm not worried too much, until the Sheriff comes knocking, saying we have to get out! Well, i saved our Motor home( A 1978 model) for just such an emergency, and we can live in it if need be! Somebody will have a flat spot where we can park it, hopefully! Yes, its a "free" country, but i haven't found the free part yet, except for the free speech part of it! But, watch whut ya say--the walls have ears!

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DW in indy

02-03-2008 09:38:48

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to rustyj, 02-03-2008 09:02:41  
To rustyj. You talked about the goverment helping the sports teams. Tell me, what part of that makes any sences? Tax payers funding stadiums for the multi millionairs that own the teams. Indy is building a new stadium that when all said and done will be 1 billion dollars, that's billion with a "B". I'm not saying the goverment in Indy should not be doing this,I'm saying no branch of goverment anywhere in the USA should be doing this. It's crazy,stupid and insane to be doing this when we have children and elderly in our own communities who need food, shelter,heat, medical attention and just the basics in life. I just can't believe the crazy things our goverment does day in and day out and they can't figure it out.

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Gun guru

02-03-2008 11:03:59

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to DW in indy, 02-03-2008 09:38:48  
Your right Why do these mega millionaires get to suck money out of the treasuries of states to build Their team a stadium. Makes you sick doesnt it.

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02-03-2008 17:22:19

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to Gun guru, 02-03-2008 11:03:59  
We are retired now. Sold out and moved south.We are fortunate that we were able to invest in our son's business and the returns are good. We would be like the couple mentoned in this post. Setting in our rocking chair wraped in blankets waiting for someone to bring us a bowl of soup.


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36 coupe

02-04-2008 14:27:37

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 Re: OT; What are the elderly going to do? in reply to steveormary, 02-03-2008 17:22:19  
People who have never been between a rock and a hard place just dont understand.Ignorance is bliss.Friend and I went by a place that has slot machines today, the parking lot was full of suckers.People will gamble away money that could be used to help neighbors instead.Your comfortable place in life can be wiped out in a few days by a stroke or heart attack.

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