12:24 08/03/09
| 12:24 08/03/09 What I've done so far:have serviced her fluids and have taken the rest of the sheet metal and fender off.
decided old fenders are too far gone so will order new. nose has hit a tree so needs grill and new front metal.
have had to cute, burn and cbeat out all the old and broken bolt sin the front axle leafs, as well as the fender mount bolts.
brakes ahve been adjusted and cleaned, but will likely get one more adjustment.. steering has been adjusted.
replaced fuel lines and leak off lines, fuel valve and serviced inline injector pump. replaced rad hoses and coolant. swapped in a matched set of front multi rib tires as fronts were different styles and sizes.
hood is off and i'm patching some pinholes in it.
have rebuilt gen and starter.
more pics to follow soon. | | |
17:30 08/05/09
| 17:30 08/05/09 more donehad to grind off some weldment that had held on part of a bumper bracket on the front axle leafs, then got the new hood nose installed after tweaking on it some.. had to remove the hose line nipples that are apparently for a newer model's oil cooler.. also had to remove a spacer where the bottom holes mount to the bolster.
got the oil bath air filter installed after tweaking the hood nose brackets, and chasing the threads.
started wire-wheeling and 3m-pad buffing on the folding hood center section. got about two thrids done.. patched some pin holes, still have a few more to do. | | |
| 21:35 08/06/09 hoodGot the hood buffed down to bare metal and shot some primer on it tonight!
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| 21:35 08/06/09 hoodGot the hood buffed down to bare metal and shot some primer on it tonight!
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| 22:00 08/08/09 dashgot the dash buffed down and primed today before work.
hope to finish up the dash cowling and fuel tank tomorrow am.
soundguy | | |
07:43 08/09/09
| 07:43 08/09/09 dash donegot the dash and cowling done today.
soundguy | | |
17:31 08/10/09
| 17:31 08/10/09 8-10-09Got the rad rods and draglinks buffed clean to metal.. buffed the hydro pump and oil canister and removed, buffed and reinstalled / primed the hood catch plates, and oil bath air cleaner. removed and buffed and primed a small collection of other parts as well.
buffed and wire wheeled the front and rear rims.. got in impressive wire cup 'burn' on my right knee ( ouch! ).
took a 3m pad and whire wheel tot he chassie and knocked off all the loose paint.
will hopefully get to degrease and pressure wash tomorrow, and then hopefully start full scale priming on friday morning. | | |
16:22 08/11/09
| 16:22 08/11/09 washgot her degreased and then powerwashed, then used some purple power and another power wash.
she's officially ready for full scale priming.
soundguy | | |
| 07:15 08/13/09 minor setbackwhile taking the 3pt quadrant apart for primeing, i noticed the friction disc was broke and crumbled into my hand when prodded a bit.
went ahead and snatched the assy apart this am, should be able to get a new disc at lunch from cnh.. then slap it back together and finish priming tomorrow.
always something....
soundguy | | |
10:12 08/14/09
| 10:12 08/14/09 primerhad good weather today, got my 3pt quadrant friction disc replaced.. masked her off, and got some primer shot.
might actually get some color inthe next few days depending on weather. | | |
| 09:23 08/15/09 first colorshot my fenders, rims and centers today.
hope to maybee hit the chassie tomorrow am if the weather holds.
soundguy | | |
08:03 08/16/09
| 08:03 08/16/09 more colorgot some color shot this am.
got only a single run that I will need to sand out after the paint cures.
still got plenty of touch up and hand painting to do.
soundguy | | |
| 06:10 08/18/09 the runshad one run on the left front of the nose clip where the raised section is around the slot for the decal . I sanded it out and have reprimed it.. hope to reshoot that panel this afternoon if the weather holds.
soundguy | | |
06:11 08/19/09
| 06:11 08/19/09 finished colorgot my touch up painting and reshoot of the nose clip done yesterday.
got all the masking off of her as well.
still need to install fenders and stabilizer brackets, seat, and grill, bumper and decals before I can take her out and get her dirty mowing!
hopefully friday will be mowing day!
soudnguy | | |
11:38 08/20/09
| 11:38 08/20/09 99%got her assembled just as the rain started.
'test' drive was the mad dash to the barn.
still need to add lamps and such.
soundguy | | |
10:27 08/21/09
| 10:27 08/21/09 mowinggot the lamps and smv on.. did some mowing.. will probably blow some nh red on that tired old KK hog. | | |
14:16 08/31/09
| 14:16 08/31/09 added tool boxadded a tool box with custom bracket | | |