I retired young from my super stressful exec job so I could hunt and fish and raise a few race horses. It has been 13 years and I am still so busy I need to hire help. The health issues come,, whether you like it or not. I keep going, but hunting and fishing have taken a hit due to bad back, knees and old age slow down. However, I would do it again. I love my little farm and my daily chores, but it is expensive.
I watched many of my fellow execs retire and turn into angry old men. Many downsized so they don't even have a garden to dote on. These people suddenly have literally, nothing to do but wait to die.
They play a little golf and naturally their game gets worse every year, watch hours of stupid TV shows and spend their days on the internet ranting about the country going to hill.
You need to find something you really LOVE to do, then design a small place to do it. My friends that are into old cars have a little garage with a hoist, and a clean place to work behind the house.
Managing your investments is not a hobby, it gets very boring after a while. How many bond reports can you read excitedly?
Please don't become another member of the greatest complainers generation. The world has a lot of problems but they won't get fixed by old men ranting.
Have fun! If you can afford it ...retirement is the time to enjoy what you have always wanted to do....not to go to seed and get bitter.
There is a saying in the race horse game and it is really true. "No man ever committed suicide when he had a promising 2 year old colt in the barn".
So true, a man needs to look forward to enjoy life.
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Today's Featured Article - History of the Nuffield Tractor - by Anthony West. The Nuffield tractor story started in early 1945. The British government still reeling from the effects of the war on the economy, approached the Nuffield organization to see if they would design and build an "ALL NEW" British built wheeled tractor, suitable for both British and world farming.
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1945 Farmall wide body gas with pto and front plow. Runs good but needs new points.
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