When i rented mine i never asked how much rather what would you do with the land then i went and looked at there farms. I was at first wanting a young small farmer to get this place. The first kid i rented to wouldn't even bother saying hi he basically hobby farmed with dad's equipment and collected government payments only wanted to pay half what it's worth and expect to be given free to him when i die. The next kid could well be classified a bto farms with his dad and uncle always comes up and says hi does a lot for charity and pays good rent .There diversified and have always full time employees plus some are in there 60's and 70's. Now that i have extra money to work with i have been able to help several smaller farmers. I think the choice well be clear to what happens to my farm when I'm gone to make sure of that it's spelled out in a will plan and simple . I know of one farmer that never wanted one person to get his farm he went into a coma and while he was unconscious they gathered lawyer and judges went to his hospital room and declared him incompetent and later when he came out of his coma he found out what happened and gave up and passed away shortly afterwards. In my own case when the bank forged papers to get the farm one paper that was found was one i don't remember signing was a piece of paper giving the bank the right to decide who would buy my farm. That is why it's in a will that the renter has in his possession .
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Today's Featured Article - The River Tractor - by Charlie English Jr.. This is a 4010 John Deere that was used to farm on the Diamond Island which is in the Ohio River about 15 miles southwest of Evansville, Indiana. About ten years ago, this tractor was parked close to the bank as the river was washing the bank of the island away.
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1945 Farmall wide body gas with pto and front plow. Runs good but needs new points.
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