I've got one kid involved in band at school. It's totally self funding (except for instructor salary and classroom space). Athletics is the same way. The instructors/coaches teach classes also so you can't even say that their salary is a drag on the budget.
Football actually funds many of the other sports, especially girls sports. Every sport has a booster club. Each club is expected to raise money for their sport to cover equipment, supplies, uniforms, etc. Even transportation costs (school buses, drivers, charters) are charged back to the individual sport budget.
The kids have to buy lots of their supplies/equiipment also. They do this either through fundraisers or the parents cut a check. It's their choice.
Like I said above, football is the cash cow that funds everything. But if you offer football, you have to offer a girl's sport that isn't totally self funding (federal law, title 9). So you can't even pick and choose which sports to offer. Basketball/volleyball facilities (gyms) are used for other school functions, assembly, plays, you name it, something is always going on.
And I don't buy into the argument that some here try to use. "If the parents didn't have to donate or fundraise for athletics, they would have more money to donate to education." Won't happen, parents view their taxes as paying for education.
So if you cut out athletics entirely at my kid's school, there would be a very minor impact on the budget actually used for education. And some of the athletic facilities that are also used for other purposes would go away.
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