There is no system other than the computer that does the inventory. The 50+ pages of inventory aren't even in the same order as the shelves. That alone would speed up inventory 100 times. Say one row of coffee cans has 6 different part numbers. With anyone else's inventory, they would be listed one after the other on the inventory list so you could just start at one end and go through the whole shelf. With his so called system, you'd have to look through all 50+ pages of inventory lists to find each individual part number and some items are listed more than once using different part numbers for the same item. Like I said, this a very small shop. If it had 20,000 sq. ft. it would take all year to do the inventory. Some stuff has an inch thick layer of dust on it. He even has coffee and paper towels listed on the inventory, because he picks it up from Costco or Safeway to take to one of his customers. A lot of single items are picked up from a distributor and taken directly to the customer and don't even make it to the shop. It's certainly not put in inventory but gets put on the inventory list and you have to go through everything to make sure it's not there. Little things like an individual drill bit or a tap that you have to go through a big box of other small items to make sure it isn't there. I agree that it shouldn't take more than a day to do the inventory. If it was set up properly, 2 people would be able to do it in about 4 hours. My dad sold equipment and his business had a ton more inventory that I helped count. You had an inventory list that corresponded with the parts bins on the shelves. You could start at one end and go straight through the whole row of shelves and it was done. You didn't have to either match the parts to somewhere in the 50 pages of lists or run all over the shop looking for the next number on the list. Who can remember 200 part numbers that aren't sold everyday? It's much easier remebering what something is and where it's kept. Being able to see it and the other parts that go with it is real bonus. Like someone else said, that place was set up like a flee market booth. I ran into someone else that worked there and they said the same thing. Dave
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Today's Featured Article - Restoring a John Deere 2010 Diesel Tractor - by Jim Nielsen. Following seven years working in California's Silicon Valley, my wife, baby son and I moved back to Australia to retire. We bought a small 'farm' of about 50 acres near Bendigo, in the state of Victoria. I soon found that it would be very useful to have a tractor around the place for things such as grading our long drive and brush-hogging the fields. I was also embarking on planting 1000 eucalyptus trees, and hence I would need a ripper, small disk plow, sprayer etc. to get these things accompli
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